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Posts posted by JaxTeller718

  1. No, you shouldn't need to do that. What I think happens is the settings doesn't get persisted for some people. What's happening is that the Destination Folder for mods is being reset to a default of C:\7D2D\, rather than the one you specify. You can change this back to where your mods are installed, and they will show up again. I have to re-think that settings, and apply a different method of remembering them.


    You know who would be very thankful for that one lol

  2. @Bloom: I really wonder whether most PvPers really want what you do in regards to progression and an unequal playing field. In theory someone might say they would like the challenge of starting on a server that is already at day 100 with most others already well established but in reality people often quit a server and never return if they die enough to reduce their wellness to 70. I think you are at the hard-core end of the spectrum in this regard.


    I think that there can be progression and grind to get mats but that they shouldn't be as long term and grindy as they are in the current vanilla game. Getting more resources for harvesting, and shortening the progression from low to max would be good IMO. Right now we have a lot of players reporting that they grind exclusively to get their skills up before they start engaging other players. Making it a faster journey to the point that typical players like to start actually PvPing would make the early game less of a chore before the "real playing" begins. Also new spawns could have a better chance of staying off the radar until they get up to a higher level if it doesn't take so long to get there.


    TLDR: The time and effort investment for getting up to speed in terms of a base, high quality weapons/ loot, and character stats is currently too long and too grindy for mass appeal PvP.


    As someone who plays H1Z1, Conan, Rust and Ark and reads all of their reddits i can say one thing for sure. Most general PVP players (remember i said general not hardcore) HATE progression and leveling. They want to be able to log onto a server, go searching and be on fairly equal ground to those already living on the server. There is already a group of players who want leveling removed from Conan and thats a week or so old.


    I agree 100 percent with what Roland said. His suggestions reflect what the general thoughts of an average PVP player want. Question is do you want to appeal to a mass PVP audience or to a hardcore niche one.

  3. Thanks Rizzano, for the kind words.


    I added a new config, available if you click on File -> Load Defaults again. This will load up a listing of previous alphas for you to play with, if you wanted to revisit some older versions of the game.


    This includes Alpha 14.7 (for when 15 drops), 13.8, 12.5, 11.6, and 10.4. Also include the other beta branches, like the experimental branches with the different versions of unity.


    To be clear, these are not modded, but rather just the base game. You'll want to use Advanced more, and use the Download From Steam functionality for these to work properly. It won't affect your current games.




    The Launcher configs have a <Version></Version tag which can specify which version of the game they are made for, which is read when you are downloading from Steam. So if your mod breaks on Alpha 15, we can specify alpha14.7 in the configs to make sure the players get the right version of the game, paired with your mods.


    Enjoy the walk down memory lane,



    OMG, more amazing work! I am SO going to load up an old alpha and relive some of the past.


    You simply can NOT stop amazing can you? Is there a limit to your awesomeness?

  4. I will absolutely vouch and back sphereii hard work and expertise. He has put his all into this wonderful tool, and it is just absolutely wonderful. It has made my life, and the life of everyone on my servers so much easier. Have icons and progression files that dont push? Have them use this. You can make direct changes to your files server admins and you never have to ask everyone to update again, as long as they launch with this the new files will auto download to their pcs. It has saved me and others hours of frustration,'


    Months in development and fine tuned, i stand behind this 100 percent and am proud to have even been able to call this man both a friend and a fellow server community member. You absolutely can not go wrong with this life saving tool.

  5. With the mod installed in the Mod folder and the server running, go to /saves/ServerTools and enable custom commands in the ServerToolsConfig.xml. Then you can setup the commands in CustomChatCommands.xml to teleport to x,y,z. Once setup, you can use /whateveryourcommandis. Use -1 as the Y coord so you don't fall through the world. It will place you on the top most block. For that, I either make a platform/area just for the landing or an air shaft with a wall and spikes at the surface to land in underground establishments. Basically don't have any blocks above wherever you want to land.


    You can setup as many of these as you'd like and can set a timer for how long between ports.



    <Command Command="arena" Response="tele {EntityId} 1000 -1 1000" />


    As far as zgates and a coin system, there isn't anything for that.


    Well ty for that, i didnt know this. awesome!


    Is their a source one could browse to see a list of all commands one could make?

  6. isnt this an sdx mode technically? tried to put it on a server until i realized t changes EVERYTHING. While it is a great SP mod, it should be noted that this is not xml drievn

  7. I believe this has all of those except the shop


    you cant set different areas as shortcuts as far as i know it. like /arena takes you to an arena or /racetrack takes you to a poi. If it does please enlighten me. And also it does not do a zgate function where players can create a set amount of gates they can tp to.

  8. ever thought about adding things like zgates and zcoins to the server manager. it would be great to have a second option when cbsm is down or not working. perhaps a /who as well. Set a spawn area. Custom commands. Any of that being planned for any future releases?

  9. <!-- Rabbit loot -->

    <lootcontainer id="91" count="1" size="3,3" destroy_on_close="true" open_time="5" sound_open="UseActions/open_chest" sound_close="UseActions/close_chest" >

    <item group="Rabbit" count="1" />

    <item group="animalHide" count="1" />

    <item group="BrainMatter" count="1" />



    those should be item names not groups. it errors out your whole mod

  10. The issue here is that i am not running this off of a local machine, but through a server i purchased from lowlatency. i see the mods folder and it has ServerTools in it but there is no xml. I have looked all around the files that i can see on it and there is no save file. I installed servertools directly from the TCAdmin control panel. I just dont see a servertools xml anywhere, even after starting the server.


    is the issue here that i cant see the saves folder from ym control panel?

  11. does this work with TCAdmin. I was given the option to download this from lowlatency, but there is nothing in the folder except for modinfo.xml. how do i actually use it. sorry for the noob question.

  12. Oh i have enough issues trying to mess with sd2dx, im not going to even try to mess with assets just to grab some icons. Shame because you have some GENIUS recipes and items in there. I have to take small steps in my learning :)


    - - - Updated - - -


    Random generated


    - - - Updated - - -




    cuting asset with icon.


    how do you cut assets?

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