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Old Crow

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Posts posted by Old Crow

  1. On that note, how come we don't save the dishes from all the various stews and such that we eat?


    Serious question though - are empty cans going away as well? They're only used for two recipes right now, and those can of course be changed to no longer require them, much like how the recipes requiring glass jars are being changed.

  2. 14 minutes ago, KatsPurr said:

    As someone who loves - streams - creates POIs for and creates content about the game - I'd just like to chime in as a female player who is a HUGE fan of 7 days. Just like all you gents out there, I TOO feel the same emotions, the same excitement, the same hype, the same anticipation as you do about everything 7 days. I TOO have been looking forward to these dev streams! Just like you, when they started showing the lineup of character art during the art dev stream, I too was sitting on the edge of my seat, excited to see what was coming. 


    So then they started going through one model after another, the artist fondly talking about all the cool little details and Easter eggs he'd added to the male characters. I thought to myself "Oh daaaammmnnn, if the MALE characters are THIS cool, I can-not WAIT to see the female characters!" Then when he finally got around to showing them, I mean it - out of all the variations, he decided to show the "boobies busting out her top" variation.


    I wondered to myself: Was there a moment earlier in the day, where the devs discussed which variations to showcase on the stream? Were they saying things like: 


    "Ok team, let's make sure to give some appreciation and love to our many female players out there and choose a really nice female player character to show them! They're gonna be so thrilled!"


    or... did they say: 


    "Duuuuude! Let's show our boys some eye candy, why don't we!? They're gonna looove the rack on this desert character! *giggity*!"


    If they would have shown additional normal female characters, there wouldn't have been a problem! But that was it. Just the big boobies and then they moved on. Where were the female characters that had as much personality and attention to detail as say the packrat dude for instance? Where was a female character that "told a backstory". All we saw were just big solid implanted boobs. And then that was it. Nuttin' else. I have to admit: it was a deflating moment to say the least.


    Listen: Let me make something absolutely clear 'kay? I absolutely DO NOT mind a game having hottie outfits for female characters in games. God knows how many hours I invested hunting for the skanky outfits in Anarchy Online and WoW back in the day. I also don't mind the only female trader in the game being a cutie called Jen who flirts with me from time to time. I don't even mind the fact that there are SEVERAL strip joints in the game catering to the gents out there. Heck, 7 days wouldn't be the same without the rough humor. I luvs it! (although, I wouldn't mind seeing a "The Stud Farm", "The Muscle Mansion", "The Beefcake Bungalow" or a "Hunk Haven" POI appear for us ladies one of these days. POI designers: Make it happen! You know you wanna!


    What I do mind however is the at-times deaf tone and clueless attitudes in regards to making female players feel appreciated, included and welcomed. I remember when I started playing 7 days, one of the first things I noticed was that the traders addressed my female character as if she were a man. Then I remember the first time I saw Joel on stream... Honest question: What's the ONE THING your eyes zap to when he's on screen? The naked lady painting on his wall. I mean my god, it's a frickin' gorgeous painting, it really is! But that's beside the point. What makes this problematic is that a) It's highly unprofessional and has no place on a dev stream b) It creates a horn-dog-buzz amongst the male chatters and this can feel disturbing for female players just trying to focus on the information.


    In the very least, it would be considerate if devs could at least avoid reacting to comments about the painting and just choose to focus on one of the other hundreds of comments that are actually about the dev stuff instead. When devs react to comments about the painting, it's like validating the horn dogs in chat and saying "Hey dudes, it's absolutely fine that you continue chatting about naked ladies. We don't need to care about how our female audience will feel or whether they will be creeped out or unwelcome!" Devs should be better than that, and lead by example. Instead of encouraging that sort of behavior.


    There will be those of you who say: "Female players don't matter since the target audience is and always has been male" - Choosing a target audience is fine. But it can still be done in such way that doesn't make literally half of the population feel excluded and unwelcome at the same time. Besides, look at how many female streamers there are that stream this game. Isn't it time that females became a valued and respected part of the target audience?


    At the end of the day, none of the things I mentioned are very serious or disturbing on their own, the problem is how it all starts to add up. A real shame as this game has so much potential to be enjoyed by everyone equally.



    I 100% get what you're saying. It would have been nice to show some other female armor variations, assuming they had them ready yet. Maybe that's why they only showed that one (of course the boob one would be the one finished first if that were the case).


    That said, there were a few ladies in the audience who commented on the male character models, particularly the one in his skivvies. Something to the effect of "Finally, some eye candy for the ladies!" This unfortunately creates a double standard. It's okay for the ladies to comment like that (as well they should be okay to comment thusly), but the boys can't say anything? On your side here, just something interesting to think about.


  3. 1 hour ago, bdubyah said:

    Basically. You can do T1 jobs all the way through until you get your T5 completion reward. You never have to do higher tier jobs to get them. The only benefit to higher tier quests is the loot in the POI themselves. But considering how the rewards usually have guaranteed good, high level gear it seems a bit odd you can get it only doing basic jobs.


    Interesting! Thanks for the info.

  4. 2 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

    Was just watching a G9 vid watching him do quests and it reminded me of how once you unlock a new tier, you can still do lower tier quests to complete the higher tier for the reward. Is that intended and gonna stay? Seems odd you could unlock T5 quests and then run through a bunch of T1s to get the T5 reward.


    I haven't run into that, but now I'm curious. Was it just the tier completion reward?

  5. I haven't seen this brought up yet - the new trader compounds, specifically Rekt. He JUST got a new compound in A20, and already has another new one in A21. Were the A21 compounds planned for a while? If so, it just seems like a waste of time and money to have made a new compound for Rekt for A20, only to turn around and change it again in A21. @faatal

  6. 1 minute ago, mstdv inc said:

    Because 7 Days To Die is not a clone of Left 4 Dead :)

    If you want to play Left 4 Dead, you go and play Left 4 Dead.Imagine that all the games will start copying whole fragments of other games.You are tired of Left 4 Dead, you want something different in the zombie world, you go to 7D2D and see whole fragments of Left 4 Dead there.That would be very strange.Some people want to see pieces of dying light in 7D2D.Wouldn't it be easier to go play those games that are more interesting to you now?You can take things from other games, but not stupidly copy, but come up with something of your own.TFP didn't copy zombies from l4d or DL, they created zombies, which you will remember for a long time.Some people like it, some don't, but that's how they see their game.They don't see their game assembled from fragments of other games.

    There is such a cool mod for GTA SA, which is called Zombie Andreas (not advertising).So there are all ordinary and unique zombies, stupidly copied from Left 4 Dead.You can admire it and even play for a couple of hours.But if the mod developers hadn't implemented a lot of different mechanics, you would have lost interest in this mod after a couple of hours, because, apart from the zombies from Left 4 Dead, there would be nothing interesting there.


    It doesn't have to be a clone - I never said it did. Look at nearly any zombie video game out there and you'll find the same mass of "generic" zombie hordes. Same with zombie movies. It's easier to believe, so to speak, than it is to believe that every 7th zombie happens to have Nurse Joy/Officer Jenny Syndrome.

  7. 19 minutes ago, mstdv inc said:

    Do you remember what at least 10 different zombies look like in L4D?I'm not.There are many of them, and they are different, but it's just a mass that is moving towards you.Is it better to attack clones or attack in masses when you hardly remember what zombies look like after exiting the game?I'm also for a variety of zombies, but so that their appearance is recognizable.


    I don't, but unless they're some sort of special zombie (a fat cop, wight, spider, etc) why should your basic zombie stand out? That's part of the horror - a massive, faceless crowd of hungry dead.

    4 minutes ago, mstdv inc said:

    You evaluate visually.From the point of view of the code, these are 3 different zombies.They have different characteristics, different spawn location at different stages of the game.
    I'm pretty sure that when they wrote about 50 varieties of zombies, they meant more than 50 different instances of zombies.If you count all the zombies right now, you will find much more than 50 pieces, so we can assume that the developers have fulfilled their promise.

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    Fulfilled via clever semantics, but fulfilled.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Callum123456789 said:

    I see thanks for the clarification I thought they meant they repurposed tier 1 poi zombie spawns and made them applicable for tier 2's.


    See, that's what I thought it was as well. Especially if I remember right, the POI they showed in the stream for the infestation was a T1 POI (a very small camp) but with T2 zombie parameters.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Roland said:

    If you don't see it in the game then it didn't get a new HD model. Everything that did not get a new model was cut. Since that time the focus has been on bandits and player character models. Once they finish with the current tasks there might be time to do a few more zombie models. I'm not sure how to make it clearer. Hopefully, you get it from this statement.


    I do get it now, yes. Your initial statement wasn't entirely clear, which is why I asked for clarification instead of just assuming one thing, like an idiot. But hey, thanks for talking down to me!

  10. 3 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    Yeah, I can't imagine they do it except between traders.  I wonder how they would manage vehicles... Do you have to pick it up to take it with you, or having it on the helipad is enough?  We shall see.  Since they did remove it, that means it is probably guaranteed to appear.  No reason to remove it otherwise.  Of course, maybe they just don't want to have false hope out there. 😁


    Just guessing here, but I would guess it'd be like using the Dev Mode teleport - it just teleports the player and their inventory, meaning vehicles would be left behind, unless they were empty and in your inventory.

    As for why it was removed? Who knows. Could have been because Rick spoiled it, or because of Lathan's reaction, or any number of reasons.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Roland said:

    Im not sure I understand what you are asking. The current crop of zombies replaced the previous crop. Many of the previous crop were upgraded to what we have now. Others were cut. 


    Did the cut zombies (cowboy, football player, cheerleader) already have their HD models and were then cut, or did they get cut with no HD models being made? If it's the latter, of course they didn't fit in. They had no HD models.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Roland said:

    They were cut because they weren’t up to the standards of the new models and would have looked horribly out of place next to them. 

    the team has been completely focused on bandit models and character models since that time so there has been no time to do more zombie models. Once they are finished with bandits and player characters, if there is time, they will do a few more zombie models. But they’ve put off the other entities in the game long enough and these others they’ve been working on are must haves before the game can be considered done whereas more zombie models would be nice but not necessary. 


    Wait, so the cut ones were already HD versions? Or no? Just making sure I understand.

  13. Just now, beerfly said:

    Not awful, just two different games as architecture and how much it could take for the sake of our HW.


    Would be cool though, I am also in for more variety of zeds, but we can't have anything. Fingers crossed, though.


    I'd at least like to see the cut zombies return with new models. I'm not really sure why they were cut to begin with.

  14. 1 hour ago, Riamus said:

    They did?  Unless it was edited recently, I only saw the VOD and it included that scene.


    Yeah, apparently they cut it not long after posting the VOD.

    If I had to guess, if fast travel DOES get added, and it's based on what was shown during the dev stream, I think it might only be between traders, since so far they all seem to have that helipad. We'd probably have to find each trader first, like fast travel in other games, before we could travel between them.

  15. 15 hours ago, Syphon583 said:


    So, aside from having to carry a physical item in your inventory, what exactly are you expecting here? Because if that's it, cool, I guess?


    Delivery from one trader to another, I guess. Could be a contract, or supplies, etc.

    5 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    They were working on random generated zombie but they give up





    Left 4 Dead did it, they can't?

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