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Old Crow

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Posts posted by Old Crow

  1. 11 hours ago, theFlu said:

    It's more HP, but can entertain triple the crowd. As more zeds are beating on the same block, the faster it'll fall.


    Plus their breaking is a little catastrophic, one block and you have a whole highway to you; with steel blocks, they'll have to break two blocks to open a proper path, two steel is 20k HP already.


    Unless they start crawling, which many of them will do for no apparent reason.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Gamida said:

    As everyone else I sort of quickly figured out the sex + yule part. The next one down I thought of dictator + ship for first part (which for those who said tyrant for kim I am thinking is right answer) and am sorry if I offend anyone but I have no idea who the other two guys were.


    I don't know who the long-haired fellow is, but the guy on the right is from Cutting Room Floor.

    Sex Yule (sexual) Tyrant Shore (tyrannosaur)

  3. 3 hours ago, Roland said:

    My last puzzle got solved so quickly and even with me trying to distract you guys with Scooby Doo instead of a real Great Dane. I hope this one is tougher and bit more ambiguous.




    EDIT: Wait, I got it. Something to do with Sexual Tyranosaurus. Jason Mraz from Cutting Room Floor.. If I'm geussing right, Sexual Tyrannosaurus is being removed.

  4. 4 hours ago, Red Eagle LXIX said:

    I hope lockpicking would be made more interactive at some point.  It doesn't feel like skill applies at all. 

    There was a much more interactive idea shown back here in A15 (though lockpicking took a few more versions before it came as what we have now).

    Note: I mean on safes.  I agree with lockpicking not working on the doors (even though this video shows doors).  I just like the mechanism used here versus the one we have for lockpicking now.  Sadly this version never made it to a public build it looked so much more interactive and fun.

      Reveal hidden contents


    The fact lockpicking on doors doesn't work is certainly vexing. I can use timed charges to blow them open, why can't I pick them?


    And I agree with you on the lockpicking skill not seeming to apply. I never bother with putting points into it because I always seem to break picks at the same rate - in fact, they seem to break immediately a lot more often with the skill. It's worthless.

  5. 5 hours ago, Kalex said:

    Did you change the percentage of terrain types vat generation? Certain traders used to be linked to certain biomes, don't know if it still is.


    On a random gen map, traders can appear anywhere. When I started in A19, I had a random map - Hugh was in the desert, Joel and Jen were in the wasteland, Rekt was in the burnt forest and Bob was also in the forest.

  6. 4 hours ago, archergod said:

    I see a "Roadmap to Gold" is published, does that mean "learn by reading" will be part of gold? as this change few times in past, so anything can come back or will it still change going forward or uncertain. Do we lock features for A21 yet? 


    I'd say not, as the Learn by Reading system isn't listed on the roadmap.

  7. 16 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

    While I can understand the annoyance I kind of like it. It adds a bit of flavor to the otherwise simple combat. 


    I dunno, I'm kind of sick of zombies magically "dodging" shots at the last second, whether due to deciding to crawl for no reason, or having such jittery movement decide to pretend to be Neo from the Matrix.

    Also getting sick of arm shots spraining/breaking my legs and vice versa.

  8. 21 minutes ago, Doomofman said:

    This may have been asked before but...


    Any changes to the crawling mechanic for A21? Perhaps something to stop the zombies from suddenly starting to breakdance in the middle of combat?


    God , I hope so. It would be nice to see this fixed, it's annoying to have them suddenly start crawling for no reason.

  9. 14 hours ago, meganoth said:


    No pictures shown yet (to my knowledge, I'm not on their social media channels)


    They did tease Trader Bob's new compound on Twitter back in April. It looks pretty tight, though I'll miss the ol' self-storage.


    14 hours ago, meganoth said:



    14 hours ago, meganoth said:



    14 hours ago, meganoth said:



    14 hours ago, meganoth said:



    14 hours ago, meganoth said:




    14 hours ago, meganoth said:



  10. Not sure if this has been answered or not, there's a lot to dig through. Is there a reason the dew collectors are so big? 3x3 seems a bit ridiculous given the output. Right now the largest workstation is the chem station - 1x3. I know the Fun Pimps are currently pretty set on an output of 3 bottles of water per day, I think 2x2 would be a more reasonable size, especially if we're expected to create "farms" of collectors.

  11. 1 hour ago, Laz Man said:


    Would be great if there was an option to respawn you on the map as a new character, level 1, map shroud/waypoints reset, etc..  That way, you can choose to play the same map, and even reclaim your past survivor's base, loot, etc. if you came upon it.

    I... kind of like this idea.


  12. On 11/10/2022 at 9:25 AM, Gamida said:

    Once. Long, long ago. I was trying a turret. I had placed it and was in middle of setting up the angle I wanted it to fire. As I was turning it I suddenly saw myself in the camera. Que in stupidity.

    I fired. I was dead.

    Yes, at one time at least you could fire a turret while aiming it.

    You still can. Just don't fire at yourself. XD

  13. Oh the note of further trader specialization, does this mean traders will actually feel specialized now? I know Rekt was supposed to specialize in seeds starting in A20, but he never seems to have any regardless of my Better Barter levels. Other trader's focii seem fairly lackluster as well - Jen's medical focus for example seems to only result in her MAYBE having ONE extra first aid item.

  14. 8 hours ago, Outlaw_187 said:

    Or it could mean the barbie, aka "skeletons" need to wear deodorant before going up stairs and mingling with a group of people.....I just solved it!!!

    Skeletons are finally coming!!!!


    But I wonder if they'll be wearing both shoes.....🤔


    Roland, we need more hints 🕺

    I agree, I wouldn't miss the secret stash being done away with either. 

    I never really got the point of it. It was just another column to click on to see if they had that beaker, crucible, or whatever other item was desperately being hunted for. 

    And the only column to check for Solar Cells and Solar Banks.

  15. 50 minutes ago, Ramethzer0 said:


    Everyone uses what information they are given.  Some people are not given all the information, and are generally taken as misconstrued when their opinions are up against people who have all the inside information.   That doesn't make them condescending.  That means they are trying to get through to you, and you're not listening.  Let that stew under your helmet for a wee bit.   Taking a single sound bit, removing the context, and projecting your own hot take on that is literally the textbook definition of lazy research.

    Dude, there are literally posts on this site of Roland being unprofessional and condescending. Defend the guy if you want to. Saven researches what goes into his videos.

  16. 7 hours ago, Roland said:

    I feel like typing something that is sure to appear on a future episode of Saven's World...



    The guy has to frame everything in absolutes in order to deliver on the shock value of his click baity titles. Its all about likes and subscribes. Saven has no inside information and is simply choosing to use the worst case scenario and doom and gloom philosophy in order to get views. Later he will either claim that he was always right (If bandits do end up getting delayed) or he will claim that the pressure he and the community brought to the concern successfully pushed them into doing the right thing (If bandits make it into A21). Either way he makes himself the hero of his own world....uh....Saven's World.

    Saven uses what information is given, including your dismissive and condescending attitude towards players who disagree with the Fun Pimps.

    8 hours ago, Syphon583 said:

    Wow. What a way for the producer of this video to take something completely out of context and use as a way to claim TFP are not following their plans. I'd like to hear that segment in its entirety to see what he was talking about. Honestly, to me it looked like he was reading a comment from the chat and not stating with certainty that they were planning to go gold in that time frame. I could be wrong, but it's clear that not only does the video creator have poor expectations of how game development works, but they repeatedly use the same short, out-of-context clip to make a poor argument.


    I also love his claim that the upcoming changes are being met with "massive concern". I'd hardly call the few discussions on this forum the equivalent of massive concern. Seems to me the majority of the people on here are looking forward to testing out these changes and giving their honest feedback.

    You say that like it's only people on the forums here that are talking.

  17. 40 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    Ok, I will not waste 15 minutes of my life to search for something in a video. So I'll accept that probably Madmole mentioned something. And I think I remember now some time ago here in the forum someone said Madmole mentioned a time frame and we made jokes here about it being a big mistake. Anyone remember? It could be about this.


    Search for what? The link goes directly to a specific timestamp.

  18. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:


    Stated goal by whom? I never heard TFP state any form of date or year for the release of their game. They don't even say when alphas get out and they haven't even fixed the number of alphas they will do before release.


    Ah, and about the complaint about them making constant changes and redoing existing systems, I disagree. Some of the changes are replacing prototype subsystems that were put into the game because an EA game needs to work and be fun from the start. Many further changes they do seem logical to me as they change subsystems that were not working well. Sometimes the rework didn't work either so it needed a second rework. It is called experimenting and improving and is done everywhere, only you can't see it with most games.


    If you want you can name a redone feature and I can probably tell you the reasons why it was redesigned. 


    Most players have unrealistic expectations about game development. They assume that all games can be planned on a white board. And they can very well if their innovation level is nearly 0 or the developer don't want to deliver high quality. If not it is very much random whether the parts someone wants to include form a well-rounded package.


    Many players also assume that any feature can be done in a week. If they see a feature done fast in some other game (or a mod) they assume it can be done fast in any other game. They also assume that every developer is the same, if one doesn't experiment the other doesn't need to either. They assume that simply hiring 50 developers to a team of 50 doubles development speed, and that immediately.


    If the game goes gold in 2025 that means 3 more alphas where I get a new game, not brand new but with enough changes that I can try out new things. For me each alpha is a welcome present.






    Stated BY THE FUN PIMPS. It was in last year's streams from them prior to A20 coming out. Here's a clip, it's shown multiple times in this video by Saven's World.:



  19. On 10/24/2022 at 7:58 PM, meganoth said:


    Possibly. But was the behemoth more important than the time to fix the issues? What new gameplay would it have brought that wasn't possible with a zombie with a smaller frame?




    We'll never know - TFP are slow to fix issues and instead spend time making constant changes or redoing existing systems. Wasn't the stated goal last year to go gold in 2022? I'm sorry, but they're not even close. I'll be surprised if the game goes gold by 2025 at this rate.

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