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Progression By Doing


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Are there any mods out there that bring back the A15 progression by doing?


Almost everything about A17 is fantastic except for the new perk system. I really dislike the artificial gating, it's made the game lose the sense of accomplishment that you used to feel by doing things.


Shoot a bow more... you become more proficient at it. Create lots of stone axes... you get better at making them.


I'd love to see a way to play like this in A17.

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I can try and take a whack at this. I am trying to get another modlet of mine working, so after I will see about this.


I do remember the A15 xp progression. I liked the some of the xp gains by doing, but others like crafting things in the Forge and Workstation, not so much. Standing there in the forge and workstation window waiting for things to craft to gain xp was a big pain. It also made it extremely annoying when you were playing with a team of friends and you have your friend in the forge afking, locking the damn thing up.


So in short, if I make this, I will refrain from xp gains from crafting in the Workstation, forge and the like. :)

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I am trying some stuff, I've uploaded something here:




I have expanded that to a bow quest, that will unlock the archery perks. The quest-line requires the player to kill an increasing number of zombies with bows, and then you get "magazines" that will unlock the perk, but it's kinda clumsy. It would be agreeable if you would have to go back to the trader to get the "magazine" that will (permanently) unlock a perk, but it's not reliable, sometimes the trader will not give out the reward. The alternative is to drop the magazine into the players inventory, but if it should be full, you have a problem.


It's basically possible, and I will continue to pursue the approach, but it's not pretty. I wish there just was the option to give out perk-levels as quest rewards.


I don't see another approach with xml-modding, unfortunately.

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I've been working on a mod that gives 100% headshot chance if the next headshot would otherwise kill them anyway (damage > current health). That part wasn't so bad but had to do some real roundabout, messy stuff to get 1 shot kills from max hp working. From what I've seen I think I may have to agree this is may be beyond XML at the moment. Though I could be wrong and that also may change in a few more releases. It seems like a lot of the triggers and such have yet to be fully implemented. I *think* stored cvars may be persistent through quitting/reloading but I haven't properly tested that.

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Like I said, a lot could be done if you could reward perk levels or buffs as quest rewards. Perk levels could be rewarded in A16, I guess it was removed because vanilla now requires you to have certain other levels before you can have perk levels. But maybe it's even possible already and the right keyword is not documented (or I didn't see it).

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The only thing I could think of is if cvars are persistent, you could have certain actions modify a cvar by certain amount of points. Add in a triggered_effect in buffStatusCheck with requirement cvar = X, once you reach that number it rewards a perk level. But if cvars are wiped back to 0 on a quit/reload, I have no clue. I may have to try that.

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