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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Update: i just did a manual editor update, and the bbb ex command isn't working again. At least i don't know how...yet. I found it doesn't export an *.ex file anymore, but instead an .7rg file. How to import that region file now, because i used to "Load exported area" and saved that as prefab file, after editing? I'm currently using 7d2d Version 9.3 (NOT the 9.3x Version). Is this necessary to update as well? Because i created anything within 9.3
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;141430]Thanks Wseigel, yeah I don't remember seeing a note about new blocks either. I'll do a proper rip for the next version but if people want to include it in the current editor add this [code] 2730000plainsGround18112896 [/code] To somewhere in the middle of BlockData.txt and it'll be in the drop down next time you load the editor. [/QUOTE] Were do i find blockdata.txt to put the plainsground in please
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[QUOTE=DJQuad;145223]It happens on layers 75 and 76. It's an SP game. It looks like the bad blocks are all dirt (type 3 subtype 0). I tried another claim at -1260, 76, 1341, and that export had the same bad blocks as well. I'm more concerned about the prefab re-exporting in it's entirely though. I can always fill the bad blocks with dirt.[/QUOTE] I'll run some tests on my machine over the weekend. There's quite a few people using the editor but as you're the only one reporting the problem it's probably an issue with your machine. I suggest in the mean time you wipe the editor, download it again, reset the game and start from scratch with a new world following the video tutorials posted on the forum of people using the editor with successful results just to make sure it's not some setup issue that's been overlooked. I'll let you know how my tests go over the weekend [QUOTE=dantheman;145273]Update: i just did a manual editor update, and the bbb ex command isn't working again. At least i don't know how...yet. I found it doesn't export an *.ex file anymore, but instead an .7rg file. How to import that region file now, because i used to "Load exported area" and saved that as prefab file, after editing? I'm currently using 7d2d Version 9.3 (NOT the 9.3x Version). Is this necessary to update as well? Because i created anything within 9.3[/QUOTE] As far as I know the 9.3 and 9.3x versions should be compatible but I don't do backwards compatibility for the mod. I only test against the latest version of the game. I've definitely not changed the code to export 7rg files so I've no idea how you're getting those out of the game. Again, I suggest watching a video of someone using the editor and following their steps to export the data. Setting items in containers is possible in MP but not SP but not through the prefab editor. All items brought into the world from a prefab are considered "new" so the content would be replaced with the standard loot group items. I think your idea of releasing the saved 7rg is the best way of doing it for now. Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;145333][..] As far as I know the 9.3 and 9.3x versions should be compatible ... I've definitely not changed the code to export 7rg files so I've no idea how you're getting those out of the game. Again, I suggest watching a video of someone using the editor and following their steps to export the data. [..][/QUOTE] Meanwhile i backdated to the prior Version and anything running fine again. I dunno how i got .7rg export to work, but guess i've missed Admin state as user in that moment, so "claim" worked, but "ex" not. Somehow my mistake and i won't bother you about this again. And well, as long as .7rg work, that's my final solution to deploy it then for now. I've recently created a video containing your editor, HAL. Watch here. It's a lot of fun to work with, and any shortcuts feel very confy :) [url]http://youtu.be/aYHj2eZxSRU[/url] Cheers, Dan
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Would like to thank Hal9000 for this great mod. Am really enjoying the many uses of it.. After a couple a tries with my first prefab I got the hang of it. But nailed it more with my second prefab. Without this mod by Hal9000 I would never have gotten into the prefabs :-) Also to the other modders who have contributed or made mods to allow users to do more with their game as well (to name a few: DNC, Red Eagle, Aussie Wombat (aussies rule :-) Ekko, Bigc90210 as well :-) The you tube videos were also well done & very helpful :-) THANKS HAL9000
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;145333]I'll run some tests on my machine over the weekend. There's quite a few people using the editor but as you're the only one reporting the problem it's probably an issue with your machine. I suggest in the mean time you wipe the editor, download it again, reset the game and start from scratch with a new world following the video tutorials posted on the forum of people using the editor with successful results just to make sure it's not some setup issue that's been overlooked.[/QUOTE] Will do. By reset the game do you mean reinstall it?
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[QUOTE=Androktone;145335]Hal, I have a question regarding CIL: can I replace occurrences of [COLOR="#00FF00"]"\""[/COLOR] with [COLOR="#00FF00"]"\u0022"[/COLOR]?[/QUOTE] No, CIL is strictly ASCII characters. The only stuff I know is escaped are quotes, question marks and... something I can't remember... But there's no encoding like that in CIL. Non-ASCII characters are converted to byte arrays and loaded that way. [QUOTE=dantheman;145339]Meanwhile i backdated to the prior Version and anything running fine again. I dunno how i got .7rg export to work, but guess i've missed Admin state as user in that moment, so "claim" worked, but "ex" not. Somehow my mistake and i won't bother you about this again. And well, as long as .7rg work, that's my final solution to deploy it then for now. I've recently created a video containing your editor, HAL. Watch here. It's a lot of fun to work with, and any shortcuts feel very confy :) [url]http://youtu.be/aYHj2eZxSRU[/url] Cheers, Dan[/QUOTE] Glad you got it working Dan. Yeah it's usually something like that. A checkbox that isn't ticked any more or a folder name that's changed. That's why I recommend the videos of people doing the stuff in the editor. It gives you visual step by step instructions (and often advice from the YouTuber on shortcuts or things to watch out for) [QUOTE=stallionsden;145377]Would like to thank Hal9000 for this great mod. Am really enjoying the many uses of it.. After a couple a tries with my first prefab I got the hang of it. But nailed it more with my second prefab. Without this mod by Hal9000 I would never have gotten into the prefabs :-) Also to the other modders who have contributed or made mods to allow users to do more with their game as well (to name a few: DNC, Red Eagle, Aussie Wombat (aussies rule :-) Ekko, Bigc90210 as well :-) The you tube videos were also well done & very helpful :-) THANKS HAL9000[/QUOTE] You're welcome StallionsDen :) glad you're getting some good use out of it. There's more planned for the editor but some can only come once there's a modding interface for the game. [QUOTE=caleb68;145415]Hey Hal, Did your world Editor get shelved you were showing off in the videos or am I missing something? haven't heard anything on it in awhile, been wondering.[/QUOTE] The world editor has been semi-shelved. I'm working 60+ hours a week at the moment so with that, RL and sleep (mmmm.... sleep...) I've not got the time I need to put into it properly. And if I release what I've got now I'll have a lot of questions on how to use it (and many, many bug reports) that I don't have the time to fix at the moment. Once I get some more free time I'll be getting the world editor finished off. I'll probably have a couple of beta testers to mop up the more obvious problems then a general release that's included in the normal editor update. [QUOTE=DJQuad;145449]Will do. By reset the game do you mean reinstall it?[/QUOTE] Yeah, I'd do a file integrity check just to be sure that it's not something weird with the game files. People have reported the editor not working but after an integrity check and re-installing the editor it works again. Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;145454]No, CIL is strictly ASCII characters. The only stuff I know is escaped are quotes, question marks and... something I can't remember... But there's no encoding like that in CIL. Non-ASCII characters are converted to byte arrays and loaded that way. [/QUOTE] Thank you. Pity, it ruins syntax highlighting. :/
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;145454]No, CIL is strictly ASCII characters. The only stuff I know is escaped are quotes, question marks and... something I can't remember... But there's no encoding like that in CIL. Non-ASCII characters are converted to byte arrays and loaded that way. The world editor has been semi-shelved. I'm working 60+ hours a week at the moment so with that, RL and sleep (mmmm.... sleep...) I've not got the time I need to put into it properly. And if I release what I've got now I'll have a lot of questions on how to use it (and many, many bug reports) that I don't have the time to fix at the moment. Once I get some more free time I'll be getting the world editor finished off. I'll probably have a couple of beta testers to mop up the more obvious problems then a general release that's included in the normal editor update. Yeah, I'd do a file integrity check just to be sure that it's not something weird with the game files. People have reported the editor not working but after an integrity check and re-installing the editor it works again. Hal[/QUOTE] Literally come to this thread every day to see if its made it's way out yet. Horrendous that you're having to work so many hours dude :( Still, i'm first in line when you need testers :D
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Hi Hal9000 cant thank you enough for the editor... I did a prefab in the plains & in the editor it seems to have a error with the long grass that grows on the plains ground. (which i placed as you had mentioned earlier. Any fix for this or am i missing something or..got to next layer after ground & a box came up saying this level has unknown blocks on it. and a mass lot of black boxes which i couldnt change any other way but manually. which i did by manually making the black boxes air. Cheers for your hard work again
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[QUOTE=stallionsden;146318]Hi Hal9000 cant thank you enough for the editor... I did a prefab in the plains & in the editor it seems to have a error with the long grass that grows on the plains ground. (which i placed as you had mentioned earlier. Any fix for this or am i missing something or..got to next layer after ground & a box came up saying this level has unknown blocks on it. and a mass lot of black boxes which i couldnt change any other way but manually. which i did by manually making the black boxes air. Cheers for your hard work again[/QUOTE] I'm hoping to have some free time on sunday to play about with the editor. I'm going to look into Quads problem and it sounds similar to yours so hopefully get 2 birds with one stone. There's already a known block missing from the XML so hopefully it'll be as easy as ripping the new block list from the asset file. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;143114]Hey Laz, Are you sure they're the secure type of door? From what I remember secure doors are locked (and unlockable) by default. There's no meta tag because the lock is not part of the block, it's owned by a player. Hal[/QUOTE] Hi Hal, was playing around with secure doors last night and they are still unlocked by default when I verify in game. Will do additional testing tonight to see If I can figure out what changed.
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;146413]Hi Hal, was playing around with secure doors last night and they are still unlocked by default when I verify in game. Will do additional testing tonight to see If I can figure out what changed.[/QUOTE] Ok, thanks for the info Laz. Let me know how the tests go and I'll add it to the todo list for sunday if there's still problems. Hal
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Hey Hal, I'm having the unknown block problem again after totally uninstalling/reinstalling everything. I know you're going to look into it more this weekend but let me know if you want another export. It's also not exporting from the center of my claim area like before. Should I not move when I do both the claim command and the export command? I moved a little but not much.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;145454] The world editor has been semi-shelved. I'm working 60+ hours a week at the moment so with that, RL and sleep (mmmm.... sleep...) I've not got the time I need to put into it properly. And if I release what I've got now I'll have a lot of questions on how to use it (and many, many bug reports) that I don't have the time to fix at the moment. Once I get some more free time I'll be getting the world editor finished off. I'll probably have a couple of beta testers to mop up the more obvious problems then a general release that's included in the normal editor update. Hal[/QUOTE] totally understandable Hal. Ran across a error box today in your prefab editor I hadn't seen about a unknown type. Thought i'd post a picture here so you could see it: [center][img]http://www.caleb68.com/7d2d/halprefabeditor01.jpg[/img][/center]
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[QUOTE=DJQuad;146790]Hey Hal, I'm having the unknown block problem again after totally uninstalling/reinstalling everything. I know you're going to look into it more this weekend but let me know if you want another export. It's also not exporting from the center of my claim area like before. Should I not move when I do both the claim command and the export command? I moved a little but not much.[/QUOTE] What's the co-ordinates for your export? And your world name if it's random gen? I'll try at the same location in my tests. [QUOTE=caleb68;147003]totally understandable Hal. Ran across a error box today in your prefab editor I hadn't seen about a unknown type. Thought i'd post a picture here so you could see it: [center][img]http://www.caleb68.com/7d2d/halprefabeditor01.jpg[/img][/center][/QUOTE] Thanks Caleb, either I missed suburb when I was making the random gen xml stuff or they've added a new option. I'm planning on getting some stuff done with the editor tomorrow so I'll add it in to the mix. Hal
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Hey Hal, this is probably already answered in the thread somewhere, I'll be going through it to check; but, I am having a problem with prefabs being filled in with dirt when checking the Air Blocks check box. This is only happening with two prefabs. Do you know what problem I may be running in to?
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Hey Hal, Is it me or are blocks defaulting with Meta Tag 15 on? I noticed doors were opening strangely and determined because it was set to meta tag 15 by default. Setting the tag to zero resolved the issue. Still trying to figure out why secure doors are no longer locked by default tho. :)
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Have a friend who is getting this error. Apparently she has already imported a couple of prefabs, but today when she was trying to add another one she got this exception error. She is now not sure if the others are loading correctly either. [attachment=118:name] Can you please help?
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Update Time! Updated: Block IDs to current 9.3x version. This should get rid of the black boxes you've been getting Updated: Doors now default to the closed meta tag in the editor Updated: Fixed uploading prefabs causing an insert failed error message Added: Shift + Left Mouse now emulates the middle click when in edit and copy mode Added: Suburb township type to the XML for random gen Added: New download link for the editor - [url]www.vendocode.com/SDTD/SDTD.asmx/GetEditor[/url] New IDs Aparently TFP snuck in some block changes and the editor hadn't been updated so that's why you were getting some black boxes. If they've changed some block IDs this may also mean that some of your prefabs break and will need updating. Shift Button Can now use the shift button to emulate a middle mouse click/drag. You'll need to keep holding the shift button while you're dragging or the action will cancel. New download link Some of you have been asking for a direct link to the latest version. You can get it here [url]www.vendocode.com/SDTD/SDTD.asmx/GetEditor[/url]. When a version of the editor is released that would break if not downloaded through the editor I'll disable the direct download link but for the majority of the time this will give you the latest release. Tests Some of you have been saying you're having trouble getting prefabs into the world. I've run some tests and can't replicate your errors. Here's what I've done: All the tests were run in Navezgane. In the centre of Diersville I created an arrow pointing north. I stood in the centre of the arrow and claimed the area (default size 33 blocks). I exported the area and loaded it into the editor [URL="www.vendocode.com/DeleteMe/Test01.png"]Test1[/URL] I then made some changes in the claim, stood off to the side, away from the claim but with the chunks still visible and re exported the area into the editor [URL="www.vendocode.com/DeleteMe/Test02.png"]Test2[/URL] Then using the Backup Manager I deleted the claim and set my default claim size to 251. Then standing in the centre of the arrow I again claimed the area and exported it to the editor. [URL="www.vendocode.com/DeleteMe/Test03.png"]Test3[/URL] Finally, using another claim I'd exported from the desert area I used the "Add at player location" function to add the prefab to the world (with copy air blocks enabled) [URL="www.vendocode.com/DeleteMe/Test04.png"]Test4[/URL] So if you're still having trouble with the editor create a video of you going through the steps of exporting the area, editing it in the editor and adding it into the world (whether you use the editor functions or not) as I'm unable to re-create the problems you're having. [QUOTE=Ekk0;147097]Hey Hal, this is probably already answered in the thread somewhere, I'll be going through it to check; but, I am having a problem with prefabs being filled in with dirt when checking the Air Blocks check box. This is only happening with two prefabs. Do you know what problem I may be running in to?[/QUOTE] Hey Ekk0, how are you? If it's only happening with a couple then it's probably an issue with the world. Is there 2 prefabs in the area? One with copy air blocks and the other without? They could be fighting over the same space. Can you post the prefab that's causing the problem? [QUOTE=Laz Man;147100]Hey Hal, Is it me or are blocks defaulting with Meta Tag 15 on? I noticed doors were opening strangely and determined because it was set to meta tag 15 by default. Setting the tag to zero resolved the issue. Still trying to figure out why secure doors are no longer locked by default tho. :)[/QUOTE] The meta tag thing should be fixed. I had a look at the secure doors being unlocked and that seems to be the default behaviour in the game. I know they used to be locked by default but they may have changed the code so any door without a player owner is unlocked. When I get some more time I'll have a dig through the code and find out for sure. [QUOTE=Nolla;147115]Have a friend who is getting this error. Apparently she has already imported a couple of prefabs, but today when she was trying to add another one she got this exception error. She is now not sure if the others are loading correctly either. [ATTACH=CONFIG]4951[/ATTACH] Can you please help?[/QUOTE] There's a problem with the XML file which means the editor can't read it. That's why you're getting the error. Has she edited the XML manually? Post a copy of the XML and I'm sure I or one of the readers here can tell you where the problem is. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;147118] Finally, using another claim I'd exported from the desert area I used the "Add at player location" function to add the prefab to the world (with copy air blocks enabled) [URL="www.vendocode.com/DeleteMe/Test04.png"]Test4[/URL] Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] woah wait, what, hold the phone! is this something I can do? will it work with random worlds? gotta little tutorial section on this? I'm defiantly missing something :D (sometimes i miss the simplest things in a program heh)
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