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My opinion on alpha 17 in its current form (wall of text warning)


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Now before reading this, i must point out that i am a pvp player that has spent most of my ingame time on pvp servers, so my perspective on things might be a bit different compared to players who focus more on pve or single player.

And since we are collecting all the bugs we find on the server i am admining on at the moment and sending it to the developers en mass, i will not go into that specific subject in this post.

Also keep in mind that this is just my OPINION based upon the game play experience i have had since the new alpha dropped, so here we go.


To me the game is just not enjoyable to play in its current state.


There is way to much stuff that affects your character in negative ways, losing attributes because you are to cold or to hot, hungry or thirsty.

And if your fortitude stat gets affected, say goodbye to that chunk of hp you just lost, because that stays at the level it was reduced to even after you managed to get rid of whatever debuff was affecting your fortitude stat.

Then there is the near death trauma debuff which is extremely detrimental for a pvp server, and will probably not be a very popular thing for the pve players either since the stat reduction you get has a pretty hefty impact on your character no matter if you play pve or pvp.

So instead of getting a bit of wellness loss when you die you are basically gimped until the debuff has run its course.


The stealth system is just weird now, before this alpha if i was careful enough i could pick off the zombies inside a building with a bow and not alert anybody. Now it seems like you get detected no matter how hard you try to stay silent, i make one loud sound and everything with or without a pulse comes over to run a train on me.

Which brings me to my next point, the zombie density in POI`s is crazy, i was trying to stealth my way into a small military compound the other day, but after alerting the zombies i ended up running for my life with a literal conga line of zombies trying to bite off my kneecaps. I swear, it was like watching one of those clown cars unload more clowns than the laws of physics says should be possible, a small horde of zombies combined with a pack of zombie dogs just exploded out of the tents.


There is also to many things that affects your characters movement, strafing slows you down, reloading slows you down, armor slows you down, running backwards slows you down, having to much stuff in your inventory slows you down. This is annoying enough in a pve setting, but it is downright painful when trying to do pvp. The new movement system is very clunky and makes you feel like all your movements are very slow.

The stamina management is actually worse than it used to be, there is to much downtime linked to the stamina system, starting a new character on a server is now even more of a chore than what it was in previous alphas, especially now that you cant rely on beer or other similar consumables to keep you moving the same way that they used to.

I realise the developers might be going for realism, but then they add a honestly ridiculous perk that allows a player to bounce around like super mario, it looks so weird. And besides, this is a game about surviving the zombie apocalypse, it does not have to go for realism points.


Lets talk a bit about the new skill system, with the new system there is no more leveling your skills organically as part of your characters progression, no more digging to raise your mining skill, no more trading to raise your barter skill, no more shooting a rifle to raise your rifle skill, no more looting to raise your scavenging skill. Its all just perks, and points, which is a very generic and bland mechanic.


The looting part of the game is lackluster to say the least, its just not very engaging, and it does not give you that same feeling of reward you used to get when you for example lucked out and found a complete sniper rifle with decent quality.


Also there is the matter of the 1 claim block you can have, now this affects pve players as well since even on pve servers there are people with sticky fingers who likes to break into other peoples homes and do a little bit of low key raiding. But i have played most of my almost 3k hours on pvp servers, and i have seen people build some crazy awesome bases that would not be possible or secure enough with just 1 claim block. I don't really understand why this change was even implemented.


The one thing i did enjoy was the gun customisation, its fun to be able to change up your weapon for different situations, and makes the gunplay more interesting and personalised.

But even this has a drawback since the gun parts system was swapped out for the new gun modification system. I say this because i have been admining or moderating for one of the bigger pvp servers for a while now, and finding guns with identical qualities, and identical gun parts was one of the ways we found players who were duping items.


Now the armor customisation is a good idea in theory, but in practice it just adds another fiddly mechanic you have to deal with. Having to modify every new set of armor you wear will become very tedious, especially for a pvp player who might lose his gear on a relatively regular basis. But on another note, i do appreciate the fact that the armor you repair no longer loses quality.


The new vehicles are cool looking, and the bicycle is a good addition to the game in my opinion, and is offsetting some of the stamina issues i mentioned earlier. But unfortunately there are drawbacks here as well, the new vehicles suffer from the same rubber banding we saw with the minibike, to some degree it is even worse considering that none of these new vehicles seems to be able to reach the same top speed that you could with the old minibike. On a more positive note the vehicles don't seem to glitch into the ground like they used to.

I will include a clip of a player trying to ride the bike on a low population unmodded server:


It feels like the developers just took stuff from Rust, DayZ and Scum, put it into a blender and shipped the results as the new alpha, its not very fun, it feels very generic and bland, and has taken away a lot of what made the game feel unique compared to the other survival games out there.

This was a game that was relatively difficult to get into, you had to learn all the tricks of survival, but when you mastered it all, you were a wasteland soldier, now its just a grindy chore which is not very enjoyable, not even for the veteran players that has stuck with this game for many many alphas.

This alpha feels tone deaf, and unsure of what it wants to be, it adds all of these rather tedious "realistic" mechanics that feels like busy work for the players, but then dumb down a lot of the more interesting mechanics.


All in all i don't enjoy myself when playing this current alpha, there is just to much micromanagement and tedious mechanics for my personal taste. I play to have fun, to shoot other players, to build awesome bases, to kill some zombies, and go on adventure with my buddies, not to feel like i am just going through the motions while working at an assembly line.

The developers had a winning formula here, it just needed some tweaking to get rid of all the bugs and some new content, but instead of sticking to what a lot of players enjoyed about their game, they drastically changed how the game and its mechanics function.


Edit 01.12.18:

I dont know what it is about the new alpha, if its the way things move, the lighting, the way the terrain blinks in and out of existence, but i cannot play this game for a long time before starting to feel seasick and getting a headache.

I have had similar things happening with other games, but have never had this problem with 7 days to die in all of my almost 3k hours of gametime. I tried changing the fov, changing the gamma settings and video settings in general, and unfortunately none of this has worked.

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First disclaimer, I know Gorenuke since a good while and I have spent a lot of time with him on the same server and ultimately with him in a team and later on in the admin staff of the server.


Gore and I were both very passionate about the game. We decided to be part of the admin staff because of our knowledge, because of challenges being mostly gone for us in a16 and to enable other players to play the game while gamebreaking bugs were around. We were both very much looking forward to new challenges in A17. Figuring it will still stay 7 Days to Die.


I for myself do believe that loosing players like Gore will do significant damage to 7 days and the community. Experienced players, passionate about the game were those helping the new ones find into it. Helping new ones like the game by helping them understand it. And in my honest opinion it is critical to listen to what they say. At least as long as having a viral and active game is preferred over one time sales and fast drop rates. I for myself don't consider maintaining a server anymore at least - and surely not without the support of my experienced admins.


Now we can all wait for one-liners expressing their love for new alpha without any real critical articulation of the points brought up and devs not taking their chance in expressing why they think the decisions they took were superior to what people criticize.

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Well, if the game changes, we might lose some people, but we will gain new players who appreciate the game more.


In a purely profit driven narrative its a good thing to make changes that will bring in new blood, and not care about making changes that might alienating the old guard of players, after all, they already bought the game right?


But speaking in broad terms, this is rather cynical considering that the old guard of players that stuck with the game is what kept the game alive despite all the problems that has plagued the game for many many alphas. Not the players who bought the game on sale, played for a few hours before deciding that this game was ultimately not for them.

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There is way to much stuff that affects your character in negative ways...


I can understand how mechanics in the game making your character more vulnerable by causing you to lose tiers in attributes and their linked perks would be frustrating in PvP. However, for PvE it is going to be a mixed response as we have seen. For those who hate the early game and work hard to quickly progress past that stage they won't like anything that slaps them back down to that level. For those who like the early game and enjoy playing the game from a position of vulnerability because of the challenge and risk it introduces they are going to love these mechanics. For me, personally, I have the opposite view of you. I love that the extremes of temperature and dying temporarily weaken your character and make you have to be more careful. I like that there are setbacks instead of one smooth road forward to glory and invincibility. Finally, I like knowing that there is a hefty penalty for dying. It changes how I approach dangerous situations. To me a high stakes poker game is more thrilling than betting a dollar. The death penalty in A17 raised the stakes. You want a bit of wellness loss which to me is a boring low stakes game and even though I don't want to die I know that if I do....meh...no big deal.



The stealth system is just weird now, before this alpha if i was careful enough i could pick off the zombies inside a building with a bow and not alert anybody. Now it seems like you get detected no matter how hard you try to stay silent, i make one loud sound and everything with or without a pulse comes over to run a train on me.


Your base character is cruddy at stealth. Unless you buy perks in stealth you are not going to be very good at it. I can understand that it is frustrating having to buy back abilities that came standard in A16 but that is what made A16 so easy. Your character was by default at a higher level than where we start now.


Which brings me to my next point, the zombie density in POI`s is crazy...


The devs are working on fixing this. Good news is that it will help with performance as well to have fewer zombies.


There is also to many things that affects your characters movement, strafing slows you down, reloading slows you down, armor slows you down, running backwards slows you down, having to much stuff in your inventory slows you down.


Strafing and backing up at sprinting speed have been removed. There's nothing to be done about those. There is a perk to remove reloading slow down. There are perks and armor attachments (current or planned) to remove slow down from armor. There is a perk to remove slow down from having stuff in your inventory. Most of these concerns can be mitigated by spending points in the right areas. I find it a lot of fun and very rewarding to spend a point in one of these areas and notice the improvement immediately.


The stamina management is actually worse than it used to be, there is to much downtime linked to the stamina system, starting a new character on a server is now even more of a chore than what it was in previous alphas, especially now that you cant rely on beer or other similar consumables to keep you moving the same way that they used to.


Here's another area where buying the right perk can help. The perks that reduces fullness loss rate and hydration loss rate are amazing and pair that with some of the perks that help with stamina recovery and the 1:1 hunger/stamina rate that people are complaining about is gone. If this is seriously one of the most annoying aspects of the game for you then this is where the six points you get at the beginning of the game should go. Maybe a solution for PvP is to give everyone 20 perk points for finishing the starting quest and then they can get rid of all the weaknesses we naturally bypassed in A16. With 20 perk points your characters might feel about as capable as you were used to in A16.


Lets talk a bit about the new skill system...Its all just perks, and points, which is a very generic and bland mechanic.


I like either system and have played other games with both. I enjoy spending points in areas I like and it does not bother me at all where the points came from. It will be better once they rebalance xp earning to make the pathways more even but even now it is not something that i would call bland or generic. You have to consciously make choices and think about where to spend those points. Learning by doing happens in the background unconsciously unless you are consciously doing something repetitive to grind it upward a fast as you can which for sure doesn't seem natural. But, different strokes for different folks. Not everyone sees a point system as bland and generic though.


The looting part of the game is lackluster to say the least, its just not very engaging, and it does not give you that same feeling of reward you used to get when you for example lucked out and found a complete sniper rifle with decent quality.


Looting seems to me to be mostly the same. I do like finding a mod and attaching it to a weapon. That always makes me happy and then the attachment I feel to that weapon is beyond any I ever felt in previous versions. That's MY pink club with an ergonomic grip!


Also there is the matter of the 1 claim block you can have...




Now the armor customisation is a good idea in theory, but in practice it just adds another fiddly mechanic you have to deal with....


Big disagree here. I love the modifying of everything. Weapons, Tools, Vehicles, Armor...its all fun and good and really enhances those items. Right now there aren't enough mods to fill most things up at highest quality so that makes it seem lackluster but when there are hundreds of mods eventually the system will shine.


It feels like the developers just took stuff from Rust, DayZ and Scum, put it into a blender and shipped the results as the new alpha, its not very fun, it feels very generic and bland, and has taken away a lot of what made the game feel unique compared to the other survival games out there.


I don't agree with this for myself. Obviously you feel the way you do but I know for a fact that is not what they actually did. Fun is highly subjective and they aren't going to be able to please everyone but I feel this is the most enjoyable version of the game yet. And your next point is a big part of why...


This was a game that was relatively difficult to get into, you had to learn all the tricks of survival, but when you mastered it all, you were a wasteland soldier, now its just a grindy chore which is not very enjoyable, not even for the veteran players that has stuck with this game for many many alphas.


It sounds like you had a lot of fun get into the game originally, learning all the tricks of survival, and becoming a wasteland soldier. That is how I felt too when I first played and I thought I would never get that feeling back. A17 has returned me to that feeling and I'm loving it. I enjoy trying base designs. I enjoy trying combinations of perks. I enjoy figuring out how best to survive again because A16 techniques no longer work. I think many new players will also enjoy learning A17 without any baggage to bring from previous alphas.


All in all i don't enjoy myself when playing this current alpha, there is just to much micromanagement and tedious mechanics for my personal taste. I play to have fun, to shoot other players, to build awesome bases, to kill some zombies, and go on adventure with my buddies, not to feel like i am just going through the motions while working at an assembly line.

The developers had a winning formula here, it just needed some tweaking to get rid of all the bugs and some new content, but instead of sticking to what a lot of players enjoyed about their game, they drastically changed how the game and its mechanics function.


Thanks for sharing your opinion and sorry the game has lost its luster for you in its current form. I have read many threads by many people who called A16 the weakest of all the versions of the game. I know I felt that way and played it the least. Of course, 95% of that was due to horrible horrible zombie AI and not any aversion to other mechanics in the game. A17 is just so much better in so many ways for me. I have no hatred of the perk system, zombie loot, or the death debuff to turn me against A17 and the difference in survival and exploration is just night and day. You can't really help what you do or don't like and if this game gets to A17 stable and is still a horrible experience for you I hope that you'll feel its worth using mods to get it to feel right.

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Very much in agreement with this write-up, for a lot of reasons. Personally I held off joining the forum to talk about the release of A17, because I didn't feel like I would be able to keep my criticism "constructive" (which it should be). The degree of change taking place, and the way it effects how people like myself have enjoyed 7D2D in A16 really ticks me off when I start to think about it, even though there are some very good things happening as well. I am still holding out until I get further along. With all of the updates taking place I haven't had the opportunity to fully progress.


Lets talk a bit about the new skill system, with the new system there is no more leveling your skills organically as part of your characters progression, no more digging to raise your mining skill, no more trading to raise your barter skill, no more shooting a rifle to raise your rifle skill, no more looting to raise your scavenging skill. Its all just perks, and points, which is a very generic and bland mechanic.




Also there is the matter of the 1 claim block you can have, now this affects pve players as well since even on pve servers there are people with sticky fingers who likes to break into other peoples homes and do a little bit of low key raiding. But i have played most of my almost 3k hours on pvp servers, and i have seen people build some crazy awesome bases that would not be possible or secure enough with just 1 claim block. I don't really understand why this change was even implemented.

These are probably two of the points I feel most strongly about. No exaggeration, if the use of multiple Land Claims are not restored or modded in, and therefore I cannot protect my elaborate creations, I'm not going much further with this game. Creating elaborate bases, and outposts, is to me a major point of replay-ability. I question the involvement (history?) of the current Fun Pimps team in their own game and community in nerfing something so critical so badly.


Dropping players' ability to make their skill leveling choices through their actions... This was a feature that made so much sense. Honing in on the players interests and goals without requiring them to be explicitly stated. I would have expected the concept to be expanded upon in A17. It made so much sense that the optimist in me fully expects it to return sooner or later.



"It kind of feels personal"

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Here's another area where buying the right perk can help. The perks that reduces fullness loss rate and hydration loss rate are amazing and pair that with some of the perks that help with stamina recovery and the 1:1 hunger/stamina rate that people are complaining about is gone. If this is seriously one of the most annoying aspects of the game for you then this is where the six points you get at the beginning of the game should go. Maybe a solution for PvP is to give everyone 20 perk points for finishing the starting quest and then they can get rid of all the weaknesses we naturally bypassed in A16. With 20 perk points your characters might feel about as capable as you were used to in A16.

I really appreciate this comment/suggestion. It calls to mind the issue I took with Near Death Trauma, when ignorance of Max Health and how to restore it lead to multiple deaths in a row, stretching my Near Death Trauma to hours on end. Solution: loot or craft cloth (gathering cotton is easy), and craft the standard Bandage which was almost completely unused in A16, but has become much more important in A17. I was almost sorry to see Near Death Trauma cut in half after this learning experience!

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I mean, you are complaining cuz you can't run backwards at full speed?


Although you decided to hone in on one specific complaint that was part of a bigger complaint, yes, yes i am complaining about not being able to run backwards, it was one of those things that was very useful to kite zombies while still being able to shoot and move.

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Although you decided to hone in on one specific complaint that was part of a bigger complaint, yes, yes i am complaining about not being able to run backwards, it was one of those things that was very useful to kite zombies while still being able to shoot and move.


Well, some of us want a more realistic game. Glad to see they are nerfing those of you that want to run backwards at full speed while digging underground and crafting like some kind of magical wizard. Your post was basically "whine whine whine this game is too hard".


Don't care if you quit the game. Cya.


Maybe you'd be happier with Minecraft?

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I can understand how mechanics in the game making your character more vulnerable by causing you to lose tiers in attributes and their linked perks would be frustrating in PvP. However, for PvE it is going to be a mixed response as we have seen. For those who hate the early game and work hard to quickly progress past that stage they won't like anything that slaps them back down to that level. For those who like the early game and enjoy playing the game from a position of vulnerability because of the challenge and risk it introduces they are going to love these mechanics. For me, personally, I have the opposite view of you. I love that the extremes of temperature and dying temporarily weaken your character and make you have to be more careful. I like that there are setbacks instead of one smooth road forward to glory and invincibility. Finally, I like knowing that there is a hefty penalty for dying. It changes how I approach dangerous situations. To me a high stakes poker game is more thrilling than betting a dollar. The death penalty in A17 raised the stakes. You want a bit of wellness loss which to me is a boring low stakes game and even though I don't want to die I know that if I do....meh...no big deal.


For a pvp setting where you might end up in long firefights where you die alot, the near death debuff is extremely detrimental since it lowers your actual damage as well as your health, where before you would still be relatively competitive because you would not have both a health disadvantage AND a damage disadvantage. We will ofc do our best to mod this feature to make it viable for a pvp server, but i don't like to just throw the whole "yeah we can mod this" answer out for everything i wish was changed.

Considering that it is, according to you, already getting a mixed reaction from the pve crowd, and most of the pvp players don't like the idea as far as i have heard from my own players, would it be possible to change how this functions?


Your base character is cruddy at stealth. Unless you buy perks in stealth you are not going to be very good at it. I can understand that it is frustrating having to buy back abilities that came standard in A16 but that is what made A16 so easy. Your character was by default at a higher level than where we start now.


This feels a bit backwards since being able to rely on stealth for early game without having to make substantial sacrifices in other areas was one of the biggest perks for the stealth system in my eyes.



The devs are working on fixing this. Good news is that it will help with performance as well to have fewer zombies.


That is good to hear.



Strafing and backing up at sprinting speed have been removed. There's nothing to be done about those. There is a perk to remove reloading slow down. There are perks and armor attachments (current or planned) to remove slow down from armor. There is a perk to remove slow down from having stuff in your inventory. Most of these concerns can be mitigated by spending points in the right areas. I find it a lot of fun and very rewarding to spend a point in one of these areas and notice the improvement immediately.


I feel this is also not a very fun mechanic, you have more or less nerfed certain aspects of the characters movement just to make the new perks be a thing, adding another thing you need to micromanage, without bringing all of it up to its previous state.



Here's another area where buying the right perk can help. The perks that reduces fullness loss rate and hydration loss rate are amazing and pair that with some of the perks that help with stamina recovery and the 1:1 hunger/stamina rate that people are complaining about is gone. If this is seriously one of the most annoying aspects of the game for you then this is where the six points you get at the beginning of the game should go. Maybe a solution for PvP is to give everyone 20 perk points for finishing the starting quest and then they can get rid of all the weaknesses we naturally bypassed in A16. With 20 perk points your characters might feel about as capable as you were used to in A16.


Once again this is a mechanic that will force you to make substantial sacrifices in other areas. And yes, we are already discussing ways to make the early game be less grindy, and more approachable, while still keeping it balanced.


I like either system and have played other games with both. I enjoy spending points in areas I like and it does not bother me at all where the points came from. It will be better once they rebalance xp earning to make the pathways more even but even now it is not something that i would call bland or generic. You have to consciously make choices and think about where to spend those points. Learning by doing happens in the background unconsciously unless you are consciously doing something repetitive to grind it upward a fast as you can which for sure doesn't seem natural.


The difference is that there was already a points system in place, but instead of streamlining the already established points system that still had the natural progression to it as well, you removed a fun and realistic mechanic and decided to just have a points system. Organically gaining skills in certain areas like shooting by performing this action was a great way to add flavor to the game and keep people working on improving these skills, or you could invest points in them if you were impatient.


Looting seems to me to be mostly the same.


I disagree with you in this area, as i said, it feels very lackluster, you hit a gun store, BAM, fully stocked up on guns instead of having to actually work for it and scavenging the different parts to assemble a gun, or looking around to find a workbench to combine different parts and armor to improve or repair items. That's all gone.




Will there be any changes to this that you can talk about? I have been told that modding this mechanic is difficult.


Big disagree here. I love the modifying of everything. Weapons, Tools, Vehicles, Armor...its all fun and good and really enhances those items. Right now there aren't enough mods to fill most things up at highest quality so that makes it seem lackluster but when there are hundreds of mods eventually the system will shine.


The fact that there will be hundreds of mods to bring guns, armor, and whatnot up to the previous level of usefulness is not a design choice i agree with. Although i am not gonna lie, i am a sucker for this kind of modifying, and i find it fun for the guns at least, although my opinion on the armor upgrades are more dubious. And for this particular area of mechanics i feel that less is more.



I don't agree with this for myself. Obviously you feel the way you do but I know for a fact that is not what they actually did. Fun is highly subjective and they aren't going to be able to please everyone but I feel this is the most enjoyable version of the game yet. And your next point is a big part of why...


True, fun is highly subjective, and i am sure that a lot of the people complaining will come to terms with the changes.


It sounds like you had a lot of fun get into the game originally, learning all the tricks of survival, and becoming a wasteland soldier. That is how I felt too when I first played and I thought I would never get that feeling back.


I can not honestly say that grinding my way through the experience of becoming competent at the game was enjoyable, i always worked on getting to a point where i would stop having to worry about certain early game mechanics as fast as possible, and start playing the game on my own terms. I don't mind the learning process itself, but i do mind the tedious mechanics and level gating that has been put in place to slow down the early game, and also how solo players will be at an even bigger disadvantage than group players than before this alpha. But then again, i am a pvp player who has different priorities than what a pve player would have.


Thanks for sharing your opinion and sorry the game has lost its luster for you in its current form. I have read many threads by many people who called A16 the weakest of all the versions of the game. I know I felt that way and played it the least. Of course, 95% of that was due to horrible horrible zombie AI and not any aversion to other mechanics in the game. A17 is just so much better in so many ways for me. I have no hatred of the perk system, zombie loot, or the death debuff to turn me against A17 and the difference in survival and exploration is just night and day. You can't really help what you do or don't like and if this game gets to A17 stable and is still a horrible experience for you I hope that you'll feel its worth using mods to get it to feel right.


Thank you for your thought out answers to my post, in some cases we will just have to agree to disagree, but i do appreciate that you decided to respond in such a detailed and factual manner.

I will of course give the game another go once it goes stable, and try to modify it to be more pvp friendly, but as i have mentioned before, i will always try to get changes made on a developer level before turning to mods to change what i do not enjoy or find to be detrimental.

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Well, some of us want a more realistic game. Glad to see they are nerfing those of you that want to run backwards at full speed while digging underground and crafting like some kind of magical wizard.


Talking about realism in a game about surviving a zombie apocalypse is a bit tone deaf, but speaking of realism, have you actually tried running backwards? it sure is a lot faster than the walking speed we end up with in this current alpha.


Don't care if you quit the game. Cya.


You don't care if i quit the game? Well, that is fine, i never asked you to either, or for that matter, said anywhere that i would quit.


Maybe you'd be happier with Minecraft?


I never liked minecraft.


And i would still like to hear what new changes made to the game that you enjoyed, or if there was any changes you did not enjoy.

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The developers had a winning formula here, it just needed some tweaking to get rid of all the bugs and some new content, but instead of sticking to what a lot of players enjoyed about their game, they drastically changed how the game and its mechanics function.

100% agree. It feels like the development is just spinning its wheels and redesigning its mechanics over and over rather than expanding and fixing the good things they had going.

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