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Everything posted by Maharin

  1. There needs to be a YouTube video of all the moderators singing "We Are The World" together.
  2. Tuna fish gravy is fine... it's the tuna fish frosting you want to watch out for.
  3. I still don't get it. If you, or anyone else, feels like swapping clothing all the time to min/max each situation then do it... but don't blame anyone else for that behavior. You find the clothing that best fits your play style and stick with that. Maybe they have more mods that can be added to clothing so you can tailor your outfit to better suit you. So maybe your full set isn't OP but gives you a starting point that you find easiest to mold into what you really want and provides the look you desire. But mostly just stay open and don't panic. These guys have so far proven they will get to the right place eventually even if it takes a few alphas to patch things up with the clothing system.
  4. Rather than quote your wall of text in the previous post, I'll quote your original. Every single one of these questions got answered, some multiple times. It will work the same for solo players as it will for every other kind of player... you wear clothing you get bonuses. You wear a complete set you get extra bonuses. They intend it to be used exactly how clothing is used now only having a bit more of a purpose to it. SOME players will feel the need to swap constantly because they simply must have the highest value of everything before they can do anything or they face feeling inferior. Any pressure put on said players are their own doing, not that of the developers. The developers are just giving us toys to play with not telling us how to play with them. There is absolutely nothing public about this new system that is finalized at all so there is no point being anything but open minded about it.
  5. Nothing against Ubuntu, but I have long preferred Linux Mint with the Cinnamon desktop. It's clean and fast, based on Ubuntu, and runs everything I've thrown at it. For those not doing much in the way of gaming but want a VERY stable OS, Debian is a good choice. Ubuntu and many other Linux based operating systems use Debian as a starting point.
  6. But it's true. You haven't seen the changes so complaining about them is premature. Saying everyone will wear the same clothing is premature. If the clothing sets are profession based (or class based) then things will be different than if they are role based (such as harvesting, crafting, combat, etc.). There are lots of options they could go with. And it may not be strictly any of these. Hell, they might even change skill trees based on what clothing sets might offer them. Who knows? But no matter what TFP is still not forcing you to do anything. You will choose as you see fit.
  7. You are the product and someone, somewhere wants to see what they're buying.
  8. There really needs to be a drag queen outfit and a clown outfit. And maybe a mascot outfit like a giant can of Sham or something.
  9. A free upgrade that costs too much. Yep, sounds like Microsoft to me.
  10. Tuna flavored yogurt. Which reminds me, there are no dairy products in this game. Why not?
  11. Personally, I think they should just have dye slots in the equipment screen instead of on each piece of gear. It's a time saver that has zero impact on the game. Want a black helmet? Find black dye, put it next to the helmet slot and anything you wear on your head gets painted black. Great, now this is stuck in my head:
  12. Do what I do... blame Roland for everything. He claims he's only a Super Moderator but we all know he's the one in charge.
  13. Well, maybe cauliflower since it looks like brains.
  14. Coffee golem. It explains the stuttering movements.
  15. They're stuffed with coffee beans and their blood is coffee.
  16. I guess the point is that not all clothing is useful for every purpose or every occasion. Having clothing with specific traits to it and allowing you to choose the outfit that best suits your needs is the way to go. The biggest aspect they're adding is that sets give bonuses specific to a theme or role, with each set having different combinations of attributes. So a set of military style clothing would give you different attributes than clothing someone might use for parkour or skiing or mountain climbing. It's not just about temperature but precipitation, terrain, natural protections, needs for flexibility, durability, etc.
  17. Think of it this way. Would you wear the same clothes to the beach on a summer day that you would out in a snow storm in winter? No, of course you wouldn't. That's what they mean by swapping out clothing based on the circumstances. No more "one size fits all" outfit for all occasions.
  18. You could edit prefabs.xml in the map folder to add some directly, but this can be tricky. Not sure where to update, if anywhere, for map generation.
  19. If 7DTD had as many zombies as Dying Light it would have screen refresh cycles like Adventure Construction Set on the Commodore 64.
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