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alpha 17 - falling through the floor


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I keep falling through a wooden floor of a house. Is this common? Is there some way to tell if the floor is weak? In real life, you could at least try to find where its safe to walk, but this just seems random.


- - - Updated - - -


And a fourth time, now my leg is broken... Is there some visual clue to a weak spot in the floor, or do I need to tear up the entire floor and replace it in order to walk through here>?

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A lot more traps/unsafe floors now. Either carry wood and fix as you go or stick close to walls, not failsafe but usually works.


Yes this!!!


That's what I've been doing and only fell through twice.

[been in a LOT of POI's so that's pretty good.]


There's a little more tactics involved now for POI's.


For some players [like myself] it's awesome!

For run-and-gun types... newp! They are going to hate it.

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This seems to be stemming from a larger problem with SI. I was in a building doing some scavenging, when it started to really rain and the wind was really loud. I went outside, looked over at a building, and the building collapsed.


No zeds were hitting it, nothing was active in the building. The blocks getting wet changed their weight, and the whole thing came crashing down.


It seems like the SI has been changed and it hardly takes anything to cause a collapse.

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This seems to be stemming from a larger problem with SI. I was in a building doing some scavenging, when it started to really rain and the wind was really loud. I went outside, looked over at a building, and the building collapsed.


No zeds were hitting it, nothing was active in the building. The blocks getting wet changed their weight, and the whole thing came crashing down.


It seems like the SI has been changed and it hardly takes anything to cause a collapse.


I think that very likely had nothing to do with rain, but the rather messed up POI placement in some cases. Which is an already known bug. (1-2 block high gaps under large portions of the building = no structural support)

Sometimes the misplaced buildings will stay up until you just get close to them and they fall. Sometimes they'll fall as soon as Zs get loaded into them. Sometimes grabbing a chair or a gas barrel from a front porch will trigger the collapse. And sometimes the game just takes some time to "realize" that building should not float. :D

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I think that very likely had nothing to do with rain, but the rather messed up POI placement in some cases. Which is an already known bug. (1-2 block high gaps under large portions of the building = no structural support)

Sometimes the misplaced buildings will stay up until you just get close to them and they fall. Sometimes they'll fall as soon as Zs get loaded into them. Sometimes grabbing a chair or a gas barrel from a front porch will trigger the collapse. And sometimes the game just takes some time to "realize" that building should not float. :D


More rain supperstition lol. Yeah, it's known bug. I had an entire row of buildings blow just by walking past them. Do remember to be careful around the former buildings later - they still spawn sleepers.

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