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Remove ambiance and fog from burnt forest and wasteland biomes?


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Since I can't currently lessen or remove burnt forest or wasteland from the map. Does anyone know how to remove the noise and visual effects from said biomes? I have looked in the biomes.xml and in the sounds.xml as well as all the other files and do not see what I am looking for. Anyone know how to mod these out? The sounds and effects in these biomes drive me crazy and I just cannot play currently since there is so much burnt forest everywhere.

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In biomes.xml, should be

<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_smokestorm" ChunkMargin="7"/>

for the burnt forest and


<spectrum name="wasteland"/>

for the wasteland. Removing that should clear the air.


Does this require making a new map or can it just be changed for a current map?

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My problem with the burnt forest biome is how it's distributed in random gen. The fog and effects and all that are fine for a huge swath of the biome, but when there is a patch of burnt forest half the size of a city block in the pine forest and you walk three feet into it and the entire world changes to smoke-city, that's jarring and immersion breaking. I think it would more immersive if sub-biomes didn't come with all the crazy effects.


Will try your modlet tonight, thanks toad!

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Sweet! It works. and funny enough there is actually a slider for ambient sounds. I didn't see it before.


This is my modlet i made with xpath. If anyone wants to use it.



Thanks I always HATED the smoke in the burnt forest I mean I get the logic and lore for it, as its still smoldering, but its just annoying as you can't see crap thru it.

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Toad, it works nicely and removes pretty much my whole issue with the biome! Now when I wander into a patch of burnt forest while in the forest, it doesn't feel like I'm suddenly on another planet! You should release it in it's own thread :) Thank you!

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My problem with the burnt forest biome is how it's distributed in random gen. The fog and effects and all that are fine for a huge swath of the biome, but when there is a patch of burnt forest half the size of a city block in the pine forest and you walk three feet into it and the entire world changes to smoke-city, that's jarring and immersion breaking.
The longer I play, the more I realize how terrible RNG is. Some snow in the north, some desert in the south, with no reason to ever go there, rest of the map the same forest with tiny patches of burnt and even smaller sprinkles of "wasteland".


What were they thinking?

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I think the Personally I'd rather the biomes be elevation based... And sub biomes within them be variants of the main biome rather than a completely different biome. But I have to agree with you what were they thinking? lol Still, I'm sure random gen will have another big pass eventually (hopefully).. I'm hoping they open it up to be extremely configurable, which seems likely as there is an "advanced generation" button on the world gen menu that currently just takes you to the world previewer.

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