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Old Crow

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Posts posted by Old Crow

  1. On 3/6/2023 at 10:40 AM, Druid_Koldun said:

    Guys, please tell me, will there be a new model in alpha 21 with new high-quality textures? or has the new character model been ported to alpha 22? And tell us more, please, are there any plans to introduce a raft or boats with new water? I hope so. Please, who knows, if possible, answer me


    New player models were shunted to A22. No plans for rafts or boats that we've been told. Granted, we haven't really been told anything new for the last few months now.

  2. 4 hours ago, DuHast_Play said:

    the raft or boat idea is not so bad.
    A flooded biome is actually a great idea. A small (or rather large) town in a lowland, which was flooded so well. Just a town in a lake. flooding on 2-2.5 floors.
    If the raft/boat is to act as a standable object, not as a vehicle but just as a platform, then logically the vulture spawn should not happen. But for this it is necessary that the zombies were not able to swim. Which is essentially logical. I do not think that they should have the necessary motor skills and buoyancy for swimming (I speak as a person who cannot swim)


    That would be really cool. Reminds me of the movie Hard Rain.

  3. 5 hours ago, Roland said:

    Okay, but there was a 0xp mod that was pretty fun in which you got no xp for doing any actions. Instead, you earned a skillpoint at the end of each day in which you hadn't died. At the end of two days you earned 2 skillpoints and at the end of the third day and afterward you would earn 3 skillpoints as long as you didn't die. If you died then you would have to start over and build up to the 3 skillpoints a day.


    It was quite freeing. You did whatever you wanted and it didn't matter. You could avoid zombies or fight them. As long as you didn't die either choice was equally valid. Without an xp reward attached to doing things there was no incentive or greater value placed on any particular action. Having played that and also having played the game once upon a time before xp was even a glint in the developers' eyes it is my opinion that the game does quite well without xp being tied to each and every action.



    Or maybe that pretty cool mod will get updated again someday...


    That actually sounds really interesting. I would not mind giving something like that a try.

  4. 4 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Why would you need a raft other than to hand out in a lake to avoid a horde?


    Would you really be able to avoid a horde? Getting into a vehicle during a blood moon just causes the horde to shift into spawning super vultures. You'd only be trading land-based zombies for puking, flying zombies that are far more trouble. I would suspect that getting onto a raft, another vehicle, would cause the same thing to happen.

  5. 1 hour ago, Jugginator said:


    You've gotten your answer already, but I wanted to double check the mod stacking with buffs, figured I'd throw together a super quick comparison clip (didn't spend much time on it so it's not professinally edited :p). But this does show it works stacked with buffs from perks; it's very slight, but it's there.



    Hey, thanks for this! Seeing them side by side gives me much better perspective. Appreciated!

  6. 8 hours ago, Roland said:


    To be fair about what? He said he would like to expand the loot tables for zombie bags and I joked that instead of the game being called a "looter shooter" it could, in that case, be called a Super Shooter Looter. Super because the zombie loot bags would now have anything and everything show up in them and Shooter Looter because you would be shooting zombies to get your loot.


    I guess my joke was too subtle because he didn't get my comment and you somehow thought I was defending loot bags I guess?


    Since the subject is now brought up.... I think loot bags should mostly be garbage because if they are too good then it incentivizes farming zombies for loot like the game used to be like and which, in my opinion, was a positive change when they got rid of looting bodies. Its bad enough that you get xp rewards for killing zombies. Awesome loot would just increase the problem. In my opinion, xp should be gained based on time survived and be disconnected from killing individual zombies. 


    Why have them drop loot bags at all then? And I'm going to disagree (big surprise, right?) on saying zombies shouldn't give experience at all. That's just an awful take. I would not, however, be opposed to a setting to turn zombie experience gain on and off though.

  7. 27 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    I did a quick test and reloaded a M60 with no perks and no bandoleer. That took about 7 seconds. With a bandoleer it takes 6 seconds. No difference that you would really notice. With the perks maxed out, it takes me about 4.5 seconds to reload and about 4 seconds with the bandolier.



    Hey, thanks for checking that! So between perks and the mod it sounds like it's noticeable and working. I appreciate the info!


    3 hours ago, edyonline said:

    Pretty sure it doesn’t stack with other perks, from skill tree/books


    I know it doesn't stack with a second bandolier mod, but I can't find anything saying whether it stacks with perks or not. regardless, even perked reload speed with no bandolier, or a bandolier mod without any perks doesn't seem to increase reload speed at all. Just curious if this is something anyone else has noticed, or if I just have a poor perception of time.

  9. 3 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

    the master chef perks will affect the cooking times and amounts of resources used when cooking. each of the 3 perks will get better as you perk up.


    reading the cooking magazines will unlock different recipes as you read them.


    Would I be correct in guessing it will be similar for other perks that formerly unlocked recipes/schematics? ie higher levels of various perks (deep cuts, miner 69er, etc, shortening crafting times and reducing materials used?

  10. 9 minutes ago, doughphunghus said:

    Im curious: Are you near (prob a few blocks = near) walls or windows that are facing the outside? Personally when it rains "indoors" it stops when i get away from outside facing walls/openings and its been like that for a long time, and i haven't heard of TFP addressing/announcing it as something they were fixing, but then again maybe its on the list somewhere as it can be a bit odd the way it is today


    I am, but there are no windows. The walls are also two blocks thick.

  11. 17 minutes ago, zztong said:


    At this point they'd be doing me a favor if they waited until early May to make an experimental version available. The semester would be over and I'd have grades turned in.


    Considering they said they were going to A22 this spring, I'm willing to bet you'll be waiting longer than May for A21. I'm thinking after 10 years, they've got no concept of development time.

  12. On 2/24/2023 at 4:05 PM, armidil0 said:

    Sorry, what I meant was its not split into heavy or light. So I'm assuming it's not teaching us how to craft specific armors, but instead teaching us how to increase our tiers in any armor we might know. So if we have it maxed out we can craft tier 5 armor of any kind.


    That would make it a little different than what the robotic branch shown is doing, Where it is teaching you how to craft multiple different items while increasing the tiers.


    I would think the Armor branch would be similar to the others - first tier of books would run through Padded/Scrap Armor, next tier would run through Leather/Iron, and so on. You'd only learn how to craft the different armors like you would in any other branch - by finding more of that branch's books.

  13. 44 minutes ago, armidil0 said:

    I noticed on the crafting skill pictures that there's no heavy or light armor. I'm guessing we still unlock different kinds of armor with their perks that make them better in some way, and the armor crafting tier is just levels 1-5 for all armor we can make?


    Also i really want more pictures of the crafting trees. I'm super curious what explosives and electrician looks like. 😅


    Nothing for armor at all?


  14. On 2/14/2023 at 7:45 PM, stallionsden said:

    I did this with a few of my pois and a few others  but glad they getting rid of nerd polling . The end loot zs are a good usage at times tho to. Regardless of knowing. Spreading the loot or the spots end loot can be isn't always the answer 


    Who said they're getting rid of nerd poling?

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