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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. Sorry for the trouble. Sounds like your anti-virus may have nuked it. Did you download the 7d2dmodlauncher.exe and try it?
  2. Those steps are correct. I understand your frustration with the bug.
  3. You set your Steam folder to be Alpha 16.2, then used the Mod Launcher to create the Mod / Play?
  4. There is a bug in vanilla that random game chunks seem to get reset. It's a terrible feeling to have one's base disappear, and I'm sorry you had to experience it. It has happened to many people in the past.
  5. Thank you. No issue so far. Can you now try to press the Play button for the mod, then re-upload the log file?
  6. Okay, let's see what the issue is. Can you click on the View menu, then go to Log Files? Select the 7d2dlauncher.txt, and click on Upload Log file. Then copy and paste the pastebin.com link here.
  7. Did you apply your own bigger back pack mod? Like JaxTeller718 said, it's already included, and would likely break the mod.
  8. Sorry for the trouble. What was the issue with the Mod Launcher? I may be able to help you.
  9. Correct about the Zombie Texture Replacement: No No on the server. You won't be able to boot the server with it applied. The patch is distributed and patched through the Mod Launcher at run time, so it won't accidentally apply to a server, even if it was accidentally uploaded.
  10. You should be able to go into TempMods, and copy the 7DaysToDieServer_Data, Mods, and Data folder, and just upload that to the dedicated. The 7DaysToDie_Data can be safely ignored for the server. Unfortunately, the Mods folder is the biggest, and is required for both server and client, afaik.
  11. Original design was to download direct zip files. Master.zip is generated on the fly per request. It was always considered 'latest'. All github mods could be switched to DownloadMode enabled, but would require testing so that current users wouldn't be negatively impacted. Some people's ISPs are filtering GitHub API requests, but not the master.zip download. It's weird, but it's the cards that we were dealt.
  12. Valoween, according to the Insight Graphs: This method would likely only work if the DownloadMode was set to Clone. Currently, XML mods are usually direct downloads from the master.zip, and aren't counted. Larger mods, like SDX-based ones, are usually set to be Clone. Looks like a monthly view? That may work with some
  13. Yes, we discovered this bug a few hours ago. Will release a patch in a day or so.
  14. A full Launcher Config has the option to Exclude files and folders, but My Mods doesn't yet.
  15. Thank you for your kind words. Here's to a positive modding future
  16. Sounds like a bug. I'll take a look at it and see if I can get it fixed.
  17. Two ways: Disable the Refresh Mods Automatically, then copy the new DLL and files directly into TempMods. Then use the Mod Launcher as normal. or Copy the files into the environment, after running Starvation Mod once through the Launcher, then manually copy the files in as you've been doing. From then on, just launch 7daystodie.exe directly, without using the Mod Launcher. - - - Updated - - - It's client-side only, however, some Mods do package in their server files, which can be found under the TempMods folder, if they do. - - - Updated - - - INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Copying D:\Games\7D2D\My_Mods\SMX_BigBag_plus_Lawnmower\TempMods\7DaysToDieServer_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll to D:\Games\7D2D\My_Mods\SMX_BigBag_plus_Lawnmower\7DaysToDie_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll Looks like things were working, but then copied over the Server's DLL into your game folder. Try to exclude it from your zip file, and see if it works better for you.
  18. The Launcher has two ways to download: 1) Through the GitHub API 2) Direct Download It appears that more ISPs are starting to block GitHub's API calls. If you check on the Direct Download, does it work better for you?
  19. Sorry for the trouble. Typically, when the Mod Listing is blocked, Disabling SSL will help resolve it. Something his blocking it; either a firewall, anti-virus, or his ISP. Sadly, I do not know of any other way to circumvent it, other than Disabling SSL.
  20. I'd recommend against using Simple mode, as it can make a bit of a mess with your files. Clear our your Steam install of 7 days ( delete all the files, then validate), and try using the Advanced Mode. Sounds like some mods may have broken EAC, and is conflicting with your vanilla play.
  21. When a mod gets started with a lot of UMAs, the game tries to generate the images for all of those on start up. Memory consumption goes way up as it does it. These images are stored under Data/UMATextures. If that folder exists, then you'll take a big memory hit on start up. However, every other game restart should be lower, since it doesn't have to generate them, but rather just uses them from disk. if that folder does not exist, then you'll take the big memory hit on each start up. If you do not have that Data/UMATextures folder, I recommend creating it, and loading up a game. Once you are in-game, exit the game completely, and re-load it. Your memory consumption should be lower.
  22. Two things to try: 1) click on Disable SSL, and restart the Mod Launcher, and try again. If that does not work: 1) Click on Direct Download 2) Test Mod Sync 3) Uncheck Refresh Mods Automatically 4) Press Play
  23. So you feel an appropriate expectation is that when you press on Test Mod Sync, it updates, regardless of whether Refresh Mods Automatically is selected? I do agree with you, but am curious about how widespread that thought would be. I am sure the majority of users have Refresh Mods automatically, so it probably has little effect. I'll look into adjusting the code to allow 4 to work as you expect.
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