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Laz Man

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Everything posted by Laz Man

  1. Without your editor, theres a good chance there would be no custom prefabs for A16 And hurry up with your tower so everyone can be amazed at all the fine craftsmanship .
  2. Mag, set the block density of the organic block to -92 and leave the density on the square block alone. This works for me to get a smooth transition. If that doesnt work try the other way around. Im not on my pc to confirm atm.
  3. I had to increase the depth of the prison by 6 layers to get that room to look like that in 16.3. This means the entire prefab will grow in size for more fun/exploration.
  4. C Block Reference Picture: Alpha 13.6: Alpha 16.3:
  5. Sounds like he needs to mirror a prefab not rotate it. I don't think thats possible with the editor?
  6. I have a 3rd due in february - - - Updated - - - I feel like TFPs sometimes. I have given time frames before only for things to come and blow them out of the water.... Rest assured when I do release, it will be a mind blowing experience worthy of the tv show.
  7. Alittle bit of both lol. My free time is mainly consumed by 2 x 11 month year olds
  8. Great hospital. Those sleeper spawns really makes the place come alive.
  9. Still working on updating for A16. Roughly 50% done.
  10. Does this feature work already? There are a lot of concrete poles in TWD prison with incorrect textures. It would be great if I could clear all these blocks back to their default texture.
  11. I apologize for the lack of explanation. Hopefully the following helps. Step 1) Install Hal's DLL file and Empty World Step 2) Enable DM via the console. Step 3) Enable flight so you character stops falling. Step 4) Enable edit mode via "bbb ee" command. Step 5) Load desired prefab for editing via consolte command "prefab load <prefabname>" Step 6) Press ESC, and disable physics via the corresponding check box. Step 7) Begin adding/removing blocks and/or painting. Step 8) Save the changes to your prefab via the console command "prefab save <prefabname>" By following these steps, I never have to specify the coordinates of the prefab for exporting which saves me time. I could then open the saved prefab within your editor make changes there, and then load it back into the same empty world without having to open/close the gameworld. In general, I use your editor to do macro editing (multiple rows/columns/layers of blocks + sleeper volumes) and do micro editing and painting within Hal's empty world.
  12. This video from slaan should answer all your questions
  13. For android users, u cant open the spoiler tag unless viewing in desktop view. Random note: last time i saved via ctrl+s, it forces your view to side/front. Kinda annoying but not the end of the world.
  14. Did you check the OP for the list of existing shortcuts?
  15. We think alike. I came up with the same idea but slightly different. My variation involved a sleeper fully enclosed by barrels. Waking the sleeper would cause it to claw away and BOOM. Was saving the idea for a new prefab i had planned. I like the idea of throwing the mine in there. Ensures detonation as long as the sleeper spawns in.
  16. Thanks jack for the tutorial. It will undoubtedly help folks interested in prefab creation. One pro tip id like to add is the ability to load/edit/save prefabs from hals empty world. This allows you to skip having to specify coords when saving. You just have to remember to disable physics when building in hals empty world.
  17. Nice! I have to test that out. Will the sleeper survive that drop tho? Hehe.
  18. It may depend on the type of trap block you use. Check my video where a couple of zeds walk over the 3x3 trap floor without collapsing it. I wonder if that gave Gobarg a false sense of security when he tried to walk over it lol.... A good prefab to checkout is the vanilla pawn shop. I vaguely remember walking into that POI and having a ton of zombies come crashing through the drop ceiling.
  19. I am not familiar with coppi mod. If your import is done live within game, that might be your problem as I don't think the sleeper data within the prefabs xml file is loaded until you exit and restart the game? I will defer to someone else familiar with coppi mod.
  20. How are loading and testing? When i would test the sleeper spawns with my mcdowell i would load it in navesgane at a specific coord within the world xml. After the sleepers are cleared, simply deleting the region files wont make them respawn. May have to delete the hub data files as well but im not certain.
  21. Hal Laboratories from the hal9000 movies
  22. Your awesome pille! Thank you for all your hard work. Is there a type of prefab you would like created? I feel like both you and Hal deserve a prefab created specifically after you 2. A few ideas: -Hal's Hardware (Hardware Store) -Hal's Hideaway (Bar) -Pille's Pantry (Restaurant or Grocery) -Pille's Pawnshop (General Store)
  23. Interesting Factoid: For A16, the corners of large prefabs don't get cutoff/cropped anymore when spawned in RWG. Thus, no longer needing to split large prefabs into separate .tts files. See pictures below of the prison spawned as part of the "industrial" prefab group. The Walking Dead Prison Distant POI Mesh: Close Up:
  24. Are these version specific issues? My mcdowells was fine paint wise.
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