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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=Skier;248061]I'll watch for the update. BTW, I did get it working on a local game, so I know it can work on my system, but I'm just not having luck with the current version on my dedicated server. BTW, curiosity question... When I first setup my dedicated server, I was that my local client had a batch file to start a dedicated server, so I copied my game directory over to my server in the garage, modified the config file to set passwords, server name, etc, and started up it. We've been playing on it this way for months, and when a new updates come up, I just did a diff on the directories/files, and update the changes that need to be updated (quick and easy, when I first decided to try running a server, and I didn't realize it was available via SteamCmd)... So, that's the context of the question... Here's the question. Since I can run all this client code as a dedicated server and all works just fine, why are there separate client and dedicated server dlls for your tool? I'll probably switch over to using SteamCmd at some point (maybe the next time we start our world over), but I was just curious, where there's a difference. Is there a difference between the server version of the dll that I would get from SteamCmd? -Skier P.S. That's the reason I tried both your client and dedicated server version on my server.[/QUOTE] The dedicated server version has been optimised to improve performance like not textures loading textures to decrease memory usage and to skip parts of the code that it doesn't need to do. If you're manually copying the diff on the file structure that's probably where the issue is because the resource files for the SP and dedicated version are different. You can download the dedicated version using SteamCMD or it's in the "Tools" section of the steam client.
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Thx for the update Hal :applause: (Pissed-Off Parrot - lol) - The xml part works fine now. I test to Insert a prefab to my rent-server now (Ingame). I plan to write a little tool that shows which prefabs got a chance to spawn where. Goal is: To get a better mix of Buildings for the towns and cities !!! (Not the same buildings over and over again !) And hopefully then there will be more prefab-variety on the whole map too. But first i need to know some things about some xml functions !!! I got a suggestion of these functions and what they do - but not 100% sure. So: 1. What does and do to the prefabs? IMO nothing yet !!! 2. What is the difference between Townships: "city" and "town" ??? Does "city" mean the big wastelandcity in the middle of the map ??? - And "town" means all the other towns ??? 3. Where or what is the Township: suburb ??? Do that allow these prefabs spawned on the border of towns/cities 4. Is it true, that prefabs bigger than 44X44 don't spawn in cities ??? 5. If i set [U]NO[/U] Value to "Zoning" - Does this effects the Prefab to spawn in every Zone - or in none ??? 6. If i want the chance to spawn a prefab in the Wilderness - what should i do: Set Zoning to "Wilderness" or set Allowed Townships to "wilderness" - or both ??? Sorry for the bunch of Questions. But iam sure u know the Answeres. When i've gathered these missing basic-infos i immediately start to work on that. PLS don't let me be a Pissed-Off Parrot anymore - lol Mag out
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[QUOTE=Magoli;249002]Thx for the update Hal :applause: (Pissed-Off Parrot - lol) - The xml part works fine now. I test to Insert a prefab to my rent-server now (Ingame). I plan to write a little tool that shows which prefabs got a chance to spawn where. Goal is: To get a better mix of Buildings for the towns and cities !!! (Not the same buildings over and over again !) And hopefully then there will be more prefab-variety on the whole map too. But first i need to know some things about some xml functions !!! I got a suggestion of these functions and what they do - but not 100% sure. So: 1. What does and do to the prefabs? IMO nothing yet !!! 2. What is the difference between Townships: "city" and "town" ??? Does "city" mean the big wastelandcity in the middle of the map ??? - And "town" means all the other towns ??? 3. Where or what is the Township: suburb ??? Do that allow these prefabs spawned on the border of towns/cities 4. Is it true, that prefabs bigger than 44X44 don't spawn in cities ??? 5. If i set [U]NO[/U] Value to "Zoning" - Does this effects the Prefab to spawn in every Zone - or in none ??? 6. If i want the chance to spawn a prefab in the Wilderness - what should i do: Set Zoning to "Wilderness" or set Allowed Townships to "wilderness" - or both ??? Sorry for the bunch of Questions. But iam sure u know the Answeres. When i've gathered these missing basic-infos i immediately start to work on that. PLS don't let me be a Pissed-Off Parrot anymore - lol Mag out[/QUOTE] I'm no expert on the RWG stuff as it's been in a state of development recently so don't accept my answers as 100% truth. You'll need to test. 1) They don't do anything. I think the plan was to use a single prefab and have the blocks change their look depending on age/quality but it hasn't been implemented yet. 2) Yes, that's what it means 3) I don't think suburb is used any more. 4) I think that's true. Any prefab that doesn't fit into the square area the cities are broken up into won't spawn. 5) I think it has to be set for it to spawn in that zone but I'm not certain. 6) I don't think Wilderness is used any more for zoning so I'd go with township. Hal
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How do I roll back to 0.41? The new version isn't working for me. Everything was perfect before the update, now it wont recognize players I come up as unknown in the player list and it tells me I'm not an admin even when I tick is admin in both players (one player name is "unknown", the other is my steam id) I spent hours today making a prefab in game and now I cant do anything with it! :dispirited:
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Oops, I forgot to add this to the release notes: BREAKING CHANGES! The backup system is now going to run using SteamIDs to distinguish between players in the backend code. Because of this you'll have to re-create your player's access levels and claims.
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I deleted the BlockBackup when it didn't work, no matter what I do it wont recognize me as an admin, I even tried manually adding my details in to the info file and renaming the folder but still doesn't work. Here's a copy of the log. [code]New server started Command Processor Start. Command Processor Loaded. Loading Globals Loading Globals finished Saving globals... Trigger started... Process message from 308:bbb claim House01 No user steam ID found for player name : 308 No user found: 308 No user steam ID found for player name : 308 No user steam ID found for player name : 308 Process message from --BBB--:Player: 308 Process message from server: player:308 Process message from --BBB--:308 has claimed an area: House01 Process message from server: 308hasclaimedanarea:House01 No user steam ID found for player name : 308 Message Recieved: C:\Users\Craig\Documents\7 Days To Die\Saves\Random Gen\GunParts\BlockBackup\Commands\EOqi0lmi92kKPn9mfySkeklG0pi1VhsX1cGoB8d9.txt Command: chat Process message from 308:bbb ex House01 No user steam ID found for player name : 308 Process message from --BBB--:This command can only be run by admins. Process message from server: thiscommandcanonlyberunbyadmins. [/code]
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[QUOTE=three08;249410]I deleted the BlockBackup when it didn't work, no matter what I do it wont recognize me as an admin, I even tried manually adding my details in to the info file and renaming the folder but still doesn't work. Here's a copy of the log. [code]New server started Command Processor Start. Command Processor Loaded. Loading Globals Loading Globals finished Saving globals... Trigger started... Process message from 308:bbb claim House01 No user steam ID found for player name : 308 No user found: 308 No user steam ID found for player name : 308 No user steam ID found for player name : 308 Process message from --BBB--:Player: 308 Process message from server: player:308 Process message from --BBB--:308 has claimed an area: House01 Process message from server: 308hasclaimedanarea:House01 No user steam ID found for player name : 308 Message Recieved: C:\Users\Craig\Documents\7 Days To Die\Saves\Random Gen\GunParts\BlockBackup\Commands\EOqi0lmi92kKPn9mfySkeklG0pi1VhsX1cGoB8d9.txt Command: chat Process message from 308:bbb ex House01 No user steam ID found for player name : 308 Process message from --BBB--:This command can only be run by admins. Process message from server: thiscommandcanonlyberunbyadmins. [/code][/QUOTE] What should your name be? The tool doesn't handle spaces in the user name. That's one of the reasons I'm moving over to the steam ID way.
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the name should be 308 should I try changing my name in steam so its not just numbers? I tried taking the steamid= line out of the file and the export command tried to work but never actually saved. I've tried Navezgane and random gen. Re-patched the mod a few times. In the BlockBackup folder I show up as UNKNOWN but in the info file for that it has name=308 but it doesn't have my steam ID and it doesn't set me to admin, but even doing that manually I just get a different error Cant if user 308" If I manually add myself as a player in doesn't recognize me it just creates the UNKNOWN player instead. [code] name=308 steamid=UNKNOWN blocksize=33 maxclaims=1 admin=0 [/code]
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;249401]Oops, I forgot to add this to the release notes: BREAKING CHANGES! The backup system is now going to run using SteamIDs to distinguish between players in the backend code. Because of this you'll have to re-create your player's access levels and claims.[/QUOTE] Hi HAL! In what form do we have to insert the SteamID and how do I know my ID? I never used it for anything so far. Can I get that info from my steam panel?
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[QUOTE=three08;249514]Donewell, your steamID is the number at the end of the URL to your steam profile. Hal, I tried renaming my steam name, still got the same results. btw It saves the claim, its only when I try to export it that I have issues.[/QUOTE] Thanks mate for the information. Do you experience this issue when you try to export? It also generates an UNKNOWN user in the backup manager. Do you use your steamID or your ingame name in the settings?
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[QUOTE=three08;249392]How do I roll back to 0.41? The new version isn't working for me. Everything was perfect before the update, now it wont recognize players I come up as unknown in the player list and it tells me I'm not an admin even when I tick is admin in both players (one player name is "unknown", the other is my steam id) I spent hours today making a prefab in game and now I cant do anything with it! :dispirited:[/QUOTE] Same here. The BackupManager didn't work :( I tried it on a local game. I tried my name that i used always in the past - and also my SteamID But i get no messages "bbb reloading" - "bbb complete" !!! @Hal: Is this a little buggy - or did we something wrong ??? If i want to remove a player from the box - an errorwarning appears: "Folder is not empty!" Mag out
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Thanks guys, I'll check it out. There's been a lot of changes to the back end of the mod to allow integration into the world viewer. That's probably causing the issue. Find the info.txt file for the folder with your steamID and change admin=0 to admin=1. That might work as a manual change until I get an update out. Hal
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Hey Hal, Huge amount of thanks for all your support over the last few weeks. Couldn't have done it without your advice. Thought you might like to see the fruit of my loins, the apple of my eye, the pain in my a$$! [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G964U-Sva4M[/url] (Skip to 9.30 if you don't want any of that pesky story or roleplay and just want to see the prefab)
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[QUOTE=TwistedInc;249742]Hey Hal, Huge amount of thanks for all your support over the last few weeks. Couldn't have done it without your advice. Thought you might like to see the fruit of my loins, the apple of my eye, the pain in my a$$! [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G964U-Sva4M[/url] (Skip to 9.30 if you don't want any of that pesky story or roleplay and just want to see the prefab)[/QUOTE] Looks great! I like your creative use of the junk car tire block for your train. Those skyscrapers are huge as well. Was each building a custom prefab? If so, I'm assuming you imported them into the navesgane map?
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;249749]Looks great! I like your creative use of the junk car tire block for your train. Those skyscrapers are huge as well. Was each building a custom prefab? If so, I'm assuming you imported them into the navesgane map?[/QUOTE] Had a build night with a few friends and co-stars where we knocked together around 4/5 different style hollow buildings which I captured and then added floors/ceilings/walls in Hals editor, varied their heights etc to make around 20 unique building prefabs. I then made a 300x300 prefab which contained around 30ish buildings, roads, sidewalk, crossings etc which could be tiled as the roads would link back up in all four sides if placed in tile. Then I saved that as a prefab and made 9 variations of it; one has a hospital, one has a school, one has a row of in-game prefab shops etc like the new large book store... Then I tiled those in a 3x3 square and then wrapped the entire thing with a generic 300x300 so the whole thing is a 5x5 grid of massive city block prefabs :) Looks like this on the map view :D [attachment=306:name] EDIT: And yep, all imported into Navezgane. It occupies about two entire biomes lol.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;249640]Thanks guys, I'll check it out. There's been a lot of changes to the back end of the mod to allow integration into the world viewer. That's probably causing the issue. Find the info.txt file for the folder with your steamID and change admin=0 to admin=1. That might work as a manual change until I get an update out. Hal[/QUOTE] Hi HAL. May I suggest to go back to the ingame name version? I know that it causes problems for people who have complex names and use special tags but this can be resolved simply by renaming yourself in your steam panel for the time you try to export your prefab.(takes less than a minute to adjust).
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[QUOTE=Magoli;249578]Same here. The BackupManager didn't work :( I tried it on a local game. I tried my name that i used always in the past - and also my SteamID But i get no messages "bbb reloading" - "bbb complete" !!! @Hal: Is this a little buggy - or did we something wrong ??? If i want to remove a player from the box - an errorwarning appears: "Folder is not empty!" Mag out[/QUOTE] Hi Mag, We have the same issue. Still not able to get it working properly so further exports have to wait we posted the available prefabs here in the images and videos topic if you want to check some stuff. Regarding "Folder is not empty" you have to do it manually. Open the save folder on your local drive and delete the player named folder.
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[QUOTE=Donewell;249888]Hi HAL. May I suggest to go back to the ingame name version? I know that it causes problems for people who have complex names and use special tags but this can be resolved simply by renaming yourself in your steam panel for the time you try to export your prefab.(takes less than a minute to adjust).[/QUOTE] Hello Donewell, You won't notice a difference in game. You'd still use their names to use the chat commands. It's just the way the mod handles the data behind the scenes that's changed. It's changed because the world editor uses the steamID to identify users so it removes the special names causing a problem. Most of the commands will be moved to the world editor so rather than using the chat functionality to export you'd open the world in the editor, highlight the area you want to export and click a button. Hal
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@Donewell: It seems so. We have the same problem (and all the others too). We have a POI on a savedgame - and we could not export it! A11 screwedup alot of things. Very much of new stuff added (but works not 100%fine !!!) I deicided to wait until Hal releases an update !!! @Hal: I don't wanted to hurry u I believe the big Rotation-overhaul will come in A12 - and then the really work awaits us ;) btw:Sry - Your Instructions for getting it work manually are to less Infos for me. I didn't find the info.txt for the admin-change. Should that be in Steam or Windowsstaff or anywhere else ? And in your last short Instruction i didn't understand one word - lol ("...you'd open the world in the editor, highlight the area you want to export and click a button.") Anyway: No matter! Do u think u get the editor (and backupmanager) work like in good old a10-times ??? best regards Mag out
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