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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. dwallorde: Did you re-grab the zip package? The SDX.*.dlls are required in the Managed folder.
  2. Sorry for the trouble. What is the issue? Have you tried click on Disable SSL, restarting the Mod Launcher, then trying the download again? You can also click on Direct Download in the mod launcher, and it'll try a more direct approach of getting the files. If you could post some log files, I may be able to help a bit more: https://imgur.com/a/QXEg5
  3. Can you get me some log files? After failing to start True Survival, in the Mod Launcher, click on View -> Log Files. Then select the output_log.txt, and click on Upload Log file. It'll give you a pastebin.com link, and we can take a look at the error.
  4. This may be my bad. Dwallorde, can you re-grab that zip file? I added two more DLLs that are required. Sorry about that!
  5. EAC has to be disabled to run this mod, on server and client.
  6. Yes, BBM breaks EAC, so it needs to be disabled on both client and server.
  7. If you are playing regular War of the Walkers, without the Bigger Back Pack, that should still work. Delete mod in the Mod Launcher, and re-install using Alpha 16.4 from Steam. The bigger back pack will need a change though, before it can be used.
  8. This is tricky, and the answer is: Maybe. A16.4 updated one XML file, and it's not a critical fix. So any XML-only mods will be fine, as would the compo pack. Mods that change the DLL, like Bigger Back Pack, or SDX mods, will probably be broken until the mod dev puts out a new release.
  9. I always love it when I over-estimate the game, thinking I'm super-macho. I'm sphereii, after all! I got this. No... no, I don't got it.... Lesson learned continuously
  10. Starvation is a large mod; the initial download is over 700 megs, so takes awhile to download and start up. Unfortunately, there's not much we can do about it. Starvation adds a ton of content to the game, but it comes at a cost Keep searching through the mods; there's some nice gems in there for everyone
  11. Probably should contact the mod developers, of whichever mod you found that in
  12. Fixed. Update is rolling out People can restart the Mod Launcher, or go to Load Default to see the new thing. I'm at work, so I can't test, but let me know if there's any problems.
  13. Are you pressing the Play Mod button? If so, then it sounds like something is blocking it. If you check "Direct Download", and click on Play Mod, does it work?
  14. Which mod were you trying to play? Can you click on Disable SSL, restart the mod launcher, and try again?
  15. The Mod Launcher only installs the clients, and not designed to install the server. That being said, the Starvation Server files are posted in their thread (first post, I think?). As well, here's a dedicated server install document that should help you out: https://7d2dsdx.github.io/Tutorials/DedicatedStarvationDedicatedServerInstallGuide.pdf
  16. Well, I certainly don't want to take all the credit for saving your life, but I'll accept your thanks So something changed on your end that started block SSL, which is a security layer. Either ISP or something on your PC. But either way, enjoy the mod
  17. Which Mod are you trying to play? It almost seems as if you are loading Alpha A16.2 on a newer mod meant for Alpha 16.3. Have you opted into any Betas in Steam, before making a copy of the game for Mod Launcher?
  18. Can you click on Disable SSL in the mod launcher, restart it, and try again?
  19. wow, sounds like you are ready to party! Thanks for letting me know everything was fixed!
  20. You can re-download it to get the latest version. Maybe something is blocking the update. if you are running the 7d2dmodlauncher.exe, it should be able to self-update it.
  21. the 7dlauncher.exe is from the Fun Pimps
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