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Everything posted by Telric

  1. As of right now i have no new modlet in the works. Been focused on my skateboarding lately lol.. This new project would be a total overhaul and would only work with a custom world. I've always wanted to do a very large scale story line mod... I had one going in 17 or 18.. It was all pirate themed. But i got burnt out on it.. I'm going to take the basic structure of that mod and transform it into something new.. It might include some pirate stuff from the old mod as well. We shall see!
  2. I actually just started a very large project that'll include a ton of questing.. Ill be MIA from the modding scene a while, but I'm doing a custom world with a custom quest line and all.. Itll take a long time... I'm gonna implement most of my existing mods into this new custom world. If i end up needing help with something and you're down, i'd gladly invite you to the server (once its up) for some POI or quest work or something. I just started last night building the terrain. Hopefully today I'll start getting a few buildings down. Just about everything will be custom made, so itll take a while. Only vanilla things will be some of the items and the player model.. And blocks / deco... This sounded hostile.. so i changed it a bit. lol... Here, i took out some of the animal spawns in this.. just replace what's in my modlet's files and test it out. entitygroups.xml
  3. @YukikoMirai what controls the rarity of a spawn is in entitygroups.xml. If you want more thumpers to spawn, remove some of the <entity name="invisibleAnimalEnemy" prob="4"/> In spawning.xml, the max count is how many within this group can be spawned, i think within a chunk. The respawn delay is in days, so in this case it takes 2 days before more can respawn in that area. What probably happened is, since thumpers are quite rare, you just got a lot of invisibleanimal spawns instead of an actual thumper each time which is possible. Changing the entitygroups.xml and removing a few of the invisible animal spawns will make more thumpers spawn.
  4. I appreciate it, but some of the quests wont work if the POI is considered a trader area. The dust bunnies quest and Abbys locket quest require you to break a certain block or blocks, which you won't be able to do if it's a trader area.
  5. I have fixed the original horses mod. For some reason using an entitytagcompare check on a useother item now doesn't work. Replacing it with target_tags made it work. So for all a19.2 peeps, redownload the mod if you are still playing the original horses mod. Telrics Horses - Original
  6. well the ranch does use a lot of sounds. all the check points and all that. they probably generate some heat. and if you have the music box on i'm not sure if it will give heat or not since its acutally connected to the block through unity. so each time you walk near an NPC and they greet you, it triggers a sound, which probably generates heat.
  7. I'm not sure yet. Just got home but gotta go back out in a min to the store... I didnt change anything but the localization in the latest update so idk how it could have stopped working unless it was vanilla changes.. Ill have to test and see.
  8. Just found out the original horses mod isn't working.. Apples aren't giving the horses the buff to use a saddle on. I'll have to check it out later when i get home.
  9. Lol all good. Use a knife (even a bone one) and youll get the goodies. Also, I just fixed the localization for the unlocks buff. Alsox2, @7daysLichti has translated the Original horse mod into German. Download again if you want German translation!
  10. nah those are just localization fixes. you just wont get a description when you get the unlock buff. itll all work fine though
  11. Awesome, as always! Ill add the local later today. As for the screamers, all the light objects should be the POI versions.. Where were the screamers heading to when they were spawned? There are a lot of sounds that happen, so that might attract some. Running over the check points and all. Ill fix those two buffs today also..
  12. Hmm.. weird cuz i just looked on the file from dropbox and it has this: <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceSpiderQueenHead" tag="butcherHarvest" count="1"/> so it should be a 100% chance..
  13. Lol stay away from the sisters heads.... lol.. Have you been skinning them with butcher?
  14. I've never done a powered door before.. I might see if what i have now will work with just making it take electricity.. I actually had to use xyth's tutorial to do that gate lol. Never done an interactable door before. As for the hitboxes, yeah i think it has to do with multiblocks maybe? The xml hitbox is a 5x1x3 so you're able to interact within that area.. but in unity, i have 2 hitboxes that rotate with the doors that go outside of that area.. I have no idea how to get the xml to register it outside of the 5x1x3 area.. If anyone knows, i'd be down to change w/e to make it work... As for the hearts, they are obtainable from skinning them with a butcher weapon. Such as knife or machete. Not sure why you'd not get them in SP unless the files werent exact, since that's an xml only thing. Be sure you both have the most recent update of the mod.. I only added them in the latest update. Lemme know how you like the horses mod. I wasn't able to get too much testing in with balance, but i did lower the cost of stuff down quite a bit.. And thank YOU for playing my mods From uh.... killing the spider queen of course. 😛 She's a rare spawn spider with a nameplate and 3x the size of a normal spider.. hard to miss. Skin her body after killing her and her head is yours! Make sure you use a butcher tool (knives, machetes)
  15. I'm just going off something that was posted in guppys discord a long while back where it showed all the code bits that werent hooked up yet. had lots of new objectives that aren't quite implemented yet.. hopefully all those are still coming.
  16. Quests are definitly fun. Lots of creativity.. Though ill admit i got pretty burnt out when i got around to doing the quest to get the horse in this one.. So it's not quite as good as it could be. Plus having to keep in mind multiple players doing the quests and all.. All items have to replenish themselves and all.. One day we'll have buff triggers for completing quests.. That'll open a ton of opportunities up. Not just a requirement of having a certain buff, but an actual objective of getting a certain buff. Can't wait for that...
  17. They spawn randomly yes, but you aren't able to tame them like the original version. They are mostly decoration / meat sources now. Might do something like i did with the spiders where you have a chance of getting a unique horse or something from skinning them or something... But for right now, just deco / meats.
  18. Just put out the horse mod 2.0.. This one adds a new POI for players to find and gain reputation with the NPCs there by completing quests. Unlock new quests and even some minigames by getting to certain reputation points! Play a game of Simon Says with the little child and complete a horse obstacle course to upgrade a horse of your choice to a tier 2 horse with more inventory space and more speed. Don't forget to break the music box block to get some relaxing ranch music while you're near the POI.
  19. Awesome.. some of the pokemon can be hard to hit.. They all use a scaled down or up vanilla entity as the hitbox, so there could be some gaps where you can't hit them well. I tried my best to get them lined up well, but its soooo fiddly sometimes.. One day I'll lean the creaturepacks way of doing things, but idk... I dont wanna learn anything right now 😛 Which pokemon was giving you trouble? I might can look into that one later today when I'm home.
  20. I did some testing before releasing and spawned esch pokemon by using thr balls. They all worked fine and i was able to return esch of them. Make sure you marked them on a team using thr pokedex on yourself, then right clicking your spawned pokemon.
  21. Fixed the pokemod link... For some reason i linked the old pokemon thread instead of the download.
  22. Speaking of pokemod... I just uploaded the updated version for a19.2 b3, for those who want to play that in a19.
  23. Yeah i think i crossed that line with the pokemod.... 😛
  24. Lol thanks. Not my style of mod.. Not enough weird stuff in it 😛 But if a friend asks, you must deliver!
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