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Hal's Prefab Editor


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hi I was wondering dose anyone know how to delete a bbb claim I must of made a claim by accident and built a building next to it then went to claim it but it's all ready been claimed and another question when you set claim size is that for example 30 blocks wide and 30blocks long from where your standing? or is it 15 blocks wide and 15 blocks long?
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;545601]Yeah, "bbb remove " if it's your claim or "bbb remove " if your an admin wanting to remove someone elses. You can also do it through the Backup Manager in the editor.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=DarkWing;552936]hi I was wondering dose anyone know how to delete a bbb claim I must of made a claim by accident and built a building next to it then went to claim it but it's all ready been claimed and another question when you set claim size is that for example 30 blocks wide and 30blocks long from where your standing? or is it 15 blocks wide and 15 blocks long?[/QUOTE] yes as Hal has answered I have placed above your question for easy reference for you :-)
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;553232]@hal: What's the haps? Anything new when you were poking around the code this last weekend? (that's how it's done Stal)[/QUOTE] We didn't get the SDX update I was hoping for so not much got done really. I've added in some port restrictions to help out server providers and tidied some stuff up. There was something I added but was in such a rush I forgot to put it in the release notes and can't remember it so we'll call that a "surprise feature" and wait for someone to point it out ^^ This weekend isn't looking good either, lot of work to get done before fun time can begin.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;555978]Hey Gup, Not sure when, maybe tomorrow if I get time. I heard it was buggy. Any talk of a hotfix? Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] No, they didnt even fix the experimental releases bugs (same files); they think it's fine (and I'm not experiencing bugs). But you may have a better ear to the ground.
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Update Time! Added: 15.1 Support Added: World Editor now has restricted ports Added: Things I don't remember Added: bbb Undo command Updated: Main form layout Added: Auto install option Restricted Ports The editor now has a restricted port list. Some of you prefabbers were being naughty and setting the port to the FTP port when hosting on external providers and apparently my coding Fu is so strong that it can take over ports that have already been opened by other programs. To help prevent this you can no longer connect to the editor using port numbers under 5000. 8001, 8080 and 8081 are also restricted. If you try to use a restricted port the world editor will warn you that you won't be able to connect. You have about 60,000 ports still to choose from. Things I don't remember. I know I did something to the editor but I can't remember what. This probably means it's in a half-complete, broken state so let me know what you find. bbb Undo A new command is added that will undo prefab inserts. This is just the first instance of the feature, more options will come down the road. At the moment it's only for use through bbb commands, not the world editor. It will remember the last 5 inserts and will persist through a restart. GUI change / Auto install You'll see the main form has had a swap around. I needed a wider layout and the old layout was bugging me. At the bottom of the form you'll see a new "install" box. It will tell you if the editor is installed and if not will enable the install button. All the button does is copy the DLL to the install folder. If you put the path to the dedi install in the settings form it will install the dedi DLL (local machine only, no FTP) Have fun, Hal
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Hello Mana, It's probably because your info file doesn't have your steam ID in. Try entering the game and typing "bbb rp" to reload the settings. If that doesn't work do a manual update in the editor, I've added another check to prevent the bit of code that's trying to run. Cheers, Hal
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