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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. A few pages back, a user suggested that we can make a client-config file, like the server one, and it'd use its settings for the save game location. I wanted to include it in the last release, but I never had time to test. I'm hoping next release will have the concept of a local saved game.
  2. I agree. It's not exposed by the API, nor is it a relatively simple thing to implement.
  3. Looks like a unity bug that was fixed in 5.4, but 7 days to die is currently on 5.3. I can't imagine that the game is using more than 16G of RAM. When first starting a game with a lot of NPCs and UMA zombies, you'll use a lot more memory on that first start up. It'll create the UMA files under Data/UMATextures. Maybe restart the game and try again?
  4. It did help That error is gone now, in the log you posted. I don't see any other errors in your log file. What are you seeing as not working?
  5. Yes, I believe the Shield is using that filter list. There may be no solution that the Mod Launcher can do, other than encourage a migration to another hosting service, which is a bit extreme.
  6. No, that's the downfall for the direct link. We recently found out that github is on some weird global filter list, and some ISPs are filtering github API traffic, which the mod launcher uses for the faster downloads. We are looking at alternative solutions
  7. Sounds like its a case sensitive issue, since windows users aren't having an issue. 2017-11-08T20:45:51 91.374 ERR Loading and parsing 'recipes.xml' (No item/block with name 'trapFire' existing) 2017-11-08T20:45:51 91.374 ERR Loading of recipes aborted due to errors! 2017-11-08T20:45:51 91.376 ERR at RecipesFromXml.LoadRecipies (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 2017-11-08T20:45:51 92.156 INF WorldStaticData.Init() needed 25.631s But not sure beyond that.
  8. Thanks. Which version were you playing?
  9. Yeah, display is still SSL, but tries the connection without SSL. Something is filtering the github calls on your end, or ISP. To get around this for now, click on Direct Download. After the first download, click on the Refresh Mods Automatically to disable it. Periodically check that, and do a play to keep it in sync.
  10. Fixed. You can leave Refresh Mods Automatically now. The first time will be a bit slow, but the other times will be fast.
  11. Starting itself up, or starting up the game? If its game, it's expected to take longer, since a lot more assets are being loaded than vanilla.
  12. Can you provide log files?
  13. Strange indeed. Sometimes anti-virus tools get in the way of it working.
  14. Thank you. I don't see in the log files where the Play button was clicked in the Mod Launcher. Could you give it a try, and after the game loads into the menu, send me a new log file?
  15. The zip files you've downloaded how big are they? After clicking on Play, could you go back to the Mod Launcher, and click on the View Menu, then Log Files. Pick the 7d2dlauncher.txt from the drop down, and click on Upload Log file. Then provide me with the pastebin.com link.
  16. Are you clicking on Play? The Mod Launcher will download it, either through pressing the Test Mod Sync button, or the Play. However, only the Play button will copy the files into the environment and launch.
  17. I'm sorry, I don't understand.
  18. No problem. Can you upload the Log files? Here is some images to help you. https://imgur.com/a/QXEg5 Instead of Starvation, select Ravenhearst mod, and give me pastebin.com links.
  19. Sorry for the trouble. It looks like your Destination folder is set to your Steam folder, which has been known to cause some issues. Let's see if we can get you sorted out. 1) In Steam, go to 7 Days to Die, and right click on Properties 2) Go to the Local Files folder 3) Click on Browser Local Files. Delete all the files in there 4) Back in Steam, click on Verify Integrity of Game Files 5) In the Mod Launcher, click on Dawn Of the Apocalypse 6) Click on the Blue folder, and change the Destination folder to something like C:\7D2D 7) Click on the RavenHearst verison you want, and click on Install Mod 8) Click on the Play button If that doesn't work, we'll take a look at the log files, and figure out what the issue is.
  20. The Play button automatically copies the files over for you. If you reviewed his log, you would see that there was an error on the download, so tempMods was empty. I appreciate the support you were trying to provide, but we like to keep positive in helping people play mods, which helps extend the life of the game for people.
  21. Try to click on Disable SSL, and try again. Some ISPs seem to be filtering github, but seems to affect Starvation more than others. - - - Updated - - - I've never tried to get it to download from a local folder, so I'm not sure if that would work. It can download direct links, in the form of .zip files, or it can sync against a github.com / gitlab.com repository. It's expected that the files are in the correct folder structure, such as Data/Config/items.xml. The Mod Launcher can figure out where the files need to go based on filename alone, but it just makes it harder for people to manually install the mod.
  22. Happy to hear it works for you. Enjoy the other mods as well - - - Updated - - - Does sphereii ever truly win?
  23. No worries. You are officially the second one to mention to me that the mod launcher doesn't like spaces in the year and a half that the launcher has been alive The reason is to avoid any possible conflicts when copying files around, regardless of which version of Windows you have. The Launcher can handle them perfectly fine under most circumstances, but I did not want to deal with the corner cases of when it could have been an issue. All the mods in the Mod Launcher are known to be working, so let's figure out why it's not working for you right now. What seems to be the issue that you are having with it?
  24. The Mod Launcher can only combine certain mods, that do not duplicate files. For example, Valmod Overhaul + Compo Pack. It cannot merge XML files. Thank you for your feed back! The local mod is called "My mods". You can make your own downloadable mods, and use the Launcher to install them. It won't actually generate a mod itself.
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