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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Having trouble making myself admin Hello! Thank you SO much Hal I'm really excited to use this. Just a quick question, I'm having trouble making myself admin. I run my server through gameservers.com. Sorted most things out, but just having trouble making myself admin. Do I have to completely reinstall ther server for this to work? I noticed when I went into 'new game' to see if anything worked there, I was easily able to make myself admin. Thanks! Chloe
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[QUOTE=ChloeFox;574005]Hello! Thank you SO much Hal I'm really excited to use this. Just a quick question, I'm having trouble making myself admin. I run my server through gameservers.com. Sorted most things out, but just having trouble making myself admin. Do I have to completely reinstall ther server for this to work? I noticed when I went into 'new game' to see if anything worked there, I was easily able to make myself admin. Thanks! Chloe[/QUOTE] Hello ChloeFox, Have you installed the DLL on the dedicated server? There's videos in the OP showing how to install it. If that's installed then log on to your server and type "bbb rp" into the chat. As long as there isn't already an admin set up it will make you an admin and tell you in the chat window.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;573055] 1. Open in memory loads the prefab into RAM. This is what you should normally use but if the prefab is very large and you don't have enough RAM to open it then you can open it on the disk instead. Some features are disabled when opening it on the disk. [/QUOTE] Thanks for Reply ! [QUOTE=HAL9000;573055] 2. As far as I know decals are only available on cubic blocks. I don't think you can put a decal on something that has density values. Post a picture of your settings that you tried.[/QUOTE] ...but the asphalt on the roads is not a cubic block, and there are decals, so I thought it was only on terrain-blocks need to use decal. [SPOILER][img]http://i.imgur.com/frtZFRc.jpg[/img][/SPOILER] 1. open editor (version 0.71) 2. choose "snow" and fill a single layer 3. check on - "Has Decal" 4. choose meta 2 different from zero (need to say - one time i somehow managed to choose 1...then I find out that need set the meta 2) 5. if i right-click on the desired block - meta 2 is reset to 0 and the block does not receive the parameter meta2.
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[QUOTE=n2n1;574375] 5. if i right-click on the desired block - meta 2 is reset to 0 and the block does not receive the parameter meta2.[/QUOTE] Once the new settings have been chosen (in the "Find" area, not the "Block Info") It's left click to paint a new block. Right click would copy the block you're hovering over.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;574383]Once the new settings have been chosen (in the "Find" area, not the "Block Info") It's left click to paint a new block. Right click would copy the block you're hovering over.[/QUOTE] Oooo! sh.... . . . :dejection: Yes... it's so.... ...i have created a dozen new prefab for my mod and edited have, maybe a hundred.... but I don't know what's happening to me, i guess the creative process completely disables my ability to think logically. Sorry and Thank You! :)
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Hello Hal, I have a question that could be, but isn't necessarily, related to your tool: Do you know an easy way to make a prefab based on 3d mesh data? Example: Lets say you have the data of this fish [url]https://tchetcuti.files.wordpress.com/2015/12/side-fish-wireframe.jpg[/url] and you want to convert it to a stone fish prefab. So I think you have to choose some kind of scaling factor and block type and you need a tool (e.g. your editor) which is able to deal with the prefab file format. Edit: After rethinking the problem, I guess it's sufficient to find a way to enter the vertices (edges and faces don't matter because I could replace them with more vertices using another tool). So my other question is, can I automatically enter a list of 3d points (e.g. something like {(3,24,5), (5,2,7),...} where (x coordinate, y coordinate, z coordinate/layer) ) into your editor? Or to rephrase it, I would like to change the block ids at certain positions and these positions are given by a list. :)
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[QUOTE=n2n1;574493]Oooo! sh.... . . . :dejection: Yes... it's so.... ...i have created a dozen new prefab for my mod and edited have, maybe a hundred.... but I don't know what's happening to me, i guess the creative process completely disables my ability to think logically. Sorry and Thank You! :)[/QUOTE] No worries n2n1. I've improved the editor in the next version so the "Find" area now gets the proper naming for the metas when you enable them to make it easier to know which you're painting. [QUOTE=Pille;574517]Hello Hal, I have a question that could be, but isn't necessarily, related to your tool: Do you know an easy way to make a prefab based on 3d mesh data? Example: Lets say you have the data of this fish [url]https://tchetcuti.files.wordpress.com/2015/12/side-fish-wireframe.jpg[/url] and you want to convert it to a stone fish prefab. So I think you have to choose some kind of scaling factor and block type and you need a tool (e.g. your editor) which is able to deal with the prefab file format. Edit: After rethinking the problem, I guess it's sufficient to find a way to enter the vertices (edges and faces don't matter because I could replace them with more vertices using another tool). So my other question is, can I automatically enter a list of 3d points (e.g. something like {(3,24,5), (5,2,7),...} where (x coordinate, y coordinate, z coordinate/layer) ) into your editor? Or to rephrase it, I would like to change the block ids at certain positions and these positions are given by a list. :)[/QUOTE] Hello Pille, Doing it the way your suggesting would be ok for making a wireframe prefab but unless the vertices data was included you wouldn't be able to create a "solid" prefab. I did some work (many, many moons ago) for importing [URL="http://www.minddesk.com/"]Quibicle[/URL] files into the editor but I think it would all be broken now. That tool allowed you to import meshes into it and would "voxelise" them. e.g. it was able to turn [URL="https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/free-printable-tars-tarkus-3d-model/698884"]this[/URL] into [URL="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8RdJ-Hmss1vYVVsTVlyZWh5T00/view"]this[/URL]
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;574754]Um, that's awesome. Where do I sign up for that tool? :) [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] ...natural looking moutains would be a ♥♥♥♥ton easier that way.[/QUOTE] Sign up in [URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?8183-Qubicle-Constructor-Possible-File-Conversion"]2014[/URL]. Actually, one of the old builds (A10.4?) may have that stuff in it. The Qubicle code is still there in the editor, it just won't work because the block system has gone through a couple of overhauls since it was written. But you may be able to use the old editor to build it and then put it through the prefab converter tool to bring it up to spec and into an A15 game.
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Thank you Hal. I am going to try this tool. [QUOTE=HAL9000;574646] Doing it the way your suggesting would be ok for making a wireframe prefab but unless the vertices data was included you wouldn't be able to create a "solid" prefab. [/QUOTE] I would be able to create all necessary data (fill edges, faces and volumes with vertices).
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;575435]What would the data look like?[/QUOTE] Something like this x y z id 1 2 4 123 4 2 3 56 5 6 4 13 5 3 6 45 ... or x y z id 1, 2, 4, 123; 4, 2, 3, 56; 5, 6, 4, 13; 5, 3, 6, 45; ... So an arbitrary formated list that assigns block ids to coordinates.
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[QUOTE=Pille;575463]Something like this x y z id 1 2 4 123 4 2 3 56 5 6 4 13 5 3 6 45 ... or x y z id 1, 2, 4, 123; 4, 2, 3, 56; 5, 6, 4, 13; 5, 3, 6, 45; ... So an arbitrary formated list that assigns block ids to coordinates.[/QUOTE] Send me a file, I'll see what I can do next time I'm in the code
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Encountered something strange when overwriting an existing prefab on my server with an updated version of the same prefab. Where I had storage containers and replaced them with redwood blocks the redwood blocks look like redwood blocks but act as storage containers. Checked the meta of them but nothing different from the other redwood blocks.
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Read this and the following comments Mana [url]https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?7564-Hal-s-Prefab-Editor&p=504483&viewfull=1#post504483[/url] I think the bug isn't related to the editor. As far as I remember, you can get rid of this issue by deleting the 7rg files.
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[QUOTE=Pille;575829]Read this and the following comments Mana [url]https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?7564-Hal-s-Prefab-Editor&p=504483&viewfull=1#post504483[/url] I think the bug isn't related to the editor. As far as I remember, you can get rid of this issue by deleting the 7rg files.[/QUOTE] Yeah I didn't delete the region just overwrote the prefab. Still struggling to get the editor to connect to my server. Can use bbb commands but cant do anything from the editor like deleting region files.
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[QUOTE=Pille;575545]Thanks Hal. File is underway.[/QUOTE] It's rotated incorrectly but the file can be imported to the [URL="https://gyazo.com/7125dbeaae052cfe9733a7b92a2a4489"]editor[/URL] Looks like the mesh is using the Z axis as "up" where the game uses the Y axis so you'll just need to rotate your mesh first. [QUOTE=Mana;575824]Encountered something strange when overwriting an existing prefab on my server with an updated version of the same prefab. Where I had storage containers and replaced them with redwood blocks the redwood blocks look like redwood blocks but act as storage containers. Checked the meta of them but nothing different from the other redwood blocks.[/QUOTE] I think it's something to do with things Kinyajuu is working on for A16. It's described in [URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?50667-Modding-News-(DEV-Kinyajuu)"]this thread[/URL]. A few people have mentioned it since he posted about it but I've not been able to reproduce it. [QUOTE=Mana;575831]Yeah I didn't delete the region just overwrote the prefab. Still struggling to get the editor to connect to my server. Can use bbb commands but cant do anything from the editor like deleting region files.[/QUOTE] You can't delete regions from a server, just locally. Rather than deleting the region files you could probably use the world editor and just reset the effected chunks.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;575844]You can't delete regions from a server, just locally. Rather than deleting the region files you could probably use the world editor and just reset the effected chunks.[/QUOTE] That is the problem I have. I cannot get the editor to see my server.
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[QUOTE=Mana;575851]That is the problem I have. I cannot get the editor to see my server.[/QUOTE] There videos in the OP on how to set the editor up. If you're still having trouble either make a video and share it or upload your settings and we'll have a look
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;575844]It's rotated incorrectly but the file can be imported to the editor. Looks like the mesh is using the Z axis as "up" where the game uses the Y axis so you'll just need to rotate your mesh first. [/QUOTE] Upps my mistake. Anyway, I am glad to see that you considered this feature. It should allow me to import every 3d object that I want. Thank you so much! Was probably one small step for Hal, one giant leap for me. ;)
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[QUOTE=Mana;575887]This is the message I am getting [url]https://www.dropbox.com/s/xsxww7eumeatyem/worldeditor.jpg?dl=0[/url][/QUOTE] Sounds like a problem with the server. Check out the log file for the server and see if there's any errors messages. The editor also makes a log file on the server at \BlockBackup\Users\Log.txt. Check in there for any errors and post the files if you find any.
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