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is it me but...


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They did a great job!


Loving it!


i do think we need lootable zombies back though. Its a core feature of the game which helped it ^^


- - - Updated - - -


They took all the things I disliked about A16 and made them worse. So yes. It has made me cry.



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has a17 made anyone cry lately?


Yes, when I realised how dreadfully it runs on my medium spec PC.


Only a hardware upgrade or a significant software update to address the FPS will resolve this for me, and in turn I don't see either of those coming for a few months yet.. :(

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has a17 made anyone cry lately? I have had to get some tissues to dry my eyes. this game...this update! Its sooo goood!

Umm, ok... a bit of a weird reaction to an update.

They took all the things I disliked about A16 and made them worse. So yes. It has made me cry.

lol, I think maybe devs enjoy doing that just to get a rise out of ppl.

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Downloaded it the last night and planned to play this evening. After reading the forums, I don´t even bother trying it. The first thing I´ll do tonight is to switch back to A16 and revoke the auto update setting in Steam. Don´t waste your precious time to tell me, I should try it first. Nope, I don´t care.

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Yes, when I realised how dreadfully it runs on my medium spec PC.


Only a hardware upgrade or a significant software update to address the FPS will resolve this for me, and in turn I don't see either of those coming for a few months yet.. :(


I looked at the system specs of my computer and found out the cause of the issue was my GPU not being able to redner most objects due to intense quality. my CPU (PC) was peaking at 60%, ram was eating 4gb out of 10gb but my GPU was getting hammered at an overwhelming 96% usage.


Unfortunately i will have to look more into this. I recommend making a full analysis (stalling CPU-Z or HW Monitor to survey your computers performance! :)

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I looked at the system specs of my computer and found out the cause of the issue was my GPU not being able to redner most objects due to intense quality. my CPU (PC) was peaking at 60%, ram was eating 4gb out of 10gb but my GPU was getting hammered at an overwhelming 96% usage.


Unfortunately i will have to look more into this. I recommend making a full analysis (stalling CPU-Z or HW Monitor to survey your computers performance! :)

96% usage is a good thing. It means the game is actually using your hardware properly and to it's full potential (or at least your GPU anyways). If you do an analysis with any other game and don't limit the fps (allow it to go in the hundreds), you'll more than likely see similar results. Myself, with Alpha 16 anyways, I couldn't get my CPU past 20% usage and GPU past 60% usage and couldn't get it to reach a stable 100+fps, meaning the game refused to utilize my hardware properly. Based on current feedback in the forums, I assume the problem still exists for most ppl but is also demanding even more from the primary CPU core as this game (and most others) benefit mostly on single core performance.

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