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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=TreebGaming;565754]I managed to give myself admin permission in the server by going into single player and using the bbb rp command then switching to the server and doing the same command there (when i'm the only one on there), but when I use the bbb ip command, it pastes the prefab where i want it but the rest of the map seems to fail to load when i move any distance away from it, when anyone else joins afterwards, the map is fine for them and they cannot see the prefab. If i leave then rejoin, everything returns to normal and the prefab is gone.[/QUOTE] ...but from what you can tell, you can't actually do any damage to a server, right? You're only editing your own experience, so to speak? I suppose you could exploit that by loading a loot-filled prefab, getting the loot, then exiting/rejoining with said loot? [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE=Xtrememale;565797]When I load the game via the Prefab Editor and not via SDX7.0 the Mods disappear from the game.[/QUOTE] Isn't sdx essentially a mod manager? So it would make sense that this is the case?
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[QUOTE=SlicksGirl;564301]It was saving just fine to the prefab folder before the update. i was editing some thing the other day and saved it to the prefab. today i ran the update when prompted. Rebooted my pc, started up the editor, started a new project, saved it just fine. started up a second project, tried to save it to the same folder. (I mean it should have because the last one did all on its own. ) then i tried to edit the same project in order to add a part two to the build. and went to "save as" right on the prefab folder the FIRST one was showing up in. It said i dont have permissions. so i tried to save it in the other file I had saved all my previous builds. (this project is around number 15.) and it said i didnt have permission. so i looked into the prefab folder it normally saves to and the first version of this project was not there, nor was the second, nor was the third letting me save it. Yes guppy, this is that thing i said i'd do to the tunnels i made on your server.. code name uoza's house of horror, were we can play admin gods to the poor hapless players.[/QUOTE] I'm not sure the problem you're trying to describe. Trying uploading a video of the problem, that may help show what the issue is [QUOTE=Guppycur;564328]@Hal Could you make it so that I don't need the game installed on the dedi as well? When you set it to the dedi folder and try to run the editor you get a nice "Could not find path" error to the Assembly-CSharp.dll file, because the path requires the data folder to be named 7DaysToDie_Data, instead of 7DaysToDieServer_Data like it is on a dedi. ...I suppose I could just copy/paste the folder in the dedi, but I figured this was an unintended issue you could resolve long term. Ironically, the prefab editor will load afterwards, though... :) -Gups[/QUOTE] Should be fixed in the next version Gup [QUOTE=Guppycur;565139]@Hal Request for the day. A -nospam option on bbb commands, so that NO info is provided back through chat? bbb ip guppysawesomeprefab 100 53 533 -nospam ...or make it so that only the player who does it sees it, instead of global chat? Thanks![/QUOTE] Maybe, if I can think of a nice way of doing it globally. [QUOTE=TreebGaming;565754]I managed to give myself admin permission in the server by going into single player and using the bbb rp command then switching to the server and doing the same command there (when i'm the only one on there), but when I use the bbb ip command, it pastes the prefab where i want it but the rest of the map seems to fail to load when i move any distance away from it, when anyone else joins afterwards, the map is fine for them and they cannot see the prefab. If i leave then rejoin, everything returns to normal and the prefab is gone.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the heads up, I'll take a look [QUOTE=Xtrememale;565797]When I load the game via the Prefab Editor and not via SDX7.0 the Mods disappear from the game.[/QUOTE] The prefab editor and SDX are not compatible as we both edit the DLL. In previous versions some people have been able to combine both by deleting the SDX backups, placing the editor DLL in the game folder and then compiling SDX. That way it uses the editor DLL as the base for SDX mods but it doesn't always work. I'm considering making the editor an SDX mod instead of a standalone mod but it will be some time before that happens
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;568450]Yay. Good holiday? Your absence as felt, but thanks for leaving us with such a stable build. Or was it the new job? That going well?[/QUOTE] Nah I had a bug in my own code and it's taken a week to clear it out. Yeah the new job is going well. Another 6 weeks or so and I should get some modding time back to come play with you guys again. Then we can make the world burn :)
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;570843]Bbb undo ...and eh? F3, go to spot, face northeast, if I'm reading your question right.[/QUOTE] i just looked at the map.. but teleportating around is bugged.. i cant put in the same exact coordinates, I get teleported there, then immediately teleported several km away form that spot.. its super weird. Just started a map for one of my shy friends who wont join any public anything...
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survivalservers.com Hello HAL, I am sorry to say that your mod is not compatible with survivalservers.com They refused to open a port for the game. If you are reading this and want to use this editor. Note that you will not receive any help from survivalservers.com to open a port.
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[QUOTE=harper1;572410]Hello HAL, I am sorry to say that your mod is not compatible with survivalservers.com They refused to open a port for the game. If you are reading this and want to use this editor. Note that you will not receive any help from survivalservers.com to open a port.[/QUOTE] Hal, I need to know if there any problems reconfigure an existing port for Telnet for use of the editor mod for. It seams to be working. Is there anything I should be aware of?
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[QUOTE=harper1;572533]Hal, I need to know if there any problems reconfigure an existing port for Telnet for use of the editor mod for. It seams to be working. Is there anything I should be aware of?[/QUOTE] Hello harper1, There's nothing wrong with using the Telnet port for the editor (other than the fact you lose telnet access). That said there are plenty of providers that will give extra ports (and cost less per month) so shopping around should get you both the editor and telnet
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Unable to RESET corrupt chunk Hi HAL9000, Firstly, thanks for an awesome tool. Not sure why I haven't messed around with this sooner. I've got a corrupt chunk I'm having trouble getting rid of. In the World Editor, it shows up like this: [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/4TWPEcM.png[/IMG] I select the chunk and also the neighboring chunks and do a reset. Client side, I get the following output: [CODE]Wait| Wait| Reseting chunk: 3539992711|Done Reseting chunk: 3523215495|Done Reseting chunk: 3506438279|Done Reseting chunk: 3539992710|Done Reseting chunk: 3506438278|Done Reseting chunk: 3539992709|Done Reseting chunk: 3523215493|Done Reseting chunk: 3506438277|Done Reseting chunk: 3539992711|Done Reseting chunk: 3523215495|Done Reseting chunk: 3506438279|Done Reseting chunk: 3539992710|Done Reseting chunk: 3506438278|Done Reseting chunk: 3539992709|Done Reseting chunk: 3523215493|Done Reseting chunk: 3506438277|Done PlayerPositions|Done GetAllBlockColours|Done GetAllPrefabNames|Done GetServerInfo|Done Retrieving entity list from server|Done Retrieving Item list from server|Done Retrieving Server block list|done [/CODE] At this point, the server log looks like this: [URL="http://pastebin.com/UEQ05yz2"]http://pastebin.com/UEQ05yz2[/URL] Now I connect to the dedicated server, and fly over to the problem chunk and the server log starts displaying this: [CODE]2017-01-23T01:50:33 513.075 INF GMSG: Player 'mythan' joined the game 2017-01-23T01:50:33 513.076 INF Player connected, entityid=171, name=mythan, steamid=76561197999995114, steamOwner=76561197999995114, ip=::ffff: 2017-01-23T01:50:33 513.077 INF Player set to online: 76561197999995114 Chunk Gen Time Out! UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, String, Object) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[]) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) BackupManager:Log(String) BackupManager:GetChunk(Int64, Boolean) HalServerStuff.HalServer:ProcessMessage(HalMessage, Socket) HalServerStuff.HalServer:StartListening(String, Int32) <>c:b__72_0() (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)[/CODE] Continuation of log --> [URL="http://pastebin.com/Gmgv5sX4"]http://pastebin.com/Gmgv5sX4[/URL] In game the chunk looks like terrain, but when you walk onto it you fall through the world. There's also no grass growing on it. As soon as anyone comes close to this chunk, ALL chunks across the server start having trouble rendering. Everyone notices it and some people will start falling through the world. A couple of in-game screenshots of this chunk here: [URL="http://imgur.com/a/0cn0G"]http://imgur.com/a/0cn0G[/URL] Have you got any other recommendations? Deleting the region fixes the issue, but there are player bases in the region and I'm hoping to avoid it. I guess a very time consuming alternative would be to prefab all their bases and load it back into a new region.. :/ Thank you
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Hello ! I have a few questions about using the Utility: 1. What is the difference to open the prefab "In Memory" or "From Disc"? 2. In my prefab, that containing snow blocks - i need put decal on the block of snow (for example, i want to get a blood stain on the snow) but I can't place the block with the selected meta 2 in options. This is not applicable or i something wrong use ? Also i want get decal on a cubic block (not terrain, but, on a vertical wall of cement) is this possible ? 3. option "Clear Location Points" - what is the "location points" ? [attachment=992:name] 4. Oh! who is it ? :D Thanks for this Utility!
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;572851]The points make it easier to work between two instances of the editor, to keep track of copy and paste locations.[/QUOTE] O! it is convenient!...You are about 3. or 4. ?... Or... the same thing ? UPD: ...:D....funny...i figured out - it's same thing. Thanks :D
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[QUOTE=mythan;572692]Hi HAL9000, I've got a corrupt chunk I'm having trouble getting rid of. In the World Editor, it shows up like this: [/QUOTE] Hello mythan, I'll add a bbb command to the next release for manually resetting a chunk, see if that helps. [QUOTE=n2n1;572835]Hello ! I have a few questions about using the Utility: 1. What is the difference to open the prefab "In Memory" or "From Disc"? 2. In my prefab, that containing snow blocks - i need put decal on the block of snow (for example, i want to get a blood stain on the snow) but I can't place the block with the selected meta 2 in options. This is not applicable or i something wrong use ? Also i want get decal on a cubic block (not terrain, but, on a vertical wall of cement) is this possible ? 3. option "Clear Location Points" - what is the "location points" ? [ATTACH=CONFIG]18812[/ATTACH] 4. Oh! who is it ? :D Thanks for this Utility![/QUOTE] 1. Open in memory loads the prefab into RAM. This is what you should normally use but if the prefab is very large and you don't have enough RAM to open it then you can open it on the disk instead. Some features are disabled when opening it on the disk. 2. As far as I know decals are only available on cubic blocks. I don't think you can put a decal on something that has density values. Post a picture of your settings that you tried.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;573702]I can't say I've ever loaded the game from the editor in like, several years, so sorry, can't help. /just came to say "no"[/QUOTE] Ok then I will try to load game from steam rather than the editor see if that works. Thanks. Edit: All I get is a black screen when loading from Steam.
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