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Old Crow

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Posts posted by Old Crow

  1. On 12/23/2022 at 7:35 AM, BFT2020 said:


    No, they do.  If I play agility, I can unlock stamina reduction for knives by perking into Deep cuts.  But to unlock stamina reduction for tools, I have to unlock the Miner perk along with perking upwards in Strength if I want the higher levels.  Read what I wrote again




    You have to do that now though if you're using knives and tools. You just have to spend extra points currently if you want to get as much benefit out of tools and knives now (Deep Cuts, Sexy Rex, and Miner 69er, as well as Strength and Agility) instead of one less perk in A21.

  2. Just now, NukemDed said:

    can we please have a new mod for the 4x4

    kangaroo bars :-)


    Or a couple of more batons? Kinda sad there's only two batons, but all the other melee weapons get three types. Maybe like a police baton or a cattle prod?

  3. 44 minutes ago, Survager said:


    This problem also exists with arrows or crossbow bolts when hitting a block that is immediately destroyed, in which case the arrows continue to hang in the air. Will this be changed in Alpha 21?


    What, you don't like your anti-gravity arrows and bolts?

    In seriousness though, it would be nice to see this fixed/changed. The current problem though is that a salvageable bolt or arrow would probably be destroyed in the current system, like what happens when debris collapses even further after breaking a block below it.

  4. 40 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    I think he has confused SexRex with Flurry... just to clarify, do tools have their own SexRex skill now?


    @faatal What happens when a vehicle reaches zero HP? Does it blow up? Does it just stay there broken? It would be cool if in some conditions your vehicle could completely blow up instead of just breaking down... (e.g.) if you crush into a wall and you go below (i.e.) -50 HP then you also blow up. What are the plans on this? 


    Tools will have their own baked-in sexy rex, like melee weapons

  5. 1 hour ago, Rabbitslovecactus said:

    If finding drivable vehicles ever gets implemented, could you guys please make it so the status of all vehicles are unknown. The only way to know it's status is to try and start it (with a low chance of it actually starting and running). This would then allow us to know what parts for repairs are needed. I think it would add to the looting suspense. And if we actually find a vehicle that works, it would be like winning the wasteland lottery. 


    I actually like this idea a lot. We should still be able to build our own vehicles, but being able to find drivable vehicles in the world would be cool as well.

  6. 5 hours ago, meganoth said:


    I agree that the grind to replant everything is needless and could easily be halved.


    TFP have said that that is intentional because it makes farming more "meaningful", which in my case didn't work, sorry. 



    Maybe they meant "tedious" instead of "meaningful."


    A QOL idea I just had - instead of a 50% chance to get a seed back when harvesting, why not make it a 50% to leave a seedling? Then we're only having to replant any spots that didn't yield one. That we we still have to replant empty spots, but not spots that yielded a seed? It'd still give the same effect they were going for, with a little time saved.

  7. 1 minute ago, Roland said:


    It wouldn't have been if you'd accepted my first response. I would have been happy to stop there. But you're welcome for the more in depth explanation of "They look cool"




    Your first response came out as a non-answer that seemed to ignore my question.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Roland said:


    There may be another explanation. It could be that the world after the zombie apocalypse is different than ours and that due to the atomic bombs, while a harvested crop may still have multiple seeds,  perhaps those seeds are most inert or just not viable. It is not unreasonable to suppose that off camera we've planted all the seeds from five crops and only one seedling came up out of all of that which we then transplanted to the planter box.  All of that is abstracted into using five crops to craft one seed since this isn't a farm sim game so the devs weren't interested in going into so much depth of having the players act out all the intermediary steps.


    At any rate, I think there could be some reasonable explanations that fit with the setting. If by "stupid" you simply meant "I don't like that much scarcity" then that is certainly understandable. But in the sense of whether it could makes sense, I think it certainly can.


    See, that's a reasonable response and explanation. I can vibe with that.

  9. 28 minutes ago, Roland said:

    I guess you didn’t catch my meaning despite summarizing what we both said quite well. They are the size they are because they look good that way. It fulfills the aesthetic that the devs were wanting for them. 

    Why are the dew collectors 3x3?  Because they look cool at that size. They don’t want them smaller and at least for now they don’t want them to produce more than three jars a day. 



    Was that so hard?

  10. 8 hours ago, faatal said:

    Yes, they were fine. The changes were to make the number of repair kits needed to be different and reasonable for each type of vehicle.



    Ah, okay. That's what I was guessing, but it's good to have confirmation. Thanks!

  11. On 3/16/2022 at 11:02 AM, Roland said:
    • Vehicle Changes
      • Increased bicycle, gyro, and 4x4 helath



    Any reason the minibike and motorcycle aren't getting increased health? I'm guessing they're already in a good spot, but clarification would be super.

  12. So with Sexy Rex being baked into weapon perks, will it be getting baked into harvesting tool perks, like Salvage Ops and Miner 69'er as well?

    1 minute ago, GRITTY said:

    just to wrap my head around this, when we go into our skill tree, sex rex won't be there at all under strength, right?  will each weapon we learn about have it's own "stamina spot"


    Correct. The Sexy Rex perk is going away. As you put points into your melee weapon of choice, you'll get a stamina use reduction.

  13. 11 hours ago, theFlu said:

    It's more HP, but can entertain triple the crowd. As more zeds are beating on the same block, the faster it'll fall.


    Plus their breaking is a little catastrophic, one block and you have a whole highway to you; with steel blocks, they'll have to break two blocks to open a proper path, two steel is 20k HP already.


    Unless they start crawling, which many of them will do for no apparent reason.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Gamida said:

    As everyone else I sort of quickly figured out the sex + yule part. The next one down I thought of dictator + ship for first part (which for those who said tyrant for kim I am thinking is right answer) and am sorry if I offend anyone but I have no idea who the other two guys were.


    I don't know who the long-haired fellow is, but the guy on the right is from Cutting Room Floor.

    Sex Yule (sexual) Tyrant Shore (tyrannosaur)

  15. 3 hours ago, Roland said:

    My last puzzle got solved so quickly and even with me trying to distract you guys with Scooby Doo instead of a real Great Dane. I hope this one is tougher and bit more ambiguous.




    EDIT: Wait, I got it. Something to do with Sexual Tyranosaurus. Jason Mraz from Cutting Room Floor.. If I'm geussing right, Sexual Tyrannosaurus is being removed.

  16. 4 hours ago, Red Eagle LXIX said:

    I hope lockpicking would be made more interactive at some point.  It doesn't feel like skill applies at all. 

    There was a much more interactive idea shown back here in A15 (though lockpicking took a few more versions before it came as what we have now).

    Note: I mean on safes.  I agree with lockpicking not working on the doors (even though this video shows doors).  I just like the mechanism used here versus the one we have for lockpicking now.  Sadly this version never made it to a public build it looked so much more interactive and fun.

      Reveal hidden contents


    The fact lockpicking on doors doesn't work is certainly vexing. I can use timed charges to blow them open, why can't I pick them?


    And I agree with you on the lockpicking skill not seeming to apply. I never bother with putting points into it because I always seem to break picks at the same rate - in fact, they seem to break immediately a lot more often with the skill. It's worthless.

  17. 5 hours ago, Kalex said:

    Did you change the percentage of terrain types vat generation? Certain traders used to be linked to certain biomes, don't know if it still is.


    On a random gen map, traders can appear anywhere. When I started in A19, I had a random map - Hugh was in the desert, Joel and Jen were in the wasteland, Rekt was in the burnt forest and Bob was also in the forest.

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