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Posts posted by KingSlayerGM

  1. 3 minutes ago, scallipus said:

    Today I released a community map for King Gen, its based on the Australian Digital Elevation Map data set.

    I have put a completed world up on my  scallisgaming wbsite for download.

    Here is the direct download link to the world archive



    It's a 7zip archive and to use it, unpack it and copy the directory that unpacks to your 7 days to die GeneratedWorlds folder and start a new game :)

    It uses vanilla poi's (inb4uask)

    Feel free to use the map however you like, It's for you - The 7 Days To Die Community to play with :) 

    And here is a preview of the map


    It looks very nice, thank you for sharing :)

  2. 1 minute ago, DJQuad said:

    This is an awesome tool! In order to not reinvent the wheel, does anyone have a heightmap for Navezgane?


    I'm not very good at drawing due to a disability but I'm trying to recreate (or make something similar to) the canyon, including the mine, exits, gift shop, and broken bridges. 


    Also, are there any plans on adding support for using custom prefabs rather than editing prefabs.xml

    Hi and welcome!


    You will be happy to know that you can already use custom prefabs :) to do so you need to supply KG with a poi list. You can write that by hand, or you can let KG generate one for you starting from a prefabs folder, or you can use a poi list available online, for example the Compo Pack provides its list. You can find more info about this on the first page.

  3. 1 minute ago, scallipus said:

    No probs will do @KingSlayerGM


    Also so you know, I just finished the first public release of my biome editing tool earlier today and have included palettes for the current selection of biomes, kinggens city / town / villiage and no poi regions as well as a palette for the zones.

    I will work on allowing having the heightmap as a background image layer to help with making the poi placement and zoning maps and will look at wether or not its possible to add a water map editor to it as well.

    I've posted the links to the biome editor in separate tools threa

    I'll check it out!

  4. 24 minutes ago, Charger265 said:

    I would really appreciate some insight into where i am going wrong.
    Currently trying to generate maps using WOW (War of the Walkers) poi list. I am guessing is a format issue as you clearly state that all prefabs that done meet the specific rules they are ignored which is exactly what is happening.
    My thinking was to use the in app poi gen tool which provides the below format
    Vanilla poi: water_tower_03,21,21,24,-1,2,burnt_forest/snow/pine_forest/desert/wasteland,town/rural/city,residentialold/industrial/residentialnew
    WOW poi: wotw_Business_AutoShop1,32,15,32,-5,0,burnt_forest/snow/pine_forest/desert/wasteland,,commercial
    I guess the question is what do i need to edit in the prefabs to make them work with Kingen?

    It looks like in your example the wow poi is missing the township attribute. Township can be city, town, rural and wilderness.


    You have 2 options to fix it:


    1) you change it in the poi list generated by KG.


    2) you change it in the poi xml and then generate a new poi list. If you want to know how, just open the xml of a vanilla poi and there you will find the township property.


    Does this happen with just one poi or with all of them? Perhaps you should contact the author of wow to inform him of this.

  5. Community heightmaps!

    Hello everyone! I am pleased to announce that the next version of KingGen will support community heightmaps. Users will be able to share their creations with the community so that others can enjoy them too!


    How it works

    Community members can submit their heightmaps to this google form. Heightmaps will be stored on a server from which they can be downloaded by KingGen with just a click. Users will see them from within KingGen and they will be able to select and download what they like. Everybody is welcome to submit heightmaps.



    Heightmap files must be grayscale png images, either 8bit or 16 bit. They must match the size of the world they are meant for. For example 4K, 6K, 8K, 10K, 12K, 14K and 16K use 4096x4096, 6144x6144, 8192x8192, 10240x10240, 12288x12288, 14336x14336 and 16384x16384 images respectively.




    Heightmaps can be about anything! They can be countries, animal silhouettes, mystic lands, geometric shapes... Anything! Let you imagination wonder freely.




    I would like to extend a special invitation to take part in this effort to @Cpt Krunch, @scallipus, @Wolves Hero and @Tallman Brad from which I have seen some wonderful creations in the past!

    Here are some community heightmaps I love:


    On 6/10/2021 at 11:02 PM, Wolves Hero said:


    On 6/3/2021 at 10:04 PM, Wolves Hero said:

    7DtD bug 1.png


  6. 1 hour ago, gpcstargate said:

    I was able to get an 8k to load on here .... this one shows the NE corner not connected by road to the rest of map (top area North down along the East side to desert)  Hope that helps. ........ I also was able to make 1 map that was void of Traders for the most part of the center to the lower half of the map as in a upside down cone and had about 5 cities in it boundaries. ...... And even this one is pretty lacking in Traders with setting at increased.  "setting for desert, snow and burnt were on small"


    Thank again for your time ... the Old Gamer .. 😌  ........................................... pj 75 in Aug, does that help .. LOl 😊


    I might have fixed the roads problem. The algorithm now checks all possible pairs of cities and if there is no obstruction in between, then a road is generated to connect them.

  7. 28 minutes ago, gpcstargate said:


    I was able to get an 8k to load on here .... this one shows the NE corner not connected by road to the rest of map (top area North down along the East side to desert)  Hope that helps. ........ I also was able to make 1 map that was void of Traders for the most part of the center to the lower half of the map as in a upside down cone and had about 5 cities in it boundaries. ...... And even this one is pretty lacking in Traders with setting at increased.  "setting for desert, snow and burnt were on small"


    Thank again for your time ... the Old Gamer .. 😌  ........................................... pj 75 in Aug, does that help .. LOl 😊


    Yeah, there should be a couple more roads connecting the NE cities with the rest... I will tweak the algorithm.


    Traders seem abundant.

  8. 2 hours ago, gpcstargate said:


    There is one or the other the way I read it .. not .. "1 in both a city and town at the same time" .. basically you would be doubling the traders.


    The upload was only 40.6 mb so it should have gone .. even tried one with just the map as a separate load and still won't. 

    What I thought might work with raising height map from 60 to 61 was a disaster, won't do that again .. most every place that had buildings on it .. looked like this .. Lol.


    I'll watch your video's on " How To " and see it might help or this old brain takes it in ... Thank again and I will be back ... the Old Gamer .. 😌

    7 Days to Die Screenshot 2021.06.16 -


    Regarding traders: the text might say just cities, but actually it is both cities and towns.... I don't think you need more options, you can already control pretty well how many traders you will have.

    The screenshot you posted has nothing to do with the heightmap offset. The buildings you are looking at are in a village on a mountain, where the terrain underneath is uneven. You can see that KG is trying to smooth it out.

  9. 8 minutes ago, gpcstargate said:


    I tried several times to upload a 10k map, that I just made today from KingGen v10  ... which 10k and larger are the ones that seem to have most issues .. but they keep getting error message "error 200" ..... The 8k don't seem to have an issue with roads.


    Cities and Towns may have 1 trader each ..... or ..... 1 trader per city and town 

    Perhaps you are trying to upload an image that is too big...

    The option to put traders in towns and cities is already in KG

  10. 18 minutes ago, gpcstargate said:

    Good day  KingslayerGM


    A couple of question ..

    How would I go about connecting all the cities with at least 1 roadway in and out .. in simple terms for this 74yr old gamer. Because it seems that every map I make at least 50% are not connect .. other than overland express. (or maybe a option to do so)


    Also .. you've done a great job with increased Traders .. but could you add "cities and towns" as an option .. OK, I admit it .. I like traders in a game, maybe more Jen's would be nice, Lol. .. Also I was thinking maybe a option for "unprotected traders" if that is even possible in the future. 


    Thank you for adding a simple height adjustment, because some of cities are having issues with roads being lower than the buildings and you get that float effect as in the picture .. So I was thinking if I raise the height map by 1 .. it would help, so in my latest map I set it to 61 and hope that will work.


    Anyway .. I do enjoy your mod system. Take Care and Be Safe ... the Old Gamer .. 😌


    This is the wall of the Nuclear powerplant from CP47 for your mod .. but I get it with vanilla poi's also.

    7 Days to Die Screenshot 2021.06.09 -

    Roads are still a work in progress. Please share screenshots of maps where there should be a road but KG did not generate it. So I can understand what's going on...

    What's the option "cities and towns"?

    I can't change the protection of traders... that is a game thing, I do not control that in the generation.

    Regarding the floating blocks. I have noticed that the game lowers the generated heightmap by around 0.5 blocks, maybe less... Perhaps if I added 0.5 everywhere the problem would be fixed... I have to test that.

  11. 5 hours ago, Tallman Brad said:

    Here's another example of the extended road bug.




    Then out the other way



      Reveal hidden contents

    biomes_map=C:/Users/golob/Desktop/kinggen/Maps/united-kingdom-8192landbridgesgaus biomes.png
    default_biome=pine forest
    default_biome_tools=pine forest
    pois_list=C:/Users/golob/Desktop/kinggen/A19.4 CP47 KingGen/KingGen Prefablist(vanilla inc)/CompoPackandVanilla original - Copy


    What system do you use to share files so I can send you the heightmap and biome pngs?

    Sorry, can you give me the name of the file to get the seed from?


    I replicated the bug, but I am still trying to figure out what's going on...

  12. 1 minute ago, Tallman Brad said:

    Here's another example of the extended road bug.




    Then out the other way



      Reveal hidden contents

    biomes_map=C:/Users/golob/Desktop/kinggen/Maps/united-kingdom-8192landbridgesgaus biomes.png
    default_biome=pine forest
    default_biome_tools=pine forest
    pois_list=C:/Users/golob/Desktop/kinggen/A19.4 CP47 KingGen/KingGen Prefablist(vanilla inc)/CompoPackandVanilla original - Copy


    What system do you use to share files so I can send you the heightmap and biome pngs?

    Thanks, could you send the files via discord? You can find me in the compopack server.


    Or you can send me a wetransfer link.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Pra3t0r 0f R0m3 said:

    What I meant was, it's mostly avoiding the Pine Forest, and placing cities on Desert, Burnt Forest, and Wasteland...I spose I should have worded it that way lol.

    Anywho, yes, I have now moved it to Huge to see if it will place more cities in the Pine Forest. Also, they are 14k.

    Yeah, the actual reason is that cities avoid mountains, it has nothing to do with the biomes themselves.


    In your image though, it looks like about 50% of cities are in the pine forest, which isn't bad IMO. But yeah, you can always customize the biomes.png map.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Pra3t0r 0f R0m3 said:

    Hey there, just wondering why the cities default to all the biomes but Pine Forest for the most part...and how I can change that.


    Here is an example of the many I have attempted to generate:


    14k wth.png

    If you look carefully you will notice that actually cities are avoiding the snow biome. This is because the snow biome only appears on top of mountains and cities want to spawn on flat land. You can change the generated biome files if you wish. You can also supply your own custom biomes file to the generation.


    btw, which size is this map? Did you use the option large spacing?

  15. 2 minutes ago, Tallman Brad said:

    I've never heard the term before but it makes complete sense and it is a useful way to describe what you are looking for. 

    Unfortunately that's my minimum. I've only seen it while working on a custom height map and biome. 

    If I get time today I'll experiment further and see if I can reproduce the error. However it is solved by re generating the map. So that suggests the needs to be a specific combination of elements to trigger the error.


    If I was to speculate, perhaps a poi is dropped at the highest point of a mountain next to another poi which is at the lowest height, causing the sheer vertical wall that occurs occasionally, and the calculations for the road to start at one pregen height and end at another pregen height cause an issue?

    ok, so if you can, please share the pngs that you used and the config file. Also I need the seed that causes the bug. If you did not secify a seed, you can find it inside the generated world, inside the config file of the world.

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