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Cash option to refresh trader stock faster!


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I want to go more of a barter build, after the traders are improved.


It would be cool if you could play a large some of money to have them refresh their stock, or at least have it refresh faster.


Like an investment in new goods.


Discuss how I am right.


P.S. Please get the blueprints working so I can play around with the spiked knuckles! I need to punch!


P.S.S. Great build BTW, in pretty much every way!

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By the time he stops buying guns from you, you should be able to rent a vending machine and make more Dukes.


The traders themselves are only of limited use. It's amazing you can buy forged iron, oil, and steel from them to repair tools early, but when you REALLY need something, like beakers, solar parts, or even food, they let you down hard.


You'd think they would be a great place to buy/sell mods and mod prints, but not yet I guess. MM did say he was reworking the trader/economy side of things last week.

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By the time he stops buying guns from you, you should be able to rent a vending machine and make more Dukes.


The traders themselves are only of limited use. It's amazing you can buy forged iron, oil, and steel from them to repair tools early, but when you REALLY need something, like beakers, solar parts, or even food, they let you down hard.


You'd think they would be a great place to buy/sell mods and mod prints, but not yet I guess. MM did say he was reworking the trader/economy side of things last week.


Wait, are vending machines useful in SP?

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