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Effectively Unlimited Stamina


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While playing around with stamina levels I accidentally created what seemed to be unlimited stamina. I remember someone asking if it was possible to do, and this seems to work. Let me know if you find any issues.


EDIT: All future downloads should go through the main thread.


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Only thing with changing StaminaLossMaxMult and WaterLossPerStaminaPointGained is that this also reduces food/water consumption (looks like you cut both by 50%). Essentially regening stamina is what drops your food/water levels, this value determines how fast they drop (I *believe* the way it works is, <value> subtracted per point of stamina regened. If correct then at the default 0.006 you would lose 0.6 points in food/water per 100 points of stamina regened.)


I think all you need to do for infinite stamina is change StaminaChangeOT (OT = Over Time? Pretty sure this is regen rate.) base_set to something like 100 and the StaminaChangeOT > perc_subtract values to 0.

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It eliminates the downtime so in effect you're spending stamina during times you may otherwise by waiting for stamina to regen (ie especially when resource gathering or running). Reducing the jump/swimming StaminaLoss values means less stamina spent to regen but that really only makes a difference if you're jumping/swimming a lot. I mean, it is probably a good idea to reduce those values, just something to note if people notice their food/water decreasing slower.

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I forgot about the items.xml. So yea, half as much stamina used = half as many points of stamina regened = half as much food/water loss already, then halving food/water loss per point on top of that may be a bit much if you're aiming for roughly the vanilla rate of food/water loss. Of course it's easy for people to tweak the numbers on their own if they want.

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Only thing with changing StaminaLossMaxMult and WaterLossPerStaminaPointGained is that this also reduces food/water consumption (looks like you cut both by 50%). Essentially regening stamina is what drops your food/water levels, this value determines how fast they drop (I *believe* the way it works is, <value> subtracted per point of stamina regened. If correct then at the default 0.006 you would lose 0.6 points in food/water per 100 points of stamina regened.)


I think all you need to do for infinite stamina is change StaminaChangeOT (OT = Over Time? Pretty sure this is regen rate.) base_set to something like 100 and the StaminaChangeOT > perc_subtract values to 0.


So this makes your food and water last longer as well? If that is the case then great!

Everyone seems to be making mods to make this game more difficult. I need mods that make it LESS difficult. This game is already ridiculously hard. The people trying to make it harder are crazy IMO. :p

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Durability-wise you can just add in degradationperuse 0

And you can add an infinite ammo tag



Here you go. Easy Mode [ATTACH]25761[/ATTACH]


- - - Updated - - -


@ashram, I have been working on a better stamina mod, that is how I discovered the unlimited stamina mod. I made a reduced stamina usage per quality level one, it doens't adjust the swomming, walking, and jumping stamina though. It's in the the qua;ity effectiveness bonuses thread.





EDIT: Looking at the files included it looks like that mod only adjusts items anyway. So if you grab the one I added to the link above, it should work okay. You can even pretty easily adjust it as it adjust all items at once.

Infinite Ammo and Durability.zip

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EDIT: Looking at the files included it looks like that mod only adjusts items anyway. So if you grab the one I added to the link above, it should work okay. You can even pretty easily adjust it as it adjust all items at once.


My problem is the mod I've linked is not a xpath mod and I can't overwrite the original xml file... I am not skilled enough to adapt the mod for a xpath installation, that's why I was asking for help. (I'm sorry if my english is bad)

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My problem is the mod I've linked is not a xpath mod and I can't overwrite the original xml file... I am not skilled enough to adapt the mod for a xpath installation, that's why I was asking for help. (I'm sorry if my english is bad)


Right, but if you followed that link I posted, you would find one that does that as a modlet, but based on quality level. If you don't like it based on quality level, it is easy to adjust it as it is only a couple of lines of text.

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