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Laz Man

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Everything posted by Laz Man

  1. Biome progression will be addressed in the "Storm's Brewing" update planned for later this year.
  2. All of the factories are tagged for industrial.
  3. I dunno, you might be able to recreate that scene in the trailer if you turn on feral sense and go to a wasteland downtown city. 😎
  4. I am not aware of any other planned zombie model revamps apart from what has been shown recently on the animal side of things.
  5. Old model wasn't horrible but always reminded me like the B team guys from the expendable movies... 😃 The new look will pair better with the solider.
  6. Yes, coming in version 1.0. More details to follow when its ready to share.
  7. We plan to do some documentation at some point once changes have settled. As far as improvements / optimizations, a few did make it in for 1.0. Hope to get a few more in the future.
  8. Done, the cave POI I completed recently is a mine of sorts.
  9. Dolphins sound interesting but I just don't see their porpoise...😅
  10. Some of those are proof of concepts and/or facades for possible future content. They are not all guaranteed to go into production. Dishong is still currently the tallest skyscraper in A22 / 1.0. We are still focused on downtown remnant POIs currently, but it is still possible for extra unplanned content to squeeze in if we have time so there is still hope. Out of curiosity, what new POI would people like to see in A22 / 1.0 if you could only pick one? Sorry, no airports or yachts...😁
  11. We have a couple of new things shipping with A22 / 1.0 that should help in this area.
  12. Do you remember the name of the POI with the bathroom / living room? The trigger system has received some improvements in A22 but how they function is still mostly the same. Hopefully stealth gets some more love when bandits are worked in, but nothing definite yet.
  13. Yes, the new character system will be in 1.0 / A22.
  14. No bandits in 21 Alphas? If I remember correctly the first iteration of bandits were what the modders first used for their modded bandits. There was also a new version of bandits in testing / development prior to the release of A21. On the level design side, we talk about their implementation in levels all the time. I know it sucks having to wait, but can assure you progress is being made.
  15. Remnants are often referred to as non-questable POIs. They are great free form exploration locations and often are designed with the mindset that they can be taken over and retrofitted into player bases. Coincidently, they are more performant than questable POIs (e.g. less vert / tris).
  16. Have you submitted a bug report? If not, I encourage you to do so along with your game settings so QA can see if it's happening in A22.
  17. The history of RWG maps is an interesting one. I remember back in the days before tiles were introduced how POIs were placed strictly by code in a grid and felt very disconnected / unnatural. What I appreciate about the tile system is it eased some of the responsibility off of programming to create a natural looking city scape through code and pushed some of that responsibility onto the level designers. Although still not perfect I feel it was a huge improvement. We have some new RWG and tile updates coming in A22. Stay tuned. 😎
  18. Tile design is very intricate. There are alot of things to consider such as how many POI markers can fit into one and what variation of road placement can you have. For example, it is generally bad to design alot of roads on the edge of a tile since it creates strange parallel roads when 2 such tiles would happen to be placed next to each other.
  19. Imagine if all the roads were filled with vehicle models. That is more polys for the game to render when the player comes upon it. Downtown is already the heaviest district verts / tris wise. We also intentionally design spaces for players to drive their vehicles through in tiles and POIs.
  20. Maybe we can create some more road/tile parts similar to what we do in intersections. There is a careful balance we have to maintain in performance and spacing when it comes to POIs. Especially in the downtown areas.
  21. I think Jiggle physics has received an optimization pass in A22 but not 100% sure. I recall it being talked about (e.g. disabled at a certain distance). We have several remnant strips being worked on currently which will add to the variety and help with downtown city performance.
  22. Although this console footage, this does provide a glimpse of the state of A22 for anyone interested.
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