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Everything posted by ScubaSteve3465

  1. Quick question, me and my son use this to play together and they are only spawning in with hordes it seems like. Were not really seeing hardly any NPCs we can hire, actually haven't seen any and on day 25 so far. I know its installed correctly because the spider expansion and some of the other ones are working correctly. Any help would be great.
  2. It's not required to move the mods yet though correct? Also love the extra POIs helps to get by until cp48 drops, the waiting for that alone drives me nuts lol so thanks for trying to fill that gap with some great POIs.
  3. EDIT: Just going to wait on release from stallion. It sounds like he's really close to having it all together and ready anyway. Thanks everyone.
  4. Alright any chance to get in on the test version lol? Me and my son wouldn't mind providing feedback, we both have over 400 hours in 7dtd. If not no big deal though, if the timetable is really close I'll try to stick it out for another 2-3 weeks and hopefully 20.4 will have dropped by then. Really though thanks for the work you put it on this, it really helps the game out a lot.
  5. Sigh I think im just going to use the old version of CP on alpha 20 and just lose the new streets and sewers. Playing without the pack is just awful once you had that variety. Can someone let me know how to get it working on a20 for now or provide a link to the most current version that will work with a20. Thanks.
  6. So far everything seems to be working good. Tons of zombies, playing on 3x XP and double loot. Also I seen my question was added to the first post
  7. So my best bet to increase the overall amount of zombies and how many are wandering and spawning is to use one of the mods above alongside snuffkins?
  8. I was able to remove the flying sharks without issue. I do have one more question. I know that file let's you choose the probability of spawning but I want to increase the total amount of zombies walking around and spawning. I wanted to increase how often wandering hordes spawn and generally just want to have a lot more in the world than there is now. Can anyone point me in the right direction for this? Thanks guys.
  9. Yea because I really want to remove some mobs, such as the flying sharks. I will go ahead and try and do the edits myself and post back if everything works out. Thanks for the quick replies guys. EDIT: Im going through and deleting all these lines to see if that works. <entity name="SharkWFLB" prob="0.05"/> EDIT 2: Seems like there are quite a few other lines lower with different prob values for spawning. Just went through them and replaced all with each one. Hope it works.
  10. I was just installing this mod for me and my son to use and im trying to ONLY use snufkins zombies and EXCLUDE the plus ones from spawning. Honestly I just wanted to remove any of the animals that looked just too odd to be in the game. If someone can provide me with a simple edit of the config file or let me know how to remove the plus variants that would be a huge help. Thanks for all your work guys.
  11. Thanks again, downloading now to use with 12.4
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