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Posts posted by JaxTeller718

  1. 13 hours ago, Mumpfy said:



    working on variations for the hd versions, planning to redo the rad material also since i dont like it at all. eventually will upload more images until i got it ready to release.


    Your textures have been the backbone of our tier 2,3,4 zombies for a long while now so im going to request permission now for these in RH. They look so amazing

  2. Charcoal Modlet Added


    Also renamed blocks and items in the Working Stove Modlet. If you have it in now dont worry about reinstall nothing changed except the names. I did this to future proof our items from other modlets so workingStove is now named workingStoveJT in the xml etc.

  3. 4 minutes ago, nil0 said:

    Do any of these mods need to be on both client and server or are they all server side only?


    As of right now all posted can be server side only

    13 hours ago, rommel64 said:

    I have an old request if you're willing ( charcoal) : )

    Will do. Check back in a few

  4. cooltext-357188435600685.png.064af22533c1bddebc6f3c9fe3f355e2.png


    Welcome to my modlet page. These modlets are intended for players who find vanilla a little too easy. They will increase difficulty, remove op items, and overall bring vanilla to an experience that I myself choose to play. It is important to note these mods are not designed to make 7 days better. That is subjective to what you value in your play. Rather it is designed to make gameplay longer, harder, grindier and more difficult. 


    If there are any modlets you wish to see converted, or if you have an idea of a modlet you would like to see please leave a reply here and I will create it for you. 


    Note: These modlets can not work with Ravenhearst. Ravenhearst will have by default these modlets already included, though balanced for the world of RH.

    Looking for previous Alpha modlets? Click here


    Also check out fellow Ravenhearst Dev WookieNookie modlet for removing all sprites from the screen. He has set it up so you can select which ones you want and do not want  Click Here


    Latest Modlet

    All Biome Zombie Modlets Have Been Updated for b169 To include more zombies

    Working Microwaves

    The return of microwaves. Destroy microwaves in the world for a chance to pick one up. Take it home and you can use bowls you find in loot to combine canned foods for better meals


    19 Hubcab Tins and Filters Revert

    Adds back the removed hubcaps, tins, filters along with recipes and materials


    19 Drink Change Revert

    In b163 Pimps removed all poison from water and also removed a 1 point stamina hit on canned food. This made the perk associated with it useless now. This modlet adds those changes back in.


    Animal Population Control

    b164 added absurd probabilities and faster respawning for animals resulting in players having hundreds of meat by day 5. This modlet reverts animals back to pre b163 status.


    Loot Rebalance

    A big one and ongoing based on feedback. This trims down loot amounts in several key areas for more challenging gameplay. Treasures have had their counts reduced a bit, some loot containers have had weapons removed from them, and ammo has been shaved in half. More work will be done in the future.


    Car Respawner

    Adds a car respawner when a shell of a car is broken down, it turns into a small piece of grass that will grow over time (roughly 30 days) to a new car to harvest.


    Increased Wandering Horde Size

    Takes the vanilla wandering hordes and adds a few extra zeds to each stage for a bigger more dangerous wandering horde


    Zombie Sight Range Increased

    Increases the sense and sight of all zombies in the world making them more dangerous.


    Slower Progression

    Increases the XP needed to level from 10000 to 12454 in order to extend leveling time slightly.


    Bird Nest and Trash Piles Destroy on Loot

    Perfect for those using no loot respawn. Nests will break and trash will poof when you loot them.


    Birds Nest Destroy on Loot

    Only bird nests will destroy when you loot them. Perfect for challenging archery gameplay. Do not use this with the Bird Nest and Trash Pile Destroy Modlet as it is already included.


    Trash Piles Destroy on Loot

    Trash bags and junk piles will destroy when you loot them instead of lingering around. Do not use this with the Bird Nest and Trash Pile Destroy Modlet as it is already included.



    Adds some lootable charcoal to grills and stoves. The charcoal has a very long burn time so its the most efficient burning material.


    Less Biomes Clutter Overhaul

    This modlet reduces and balances every single deco item in the world. From grass to crops to trees and cars and trash and even ore nodes, every deco has been slightly reduced for both performance and to promote more exploring and searching for needed items. If you have Less Ore Nodes or Less Forest Clutter installed you must remove them. This is a stand alone biome modlet that includes them both.


    Less Forest Clutter

    Only touches the forest biome. Reduces crops and grass for performance and visuals. Do not use with the Overhaul.


    Less Ore Nodes

    Reduces the amount of ore nodes found in the world. We all love them but man do they appear frequently and can take the fun out of exploring and finding them. Now coming across one means something. Do not use with the Overhaul.


    Zombie Reach Shortener

    Reduces the reach of all zeds so that you can manage the fights on servers. Does not touch player hands.


    Increased Wilderness Zombies x2

    Doubles the amount of zombies in the world and also forces night zombies spawns to every night instead of vanillas every 3 nights.


    Increased Wilderness Zombies x4

    Same as above but x4


    Increased Wilderness Zombies x8

    Same as x2 but for the hardcore inclined. May cause performance stutters.


    Increased Wandering Horde Sizes

    Makes the wandering hordes a bit larger when they spawn. Increases as gamestage goes up.


    Working Stoves

    Those busted unlootable stoves can be upgraded using a stove repair kit and a hammer or nailgun to working stoves.


    Backpack Stash All

    Adapted from Khaines modlet but with RH layout and icons.


    Download All Modlets In One Package Pre A19 Exp 169


    Download Modlets For After A19 Exp b169


    Patch 6.4.5 Released. No Wipes

    Addition: Sinders Fixed Quest Pines POI (Sleeper no longer gets stuck) This change wont be seen on already established maps
    Addition: Sirillions new UI in the Extra Files folder. To use it copy the Mods folder inside the Sirillion UI folder and move it to your main install. To remove the UI delete the two Z2 folders inside your Mods folder.
    Balance: Tyrannopode health increased
    Balance: Reduced chances of finding fish
    Fix: Nailgun should now work properly
    Fix: Pieces of guns should now scrap to fragments which can be used to make the appropriate repair kit
    Fix: 5.56 and 45 ammo and bundles should now unlock properly
    Fix: POSSIBLE fix for guns not degrading
    Fix: Pack Mule Perk now has a description


  6. 6.4.4 Released No Wipes


    Addition: Added a new stove
    Addition: Grills in the world can now be broken for a chance to take one home. They work similar to the survival campfire.
    Balance: Store shelf loot
    Balance: Reduced amount of nails received from harvesting blocks
    Balance: Blade line rebalance
    Fix: Clarified description of Wood Burning Stove
    Fix: Added proper stove to stove blocks
    Fix: Fixed description of baseball bat
    Fix: Shotgun Turret ingredient fixed
    Fix: Animal Hide scraps properly
    Fix: Possible fix for nail gun breaking and quality
    Fix: Possible fix for guns not degrading
    Fix: Removed fridge recipes that did not contain spoilage bonuses
    Fix: Removed spider with no hitbox
    Fix: Copper and Zinc now have proper ore models (May only be noticeable on new maps)
    Removal: Quest tag from Asia Pagoda


  7. with the release of 6.4.3 sometime today it is important that you know this patch WILL wipe your player save data.


    I did my best to avoid this but there were quite a few QoL changes made including some recipe and progression unlock shifts, quest fixes and player level unlock reductions. This combined with all the fixes for spawning, hive houses, gamestage calculations and performance enhancements has me STRONGLY suggesting that if you are going to update to this patch you should start a new save and a new world. Otherwise you will not fully see the benefits of the work we have done.


    You will also need a brand new install as we have modified and removed some dll modules that were causing server crashes. I am submitting to Bluefang now and hope this can curb price increases. I am also strongly advising Bluefang to wipe any game requesting an update to this new patch. I know this probably sucks but with development ending on 18 the band aid should be ripped now and a fresh start can bring to you guys a much more stable and long term world in the long run.


    Look for the update sometime this afternoon. Once this releases we will not be taking any bug reports on version pre 6.4.3 so please keep that in mind.


    I understand that this may be enraging to some but please understand our position and also realize that this is a difficult time for all of us and we did our best. 19 will be a new start for all of us. That said i feel like 6.4.3 is stable as hell and runs 100 times better than 6.4.2.

  8. 6.4.2 Released. No wipes



    Added Wookies dll fix for Return Mods on Break which was causing server crashes and nulls
    Added spheres updated spherecore which removes debugging lines that were causing memory leaks
    For those having issues with spawns early game on Day 2 do a killall in console as vanilla spawning mechanics force every single group to spawn on first spawn. After day 2 the spawning should level out.


  9. The zombie issue should be fixed for this new version. Its a result of the code changes to biome spawning and gamestaging the entire game. Lots of work went into this this round.


    Speaking of.....



    Update 6.4.1 for 18.4b4 is now Out!


    -Over 50 new and redesigned POIs courtesy of Sinder and Robear. Returning favorites with a new flair, new enemies and sleepers and a host of new pois never before seen in Ravenhearst will have you exploring for weeks and finding new buildings to scavenge.


    -Our food system has been expanded. Multiple new recipes and rewarding higher end foods will now have you seeking out recipes and conserving your food because....


    -Spoilage is making its return. Intricately balanced to not be too harsh veggies and foods will now expire so plan your cooking decisions carefully. Items like fridges, preserve barrels and the food processor will help you preserve your food longer so you will want to set up your food prep system as soon as possible.


    -The preliminary return of the class system. Basic right now going through each class will reward you exclusive weapons designed for that line. Finishing all quests in the game will reward you with powerful and fun items and recipes. A purpose to quest now.


    -The land is full of dread once again as the return of Night Terrors and Nightmares will haunt you. Redesigned gamestages will have you jumping more often as the unpredictable nature of these creatures will catch you off guard. You may even see them in pois!


    -New vehicles like the Hang Glider, the Boat and others will have you exploring the map. Balance was done on all vehicles for gas consumption, storage and speed as well.


    -We have included Skyriss Vanilla gun mod which adds over a dozen new guns for you to use against the undead. Favorites like the Crossbow Repeater makes its return as well.


    -Complete rebalance of zombies and gamestages. New zombies will horrify you and spawning has been given a complete overhaul. The world should be much more dangerous now and full.


    -Wookie has added to his suite of DLL tweaks, including the ability to read a schematic once only and expanding quests so that you can now quest a full tier below your current tier, as well as the ability to select from far more quests than what vanilla currently allows you to.


    -Major fixes for bugs like progression resets and ingredient scaling not showing correctly. This version is way more stable than our previous ones and you can play with peace of mind.


    -Nitrogen Support. Ive worked hard to tag and zone pois so that they will spawn nicely within Nitrogen. We have our own Nitrogen file included with the install you can use and it includes all vanilla pois so you wont need any other prefab file.


    -Expanded Game Mechanics like tool heads for all tools and a new irrigation system with pipes for your crops are now in game. Old school farming makes a return as well, and plots are now unlockable via Living off the Land. Irrigation does not consume water so it will be a highly sought after end game build you will want to invest in.


    -The Quest Phone. When you complete all your quests you will receive a phone you can place in your base. Each day that phone will have a handful of tasks you can complete for skill points, coins or items. These are repeatable so there is always something to do and more will be added in the future.


    -The Whisperers have returned. If you disable the rage mechanic you can now enjoy the old mechanic of Whisperers where rarely a zombie will be human and chase after you.


    -The options menu has been cleaned up and optimized. Wookie worked hard to optimize the settings for Wandering Hordes, Rage and POI Multipliers. Work is not done yet and there are more optimizations to come but this is in a much better place now than in 6.2


    -Chapters make their return as well. Now for some recipes you will need to find more than one chapter so that you can complete the set to make the schematic in the research table. Trade with your friends!


    -Robear has worked hard to bring back the original Bundle system known as Pallets. Every resource now has a craftable Pallet that you can place in your base. Make a huge warehouse of supplies! We have removed the vanilla bundle system from resources and lowered stacks for balancing to go hand in hand with this system.


    -Limestone for concrete makes its return


    -Over 500 lines of bug fixes, balances and changes that will make this version of RH unlike any other before it.


    **The Plan for 6.4**


    Right now the plan is to finish up testing on 6.4 for 18.4 stable and get this into your hands. What I hope everyone understands is with all that is going on there may be balancing inconsistencies or some uncaught bugs. We are pushing this release out because my team needs to be with their families and time is going to be short. We worked hard on this patch and want people to get to experience it. With 19 most likely going to experimental soon it would be a terrible shame if no one got to see what we did. We have more than a few ideas we had planned that got moved to 19.


    My time is going to be extremely limited after we release as you all may guess. I want, and my team agrees, people to be able to play some RH while they are at home, or away from work or just going through a tough time. We have done our damnedest to make sure nothing major nulls or occurs. If it does PLEASE go easy on my team. They are stretched very thin.


    I've had a few people ask if I'm including a covid buff. I thought about it but honestly I think 6.4 will be remembered anyway for all that has happened anyway, and I suspect 6.4 will be the version you all will play the longest.


    Out of respect for people's fears and not wanting to make light of it I won't be including it.


    That said we are damn close people. With lockdown popping up everywhere this is a perfect time for everyone to enjoy what we hope is a version that stands up with the best of them.


    That said I suspect we are looking at no later than early next week for release, if not this upcoming weekend. Thank you to everyone for everything they have done for me and shorty over at Discord and here. Your support, your contributions and your words have done more than you can imagine to help me through a pretty crappy time. I hope everyone is safe out there and remains so. I also hope our little mod brings everyone a small bit of joy in these trying times.

  11. Added these to Ravenhearst and my testers are seeing this.






    Wanted to touch base here to double check if anyone else has any issues with the ADS or scopes or do i need to rip my mod apart and figure out what is up with my life lol


  12. Man i know the chances of this are slim to none since its experimental but ive been playing on a laptop and 18.3 runs like a dream. 18.4 does not. Biggest difference is i dont have your lighting. Im here with my tin cup shaking it asking you to have mercy on my poor soul :D


    had to take my shot at least :)


    Thanks for the kind words! I personally don't use any of the large overhaul mods, and I haven't had anyone try using VFX with one. In theory there's no reason why it shouldn't work, the only thing I imagine might be problematic is if the mods replace the vanilla ammo, add weapon mods, and/or heavily modify the loot tables (to the point where the vanilla ones are no longer used). I'd just give it a shot and see what happens, it doesn't overwrite any vanilla files, only appends them. If there are compatibility issues that arise, if anyone feels up to the task of making a compatibility patch I'd be more than happy to list it in the OP.


    If it is ok with you Id like to add this modlet to the next release of Ravenhearst. I will keep it as a modlet but edit it so that it can work with our progression and recipes etc. If permission is granted i would gladly send you the file so you can include it in the opening post.

  14. We have been converting all the Ravenhearst players to nitrogen and i must say everyone loves it! I will never recommend RWG again.


    That said we have certain pois that we made that are biome specific and we noticed these have been popping up anywhere they want. Is there no way for nitrogen to currently follow the rule of biomes allowed/disallowed? I must admit this feature would make an outstanding product even better, if that was possible. Is this planned for the future?

  15. Patch 6.2.5 Released No Wipes or Save Breaks


    With this patch, we do not see any further patching being done to 6.2. Our team is now fully working on 6.3 and moving forward any bug reports etc will be forwarded to that version.




    We are still looking into the skill reset bug. What we know so far is that it does not affect Single Player, is server/MP issue and that it MAY involved Server Tools or CSMM but we can NOT verify this just yet. Work is ongoing into looking at this bug. It is not affecting all servers so reproing it is quite difficult.




    On to the notes


    -Addition: Action Magazines can now be crafted in the research desk
    -Addition: Added sinders fixed POI 
    PublicPool no longer makes your britches sandy when you go for a swim
    Izea all kinds of changes, store shelve smashed, things rearranged and more. trimmed poi for smaller footprint to help spawning
    Desert Oasis Casino changed forest ground to terrain fill.
    Indoor Swim removed some number of radiators. brr.
    -Balance: Reduced stack sizes on nails, screws and bolts
    -Balance: Numerous loot adjustments in car boxes, garage loot and cars
    -Balance: Lowered price on bundles of screws, nails and bolts
    -Balance: Increased stack size of twine
    -Balance: Removed Armor Parts from Stiffs boxes
    -Balance: Reduced prob on Backpacks in washing machines
    -Balance: Increased Stack Size of Bundles of screws and nails to 25
    -Balance: Added Tarps to Trash Compactors and Auto Loot
    -Balance: Reduced amount of repair kits in loot
    -Change: Junk Turret now takes nails to craft ammo
    -Change: Slot chips should now be quicker to craft
    -Fix: All arrows should now use sticks
    -Fix: Sorting fix by Wookie for losing an item in bag when full
    -Fix: Placing box for signs reduced
    -Fix: Auger and Chainsaw should no longer reduce xp gain
    -Fix: Grasscutter now shows quality

  16. 6.2.4 Released. No Wipes



    Change: You must now craft cobblestone for Blacksmith Forge quest to prevent quest zooming (when you have the mats in your bag for next quest and it nulls)
    Fix: Fixed Gamestaging for Biome spawns preventing Zombie Spawning
    Fix: Added Wookies DLL fix for zombie and animal gamestage spawning that were preventing spawns in biomes
    Fix: Added Sinders fix for Walking Dead Prison  Moved a boulder that was preventing the dynamic prefab from being snuggly
    Fix: Agility reducing xp from chars at higher levels
    Fix: Microscope and Scalpel added to Lab Loot
    Fix: Added Wookies DLL Fix for errors when night walkers despawn

  17. Important


    For those experiencing Skill Resets on Servers, this is an issue caused by removing components of Spherecore that were causing previous issues such as QuickContinue and Spoilage. The removal of these dlls on servers is causing some to experience skill resets from save corruptions. This issue will eventually sort itself out but can be rather frustrating. The best option is a full wipe, but if this is not good for you there is another option.


    ALL players and server members should go into their existing installs and delete in full the Sphereii_FoodSpoilage, 0-Spherecore, and Subquake_OptimizedTorches folders from their Mods folder on your existing installs and servers ONLY. NOT from the files you just downloaded. Once this is done you can copy the latest update in full to your server and your installs. What this will do is clean out ALL unneeded dlls from those folders that are causing these issues.


    We apologize for this inconvenience and will be certain to restrict outside dll mods in the future.






    Patch No Wipes Needed




    Balance: Crafting Jerky Now Gives You 2 Jerky
    Balance: Lessened nails received from breaking wood
    Balance: Toned down Hardened Chest Loot Amount
    Change: Edited Wookies Zombie Multiplier. Zombies will now spawn within 75m radius from you instead of 50m. Should increase zombies
    Change: Armor and Ammunition Bench Now Made in Workbench
    Change: Reduced Upgrades of Beehives, Composter, Beer Honey Traps to 1 Hit instead of 4 causing some bars to get stuck at 50 percent
    Change: Stack sizes reduced
    Change: Steel Crossbow Bolts and Bundles now crafted in Workbench
    Fix: Icon for Weird Science
    Fix: Improper unlock information on ammo bench and research desk
    Fix: Gas Pumps Would Not Break
    Fix: Work Truck and Charger shared same recipe as Marauder so all were unlocked at once
    Fix: Added Sinders Fixed POIs
    Insane Asylum - Vulture Sleeper fix, overlapping desks
    Paintball - Replaced barrels that were giving off insane heat, increased sleepers, lowered to tier 4
    Sinder House 4 - Deleted unknown block
    Walking Dead Prison - Ground Level fixed, some missing paint textures cleaned up
    Water Park - Reseated 12 Sleeper Volumes, Loot Balances
    Removal: Auger Parts from Loot since they are not needed anymore

  18. Oh ok I cant seem to find miner 69'er and mother load or the equivalent.


    Those can found under the specific Action Skills Tab, Mining Tools and Construction Tools

  19. Standing by for the next half dozen updates/hotfixes since the testing team seems to have not actually done the initial starter tutorial quests and early gameplay. No excuse for the lack of quality control


    Im pretty sure I speak for myself and other modders when I say the holidays are a hard time to release anything.


    For instance our team of testers are 5 strong. They did their best, but of course bugs always slip through, especially when all of this is done voluntarily by members of our community. Releasing during the holiday, when most people have family and are pressed for time as it is was not the best move we could make. Tutorial quests are fine, as is most of the mod.


    No one here has had to wipe or lose any save progression which I am very proud of. Any other big overhaul mod releases with bugs, its just inevitable. Darkness Falls has done it, Walkers has done, and we do it too. Theres no way to guarantee a bug free experience, all we can can do is hope any bugs are nit major or game breaking and so far on that side of things the experience has been solid. Sure there some bugs with improper descriptions, or a missing unlock or improper table but these bugs have all been fixed by me almost immediately. A simple resync of the launcher and you have whats needed to keep playing your game.


    Im sorry that you had a bad experience, but if playing a mod on a .1 release in a game thats Alpha is in Early Access and has its own bugs upsets you, Id suggest putting down mods for a bit until things are in a more polished state and meet your standards. Even today on Christmas you have devs and myself working on fixes and responding to people in our Discord, which you were kind enough to visit and chew out our team by criticizing their voluntary work on testing. We put out public calls for testing all the time, perhaps next time you can volunteer so that you can help us in achieving the state we wish to offer our player base.


    Again all of this while trying to ensure that we provided a mod for families and teammates to enjoy over a holiday break. We apologize that we may have missed on some of those marks. And we will ensure we do better next time by simply telling our players that its done when its done, which may also be met with criticism and disappointment, but we do want to make sure we can meet up to the standards you seem to have put on us.

  20. First Happy Holidays from the team to you. We appreciate everyones reports and feedback. This should take us to a good place where we can slow down on patches now and focus on 6.3 development


    Update Patch 6.2.2 No Wipe Needed


    Addition: Added admin books for 10000 and 50000 experience points
    Addition: Wookie Fixed DLL for POI Multiplier may have been spawning too many zombies
    Change: Added Arrowheads to junk loot
    Change: Moved seed pack crafting to farm table
    Change: Moved composter to farm table
    Change: Screws and Nails now use the Bundle System
    Change: Wrench and claw hammer now made in Workbench
    Change: Increased Motor Tool Parts found in loot until fix is found for scrapping auger and chainsaw
    Fix: Sledghammers were not crafting at proper quality
    Fix: Improper Unlock Info for Farm Table
    Fix: Broken stations will now add a journal entry
    Fix: Lab Water now shows in WFU
    Fix: Wrong Description and stats for cigar
    Fix: Wrong amount of bees in beehive descriptions
    Fix: Added recipes for missing casino coin conversion to slot ships
    Fix: Added Sinders Fixed V1 House
    Fix: Personal Bench repairs with Forged Iron
    Fix: Xp exploit with slot machines
    Fix: Clarified Novel titles and descriptions

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