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Character power swing sound


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Just wondering if the sound a character makes while making a "power swing" is working as intended. I find it off putting that it sounds like I'm getting hurt or running through a field of cacti while using my pick. Best way of an analogy is, when chip card readers came out in my area the sound for acceptance sounded like either a denial or error. Now that tone is only for error and a much more pleasant sound for acceptance.


Like I said, a small thing, but just wanted to know if it was "working as intended" or on the list to switch for stable.

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Funny you should mention this, I was just thinking the exact same thing in game.


Kinda turns the mine into some sort of rape dungeon with the sounds going out. Heck, if someone were to step into the room, it'd be wiser to just alt tab to Pornhub. Easier to explain.

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Yeah, I play female characters... mining makes it sound like I'm starring in a low budget BDSM porn flick. :p


The male one sounds like the same but some gay porn flick. First time I heard it (I always play female chars) in a streamers stream I was like "Man that sounds so wrong on so many levels"

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They clearly didn't have time to hire enough voice actors for proper work-grunting sounds and just recycled the pain sounds. Seeing how mining is now a pain in the A, it's quite fitting!


My favorite voice acting is Trader Jen though. First time I met her(?), my reaction was: "OK.... you do you, 'Jen'. Got any ammo?"

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