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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. Glad it's working well for you! It's my bad for the Craftwork / Compo Pack. I had the wrong link. I fixed it. Can you restart the Mod Launcher and try again?
  2. Sorry, I did not see this earlier. You can do: 1) Play MP game, where one of your hosts using your Single Player install. Then let them connect to your game by IP or 2) Rent a server, and upload the server-side mod. You will definitely need the mod installed on the server, as well as on the clients.
  3. Big Update to! This is used a much newer version of the API to download from github. Translation: Better, more reliable downloads. It also exposes a progress report! We can now see how many files it's downloading, and how many bytes it's downloaded. If it hangs for a long period of time, there's a new button called Cancel Sync, which lets you cancel it, and restart it. I renamed some of the buttons for clarity sake: "Install Mod" is now called "Install Game Copy" - It does the same thing, makes a copy of the game "Test Mod Sync" is now more accurately called "Pre-Sync Mod" - It does the same thing; downloads the mod first, to make sure it can. New Button! "Delete Downloads" will purge your TempMods folder, starting off fresh. New Button! "Cancel Sync" will try to cancel the downloads if it appears hung. The Starting Splash Screen now has more information for you, including a list of Installed mods. You can view all the mods you have installed here, with handy buttons to do the following: Go To - The Mod Launcher will take you to its Mod Screen Play - Perform a Sync and starts the game Uninstall - Deletes the mods if you are no longer interested in it. When making a new game copy, the Mod Launcher will look for an existing Mods and TempMods folder. It'll ask you if you want them deleted. This should help with problems where multiple mods were being installed and ran. As always, let me know if you see any problems.
  4. Try clearing the cache for the online apps, by opening up a command prompt as administrator: rundll32 %windir%\system32\dfshim.dll CleanOnlineAppCache
  5. Be sure to delete the folder before validation. When you do a Steam Validation, it only checks the files it knows about. If you have extra files, it will not remove them.
  6. Sorry for the trouble. If you got the Starvation UI, it sounds like your steam copy may have a copy of Starvation. I'd go into your steam folder and delete your 7 days to die folder there. Then re-validate using Steam. In the Mod Launcher, delete valmod, and re-create it. See if that improves your luck
  7. Sounds like it's having trouble getting the files from GitHub. Could you Delete Mod, and re-install it? This time, try to press Test Mod Sync first, and let it run for a bit. If that finishes, try to hit Play.
  8. Do you mean have a new top level called "Favourites" that lists your most used mods? Or maybe just mods that are installed?
  9. Ravenhearst went through a rebranding. You can now find it under the top level RavenHearst, rather than the DONA heading. This was done because some people were having issues finding it the first time
  10. Try downloaded the 7d2dmodlauncher.exe and trying again.
  11. which anti-virus or security package are you using?
  12. Are you using the Release.zip package? I've never seen that error before.
  13. No, it just uses .NET 4.5. No other framework should be needed.
  14. Sorry for the delay. You can try making sure that you have .NET framework installed 4.5
  15. GitHub, and GitLab are important because they allow us to do incremental downloads. The Mirror link option in the launcher pulls from GitLab, instead of Github. It's not a straight download of a zip file.
  16. Maybe I need to put in more of a delay between attempts, although, ideally, you'd only need one attempt.
  17. Yes, I'm looking over the API, and have updated it to a newer version, and checking to see if I can improve it. I'm not sure why some get throttled and others don't. I'm syncing the 7 Day Horde Streamer Edition right now, and the progress indicator is moving during the Refreshing Mods for 7 days. It's a dummy progress meter though, just shows you that its doing something.
  18. Not really. Just saves you the re-verification step, which can be long or slow. However, you'll still take the hit of 1.2 Gs of files being opened and loaded, and there's just no getting around that.
  19. Oh I'm sorry, I must have missed it. Refresh Mods Automatically - Allows test Mod Sync to re-download / re-verify. If unchecked, it skips the download, and copies TempMods into the game folder. If Refresh Mods Automatically is Checked: Test Mod Sync - Downloads the Mod into TempMods Play -> Downloads the Mod Into TempMods, and copies it into the game folder. Launches the game. If it's not checked: Test mod Sync - Does nothing Play - Copies the TempMods folder into the game folder, and launches the game. Direct Download - Skips the GitHub API and downloads the zip file directly, either through the Test Mod Sync button or the Play button. It seems excessively confusing, however, all the user should have to do is just "Install Mod", then "Play" and it works. Most of the users just need to do those steps. All these extra steps become relevant and important when we start experiencing trouble. 95% of the Mod Launcher users never have to do any of those steps. We just see the corner cases here
  20. This will vary a lot, on your internet speed, hard drive, CPU, and how much fairy dust is in the atmosphere... Expected download, like just pressing Test Mod Sync: 10 to 190 minutes. ( The range is what I've heard from the users ) Expected Start Up, like you just pressing Play with the mod already downloaded: 5 to 15 minutes before you see the Main Menu Average time for download should be about 20 minutes though. Subsequent downloads should be faster. Common problems are: 1) Poor internet connection to GitHub 2) Possibly filtering or packet shaping on the download (ISP) 3) Possibly throttling from Github 4) Norton or Avast nuking the installer or blocking it from reaching the internet 5) Patience Those are the challenges we are trying to overcome, and it's more prevalent in the larger mods. Some we have possible ideas on how to resolve, whereas others are outside of our ability to do anything about it.
  21. That error is 'fine'. It's not critical. Unity is the game engine that the game is built in. It can take 5 to 10 minutes to start the game.
  22. The Mod Launcher does not work under Linux. The first post contains links to the most common download configurations for manual installs.
  23. If I can calculate the size, I could do that. The Git API I'm using isn't using any bells or whistles atm. I could do extra checks, but may switch over to Octokit rather than libgit2sharp.
  24. It is a large download. After it's done downloading, it's a 2 gig download, and the API isn't the quickest thing around. I have a test version that you could try here: https://github.com/SphereII/SDXWorkshop/raw/master/Launcher/SimplifiedGit/ReleaseWithSymbols.zip Just extract and run it directly. It has a slightly different Git string of commands. You could give it a try and see if it improves the download at all. - - - Updated - - - Unfortunately, there is not download status available When the download starts, and even during it, it has no idea how much is left. I'll be looking to revamp the Git hooks, and this will be a feature I'll be looking for.
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