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Everything posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. @Guppycur Regarding overhauls, Darkness Falls is by far the most popular overhaul mod and it´s for sure harder. I have seen a lot of DF servers advertised on several platforms and in the serverlist. War of the walkers, wich is easier than vanilla imo, i haven´t seen much of.
  2. Only bow/crossbow doesn´t work. At least not on higher difficulties and always running Z´s. Can´t play without a "oh @%$#" weapon for emergencies.
  3. I do a a base where you can use pipe bombs for the first 3 hordenights, doesn´t take too many gunpowder as the first three hordes are pretty short. Meanwhile i try to melee and sneak with the bow outside of hordenight. Only using firearms if i have to and preferably a shotgun. Even without using the trader i can get a decent amount of brass until day 28. If you are willing to go perception and beeing a bit creative, you can also make hordebases purely designed for grenades, molotovs and rocketlauncher. A bit of help from dart and blade traps and you don´t need brass at all if you use a shotgun during the week.
  4. If there is copper and zinc than you never have problems with brass. War of the walkers mod has them mineable. It´s too easy. And making the source of copper and zinc rare leads to the same as we have know with brass beeing rare....
  5. Well ofc not the whole group stays at home. But it´s perfectly fine if one person doesn´t go out besides from mining at all. And we all hope it stays that way. Who is Khalgar? Did i miss something?
  6. 64K Maps? How much RAM do you need for that? The answer is "Yes". I think @selissi is confusing max number of players with map size. And a public server with a 64K map? I mean sure someone might have a machine standing around with a ton of RAM to host a server, but many? Renting a server with enough RAM is gonna cost a fortune.
  7. I don´t see the future that bright for coop. As they said multiple times, they want people to go out, it´s one of the few things you could count over the years that didn´t change at all. If i was TFP and it would be as easy, i would take that chance tbh, not much of a change needed to accomplish that. I hope they don´t though. I am not concerned because we might suffer due to our team spirit. That´s not a problem at all. Who the hell plays Coop with people that wouldn´t get the miner/farmer/builder the magazines they need? Or any other stuff they can´t get themselves?
  8. @meganoth "Wich seems to give a disadvantage" And simply going by how it is described by TFP there is a big chance for that And no on can just mine in SP. That´s not gonna work. And for MP and people who want to specialize i don´t see why any developer would want to prevent this. More freedom, more players. Wich are likely to migrate to their next project. Unless you make decisions that are highly unpopular. We will see though. I know for sure, no more early access with TFP. Next game will have to wait until release. If there is no place for our buddies who play this game for building/farming/mining only it´s a pass. And why on earth is the font suddenly dark blue, withut me changing anything?
  9. UE5 can do voxels, there is a plugin for that . Now i don´t know if you can create a fully destructible world with it though. So we might see part 2 using UE and having voxels. @Roland Is it offical that 7D Part 2 is coming?
  10. So we actually need a change to prevent that aswell tbh. @Laz Man Well if you are in EA that long and build up a playerbase that is used to having all playstyles beeing viable and then you change that, it´s no wonder people are upset. There is a bunch of people who exclusivly played the miner/builder/farmer style for years now, mainly in COOP and mainly people who wouldn´t have touched this game if it wasn´t possible to do so. Yes it´s EA, yes changes are expected, but a change like learning by looting, wich seems to give a disadvantage to those people, needs to be way earlier in the development if you stay in EA that long.
  11. But i need an app to be able to get the code. The problem isn´t having another account, it´s the must to use a 3rd party at all, be it the smartphone for QR or the app for the PC to generate the code. For logging into a gaming forum. In case that this should be mandatory it´s way over the top. E-banking can be done with email and no smartphone or installation of an app on the PC required. (Yes, i know email is 3rd party aswell, but one that everyone here already has) Well it´s not mandatory anyways, But if it becomes mandatory, i really hope they reconsider their choices. We are talking about a gaming forum here.
  12. How does one even get the code if the forum doesn´t need any data? From my email? I don´t use a smartphone either. Having to install a programm to be able to visit a forum is a no go tbh. Even having to use your phone isn´t acceptable. It´s not like there is any money or personal data involved on here. Should have taken a closer look at this but the skip button was there so i didn´t. Well if this should become mandatory this ain´t good news for the traffic on here.
  13. Uhh, i was reading "I can´t do two different Jens at the same time" for a second. Wtf brain?
  14. Well yeah, not really. Forgot about the consoles. That makes steam a third party solution aswell. @meganoth It asked me to log in to a google account i think. Not 100% sure though, i saw i could simply skip and did that. Any solution that doesn´t involve a third party is good. Like sending a code via email. (yeah technically also a third party, but everyone has a email adress, otherwise you can´t be registered here) Is this really needed though? Are the bots that active? It´s not like this forum is highly visited generally.
  15. @Laz Man He sure did. Once we moved everything in the new base he mumbled something when we left but i couldn´t understand it because all the dynamite in his shop suddenly blew up. You really shouldn´t have that stuff lying around everywhere.
  16. So basically what you are saying with this, is that you never played any overhaul mod. Playing War3zuk right now, day 9. I don´t go out at night. No effin way, not even close to having enough ammo and skills for that. And everything i do during the day i constantly stop doing it to look around so that i don´t get ambushed by a freaking giant radiated demolisher. It´s awesome.
  17. It´s not required for regular users. You can simply skip it. @Crater Creator So that i would need a google account? No thanks. Bring back steam authentification, everyone who owns the game has a steam account.
  18. Mythical development time poll? Are you serious now? That was a thing. Still in the old forum though.
  19. As that is a meme, most kids propably know it anyways. We call the stun baton the chinese d.....
  20. Yeah, that´s the only positive thing with rekt. When playing Darkness Falls, where the trader is open 24/7, we made the mistake living in his shop. The constant swearing was awful and really annoying over time. After 40 days or so we moved out even though we had made his compound in a really stable base with a fortified spike moat meanwhile.
  21. @meganothYeah well, because i didn´t know that this was just a side effect is why i said that. There were several posts that indicated that TFP doesn´t want to have people not going out over the years. That was stated even by madmole himself i think (not regarding A21 changes, it was quite some time ago). And i can agree with that for SP where you can´t do that anyways. In MP however that option should definitly stay alive. And it doesn´t change anything in the perception of the players how the devs see it, it´s the effect it has on their gameplay that is importnant for them. And one person complaining can hardly be compared to the complaints from a lot of people like it is now.
  22. @Roland Not regarding gamedevelopment. There was one for A17 death penalty though. And also about the size and timeline of the updates, wich is kind of game development related. Were the players voted for big updates with longer timespans inbetween. Wich was abandoned by TFP with A20 where we got updates until 8 months after release with just about 2-3 months inbetween. There has been those two polls that were importnant and both had a very low number of votes compared to the playerbase. Just an idea to promote any future poll that might happen.
  23. Because those old players are likely to buy a new game in early access aswell (if their new game will also be in early access ofc). And decisions like that rather make me lean towards buying it after it´s finished.
  24. Forgot to add that i think full crowd control is ofc a bad idea. But changes that heavily change the way you can play the game after such a long time should at least get a poll before they deceide to implement them. If they listen to it or not is again a totally different story.
  25. @meganoth Tbh no one criticizing the changes cares if the main reason for this change is something totally different and excluding playstyles wasn´t their goal. To use an old saying: The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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