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Everything posted by Morloc

  1. I've been a big fan of ghostly pale Boo Bees since...well, forever. I also miss the old 7D2D bees. We're good with other mutations, so why not the bees? I know the vultures sort of took their place, but there's nothing wrong with two air menaces! -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  2. Construction seems to draw the Screamers more than I recall from the past. I have maybe 6 candles, 1 new lamp, 1 old lamp for light. and my various production fires only run a couple minutes at a time....EXCEPT for my stone burner which is always running, and two cement mixers to support it. I don't see any Screamers until I start working on my horde killer. They always show up then, and sometimes a second wave soon after. They're all irradiated (not sure there are any other sorts on v1.0?) -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  3. More heat with construction or more sensitive Screamers these days? -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  4. I start with STR because I generally don't use ranged weapons (except for pulling with a bow while stealthed) until I can create a solid kill structure for horde nights. Miner 49er is also important to me. Once I get it to STR level 5 and bring the Clubs perk up to level 3, I diversify greatly. I always underestimate how valuable INT's Physician is. I would not be averse to giving up Shotguns from STR to balance it better (trade it for Machine Guns?), though I'm not sure it has enough of an INT "feel" to move it there. -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  5. Lol...I can actually feel the heat from your burning nerves! 🤣 -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  6. Pretty much when they added trader Jen. ...but seriously, think of the wolf as just another example of weird mutations from the virus... Wights Screamers Spider Zombies Mutated Zombies Gracie! Police officers that spew acid and explode -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  7. Much too bright. I'm not sure the "Brightness" slider fixes this right. Progression is good. Food was tight (a good thing) for quite a while. Bike is a little weird when dismounting. New POI's are fun! Send....more....cloth. -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  8. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 TI 12GB Is anyone else using this card? The graphics are fine, but the fans ramp up on the card so high it sounds like 2 hair dryers running (seriously). Seems to mostly happen in foresty areas. This was the case in the alpha as well. I'm running on the higher (but not all maxed) visual settings. I haven't tried redoing the thermal paste/pads yet, but I've heard this card is known to be problematic. -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  9. It may be my imagination, but there do seem to be more of the spin-lunge moves being executed -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  10. While the game is very much balanced around the backpack we have, I wouldn't mind seeing a very rare item or two that would allow you to add an additional row of slots to the backpack. Expanding by two rows might mean that you couldn't use all the slots without encumbrance even with pockets and perks. One or both of these items should probably have a mobility/stamina hit too making it a tough choice to install. -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  11. A Q6 Taza's Stone Axe would go a long way toward easing this. -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  12. Now THAT is an interesting/good question! -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  13. ...so, essentially what you're saying here is that LBD might be coming back...right? -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  14. Discord is such a steaming pile of crap. "Just need to verify your phone number" "No, not that phone" "We're sending you the code!" "Something went wrong, probably our fault" "We're sending you the code!" ...k...entered code and..........Enter, clicking, staring, praying....nothing works. Try again. "You screwed up too many times and now need to play Captcha" "We're sending you the code!" "Sorry, that number is already in use. Give us another number" ...but, if it's in use, can't I just enter a password or something? Bah.
  15. I'm trying to wrap my head around that one. -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  16. I have never felt such empathy with.....Hilter. 😖 -Arch Neromeister Morloc 💀
  17. Rimworld. (It does have 98% the last time I looked, and that's with nearly as many reviews as Skyrim over a decade). 😘 7D2D will always be special though. (I don't have a Rimworld T-shirt after-all!). At nearly 7500 hrs, 7D2D is my 2nd most played game. I think. 'Cause there was pre-Steam. -Arch Necromacner Morloc 💀
  18. Yet...how hard would it be to differentiate between claimed stuff, and basic POI stuff? -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  19. Thank you! -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  20. Trader Jen once helped me out with one of those "and so on" things. Only a tiny bit of resources were ultimately sucked up. -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  21. The Council Of Druids cannot agree. -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  22. Grim Dawn also has incremental set bonuses beginning at the 2nd item. -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
  23. OK....Three nuns are staying at a hotel. They check in and the clerk charges them $30.00 Later the clerk remembers they were having a sale/discount, and the room should have only cost $25.00 He brings 5 one-dollar bills to their room, but realizes he can't evenly divide the $5 amongst the 3 nuns, so he keeps $2 for himself. So....The nuns have paid at total of $27, and the clerk kept $2....$29 total. What happened to the missing dollar!!?? -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀
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