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A17 First Impressions


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I have had little time to play yet, just 2 hours. I am reading many concerns of players about a17, and I must say 1 of them I can not understand, I see no problem at all, while the other, I feel its worse even than what I read.


  1. Combat difficulty.
    I read how much harder it is. I see youtubers (at least some) failing misserably. Some like the added difficulty, some not. Me? I dont even see it. Really wth?
    I was so scared after what I read and watched, that I only used the bow for my first half an hour. I didnt even dare to try to mele them. Using the bow, I couldnt believe it was so easy. As long as I had arrows, I could quite and kill infinite zombies, even all togeather. I even could gather more mats for arrows while a minihorde still chased me and then continue killing them.
    But ranged wasnt the main concern I read about, it was mele. So, I switched to mele. And again, WTF? I didnt find it only not harder, but not even much different. Sure, it felt a bit different, but I didnt even have to practice. From the first zombi I attacked to the following minihordes I killed, I found it totally normal, even maybe easier? Before spending a single perk and using the lvl 1 wood club, I could kill minihordes of zombies without any problem.
    Powerattack to head, powerattack to head, they fall, powerattack on the ground, and powerattack as they stand up. Regular zombies were dead by now, some with 1 hit more some even with one hit less. And they walk so slow I could do it to minihordes without a problem.
    I see really no problem with the new combat mechanics. I dont see them even harder, just a bit different.
  2. Respawn of zombies
    Ive seen complains about the rate at which zombies respawn. None of the complains about it I read make justice to how big the problem is in my opinion.
    I spawned near 2 houses. 120 minuto days, 18 hour days. Like I explained in point 1, I am killing zombies without any trouble at all, and very quickly. Well I spent the entire day 1 trying to clear one of the houses and it was ABSOLUTLY impossible. Im not talking about the ammount of zombies there were inside, I dont care about that. Put 3 or 20 inside, I dont care, I will kill them. But they just didnt stop spitting zombies. I killed, and killed and killed, minihordes of 8-14 zombies coming for me each time, and I killed them and the next minihorde and the next. For 90 minutes real life time. When night came, I made a quick minibase on top of a roc, because those 2 houses were 100% full of zombies still.
    I pulled them outside many times, yes, but I also fought them on the roof several times, so no, its not just bc I left the house. And when I left, I never went more than 30m away fromm the house. Even worse, I even saw 3 sleeprs spawn infront of me where there was no zombie before.
    This is absolutly not right. Ive read complains about this, but it's much worse than what Ive read. I reached the first night of the game beeing level 8, without having done anything else than killing zombies non stop and gathering a few mats for arrows. Do the math experience required for lvl 8 / 700. It was a lot of zombies.
    And both houses are still full


Zombie spawning should be compeltly transparent for players. They shouldnt not just not spawn in a house Im inside (which they do), but also not spawn anywhere near me. No matter the ammount of zombies I encounter, it needs to look as if they were already there, not as if they spawned. Sure, spawn them before I arrive, but when I already checked a place, they cant spawn there again until Im far gone, otherwise it's a terrible mechanic.

Right now houses look like zombie spawners, terrible.


I only talk about this 2 points, bc it's the only thing I could experience with the zombies beeing spat at me.

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Combat is fine. Only instead of aiming over their head you have to aim at your head, It was no less finicky back then IMHO.


Zombie POI spawning is rediculous, though. I really wish they'd tie POI zombie respawns with the loot respawn timer. What's worse, is some of the spawns appear to be triggered. I was in a POI that spawned giant mutant boss boars on an exterior ledge that weren't there the first time I checked the perimeter, weren't there when one of them killed me, wasn't there after it killed me again, and still didn't show up from the outside when I realized they were passive and just parkoured past them. One section of the POI had four of the damned abominations.

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Zombie POI spawning is rediculous, though. I really wish they'd tie POI zombie respawns with the loot respawn timer. What's worse, is some of the spawns appear to be triggered. I was in a POI that spawned giant mutant boss boars on an exterior ledge that weren't there the first time I checked the perimeter, weren't there when one of them killed me, wasn't there after it killed me again, and still didn't show up from the outside when I realized they were passive and just parkoured past them. One section of the POI had four of the damned abominations.




I resumed my game, day2, I went to the same building again. I cant clear it, its impossible. They keep spawning like crazy. Theres a specific spot, where I see the spawning constantly. Not that its the only place, but that specific wall... theres 3 zombies spawning there each time I turn the camera for 3 seconds

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Agree with the respawning sleepers, I don't mind taking all day to loot a couple of houses and actually like how many zombies there are around buildings but respawning ones that you've just killed or wanted to lead away is almost game breaking.


But hasn't it always been like this since sleepers were introduced? I'm starting to think it's by design rather than a bug, which would be a really unfortunate design choice.


Melee has always been strong and easy in A16 even on always run. Melee on always run A17 is real risky early game.

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But hasn't it always been like this since sleepers were introduced? I'm starting to think it's by design rather than a bug, which would be a really unfortunate design choice.



It was, but nothing compared to how it is now. Sometimes, in my case, rarely, a sleeper respawned. Not they respawn in minihordes. At least in the 2 buildings Ive been trying to clear for 3 hours.

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I could not duplicate that. The counts matched the volume spawners... There are just... A lot.


My game says Ive killed 92 zombies. I have spawned 20m awawy from the house Im trying to clear and not left. All of them are from that house, except a few from the house nearby I quiclky tried to see if it was different (it wasnt).


Theres not 90 zombies in that house. Theres about 10, but they keep respawning. Like Ive said, theres even a spot where several times Ive seen them spawn. The floor fell down and left 3 unaccesible slots. Theres no way to reach them. Well, I kill the zombies that spawn there, look away, look back, and 3 magic zombies are in this slots again (sometimes 1, sometimes 2, sometimes 3)

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managed to clear the house. I put a claim block on it, btu not sure if that had anything to do. I also tried to stay all the time inside the house without leaving until it was cleared.

Spent the entire day1 and almost day2 just fighting zombies of that first house xD


Or maybe it was the 199 patch?

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