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Old Crow

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Posts posted by Old Crow

  1. 2 hours ago, falloutcloud said:

    I think the reason many of us had hoped it would release by Christmas is that Rick sounded optimistic that it could happen. We all pretty much knew that it was just a guess but I don't think that we thought he'd be off by 4 months.


    I've noticed they kind of tend to say things in regards to releases that end up being very generous. It almost seems like they're out of touch with what the dev team is actually doing.

  2. 6 hours ago, JamesKirk said:

    There again the mysterious word "soon"(TM) appears


    It's the Blizzard "Soon (TM)"

    1 hour ago, faatal said:

    Those are only my bugs and not all of my bugs/tasks as I currently have 12 must fixes in various states of completion and across the team there are 67. That number does not mean a lot, as half of them do not need to be done for experimental and new ones get added regularly.


    Then there are last minute tweaks, like today it came up that sleeper volumes spawn using the game stage of the player triggering the volume, so I am trying to test a change that adds in players nearby, similar to how blood moons spawning makes parties from nearby players for game stage calc.


    So probably going to be a while yet.

  3. 21 hours ago, khzmusik said:

    Out of curiosity, has anyone from TFP seen this JaWoodle video?



    It seems like YouTube is flagging all content that mentions 7D2D in the first few seconds of videos, because it considers the word "die" to be hate speech.


    If that's true, and this is a long shot, but would the 7D2D team contacting YouTube help with this situation?


    I have not, but then again I kind of find him extremely annoying. Dude has Minecraft streamer energy.

    On point though - this sounds about right for YouTube.

  4. Personally I wouldn't say no to a T2/3 baton weapon. How about a police baton in between the stun baton and the pipe baton? Or how about making Electrocutioner work with more than just the stun baton? If you think about it, the pipe baton has no perks to support it, outside of Sexy Rex and Flurry of Blows.

  5. 45 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    Which cooks are already on an unfinished ship on the docks?


    Yes, changing the galley around is much more of a task than changing anything in software. But similarities remain, changing something in software often makes adaptations to surrounding structures necessary and inserting code isn't as easy as starting with that code from the beginning would have been. It costs more time the more the rest of the code already is done.


    In a vessel you simply wouldn't do most of the changes because of the costs, the magnitude is certainly different. Changing around plans after starting the work is almost never done. But if it were done you would need more time replacing a galley with another one than building that galley from the start.





    Boats confirmed for A21! XD

    Just kidding. But it would be cool to see some more derelict/wrecked boats in the game as environment, beyond the little fishing boats Navezgane has at the big lake near Trader Joel.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Jugginator said:

    DMS is the Dynamic Music System, i.e., the music, find that in the Audio options. Try turning it off during laggy times. 


    Bob explained it, but yeah it's garbage cleanup. It tries to do it on opportune times to not be too big of a bother to the player, such as opening a loot container, going into the pause menu, opening your inventory and such like that. If your system is bogged down/at capacity at that time, it can cause a long delay unfortunately. Indeed, having ample ram (fast ram at that, especially if on a Ryzen cpu) and the game/OS on a fast SSD will help a lot. Likely some changes in A21 will help, can't say for sure.  For now, close as many background processes as you can and such, to give your system some headroom while playing.


    Will do. I usually try and keep as much closed as I can, just keeping Discord and the game open. I minimize Discord though in case someone posts a gif or something.

  7. Anyone else want to see more zombie animals in the game? Considering how often animals will pick fights with zombies (especially in the snow biome), why aren't there any zombie wolves/coyotes or zombie mountain cats? How about zombie chickens?

  8. 1 hour ago, Riamus said:

    This is a separate issue.  There is a recent topic in the support forum explaining this, but a quick summary is that every 20 minutes there is a cleanup done and if you have low RAM and/or your pagefile is on an HDD instead of SSD, this will likely happen.  The freeze triggers when you open inventory and containers because that is what triggers the cleanup every 20 minutes.


    Ah! That would make sense. So the fix would likely be "get more RAM", it sounds like. I'll go check out that thread for more information, thank you!

  9. 29 minutes ago, bobrpggamer said:

    I play single player without a server.


    What happens is that sometimes I open a container and move things to and from my backpack and the sound effect you get for taking items in and out of your backpack, lags about 2-3 seconds. I really do not get why this happens but it is annoying when I moving a lot of things in and out of my backpack. Like sorting out your last quests content into the right storage container. Like putting duct tape in the building container, putting bones in the chest next to the chemistry station, smelt-ables in the container near the forges and so on.


    I keep wondering if it's a connection issue due to my internet, or if it's because the game isn't optimized. Considering what you're describing, I'm leaning toward lack of optimization, but I don't know enough about the technical end of things.

  10. My question is: Is opening containers/your backpack related to performance? I've noticed many times while connected to a server online, sometimes when I go to open a container or my backpack, my game freezes and I then get disconnected from the server. This seems to happen more often in A20 - I never experienced it in A19.

  11. 47 minutes ago, FA_Q2 said:



    Over 5k hours and I have no idea what you are talking about whatsoever....


    Have I really tuned out something that hard LOL!  There is a journal?




    The pen icon when you open your backpack. You also get notifications about new journal entries being added when you start a new game, and when you place a new workstation.

  12. 53 minutes ago, zztong said:


    I wonder, is that a new vending machine or a replacement model for the existing vending machine? I mean, it would be nice to keep the one that would appear to sell cans/bottles too. I hope this new asset is not a replacement for that.


    I'm guessing replacement, as the updated forge model is. That said, I agree it would be cool to still have the other one, too. Make one that sells the various candies/foods, and the other sells drinks.

  13. I'm not sure it's possible to do what you're trying to do, precisely. The only thing I can think of is one motion detector going to all of the lights (assuming they're all in the same room), and have them set to stay on for a set amount of time. As long as you're in the room, the camera will keep reactivating the lights.


    The problem here is the lights will continuously shut off and turn back on until you're out of the camera's field of view. The other option is to set teh camera to stay on once activated, but that won't turn the lights off when you leave.


    Your best bet here is probably a manual power switch instead of a camera.

  14. On 3/12/2023 at 11:30 AM, DanLW said:


    They made the mistake of releasing on Friday.  This is why TFP alphas are generally released on Monday so that unexpected game breaking bugs can be worked during the work week.


    (Star Citizen is currently experiencing massive.outages)


    7 days will go gold long before Star Citizen or Squadron 42.


    A21 has to actually get here first. Otherwise, we see nothing.

  15. 6 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


    Yes, but we were told that paper loot was going down, so there is that negative.


    I mean, how else are you going to keep your sanity at night on a character that never sleeps if you can't just build paper airplanes all night long?


    We were also told there'd be less paper in book stores in A20, and that didn't seem to actually be the case.

    2 hours ago, ElDudorino said:


    Clubs are better, no contest. Faster, similar damage, and still have knockdown, stagger, and slight AoE. I've done sledge playthroughs and its AoE doesn't make up for its lack of speed against groups of zombies. The club both controls them more efficiently AND kills them faster, while also giving you infinite stamina. Plus the club has several really good mods that are exclusive to it while the sledge has none.


    The sledge admittedly has more satisfying hits, and I hate the design of the steel club, but the club is just vastly more effective.


    But anyway, my next playthrough will be on a21 and will be spears for sure. Unless a21 doesn't come out by like the end of summer, in which case I'll probably just start a new game of Darkness Falls (and maybe still do spears).


    I hate that clubs have been the melee "golden child" for so long. I'm glad for and look forward to the melee weapon changes in A21.

  16. 1 hour ago, Roland said:


    Spear damage was increased and throwing was changed to a thrust for the power attack. It will also be much much cheaper to decrease your stamina drain using the spear and increase your attack speed since you won't have to cross over into strength to buy Sex Rex and Flurry of Blows.



    Strength and Agility, you mean. I'm really looking forward to giving spears a real go in A21, whenever it eventually comes out.

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