In Localization.txt you remove the last 6 vanilla lines (probably by mistake) and when you drink water or use an item that removes extinguishFireBuff the text is messed up.
Here are the missing lines:
inpActGuiLeftclick,UI,Controls Dialog,,UI primary click,,,,
inpActGuiRightclick,UI,Controls Dialog,,UI secondary click,,,,
ttBedrollGone,UI,Tooltip,New,Your bedroll is gone,,Dein Schlafsack ist verschwunden,,
extinguishFireBuffName,buffs,Buff,New,Extinguish Fire,,Lِsche Feuer,,
extinguishFireBuffDesc,buffs,Buff,New,If you happen to be on fire then this will put out the fire and prevent another while the buff remains active.,,Solltest Du in Flammen stehen dann lِscht dies das Feuer und verhindert ein neues solange der Effekt aktiv ist.,,
DroppedLootContainer,entityclasses,Entity Info,New,Dropped Loot,,,,