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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Ditto Guppy. I have noticed that if it does not appear, I remove it, and double click the prefab again. Do not rush this or it will freak out. I have zero problems with the small prefabs. I have been able to get the box for a huge 120x120 prefab by being patient with that process. And Hal, I crashed course myself through learning your editor over the last couple of weeks and you have opened up a whole new aspect for this game for me. I had already thought of this game as the biggest Lego set EVER and now it is even COOLER with this tool. THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH!!
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[QUOTE=cr1spin;537408]Howdy HAL ! First: Your Prefab- & World-Editor is freaking awesome ! Thank you for this very cool piece of software ! Well, i just started to build a small PVP Map with it ( Huge help for mirroring areas, repair, backup ect.. ;D ), Except of the "red prefab insert box ( InGame )" which is shown in the Video, everything is working good. Do i have to enable something for the "red insert box" which isn't mentioned in the Videos ? Or is this a removed feature ? We're on A15-Stable-( 105 ) with the newest A.C.S MOD Pack Thanks again ! Have a nice Day ;][/QUOTE] Hello cr1spin, Glad you're enjoying the editor. The red boxes should be there by default so no special settings are needed. If you're running against a dedi, are you running the SP DLL when connecting to the world? You need the DLL included with the editor to show the red boxes (and some other features) [QUOTE=Guppycur;537446]The box doesn't show for large prefabs, in my experience. And even then it's hit or miss.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=TheForsaken;537530]Ditto Guppy. I have noticed that if it does not appear, I remove it, and double click the prefab again. Do not rush this or it will freak out. I have zero problems with the small prefabs. I have been able to get the box for a huge 120x120 prefab by being patient with that process. And Hal, I crashed course myself through learning your editor over the last couple of weeks and you have opened up a whole new aspect for this game for me. I had already thought of this game as the biggest Lego set EVER and now it is even COOLER with this tool. THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH!![/QUOTE] Hi TheForsaken, Yeah there's definitely huge scope to the game, hopefully the editor helps those that want to build big! Feel free to post issues you have with the editor here. I haven't played the game much in recent months so I don't get the chance to find bugs as I'm using the tool like I used to. So I rely on you guys to point out when things have gone awry. Again. ^^ When you double-click on a prefab to add it to the world editor the message gets put into a queue with everything else. So if you're still loading chunk data there may be 50 messages the editor has to send and process before getting to the message letting the server know that you want to add a prefab. Shouldn't take more than a couple of seconds (depending on lag/server speed) but it can be a noticeable delay. And sometimes the editor just plain gets confused, you can try forcing a refresh by clicking on the layer buttons to go up 1 and back down 1 to force a box refresh on the server. If you can get me reproducible steps for when they don't appear I'll run it through on my end and see what's up.
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You know, there was one little thing I was wondering. In the world editor. You showed a trick with viewing the chunks, All loot, loot this layer. And looking inside containers. When I click those on the right, the map just goes blank. The counters at the top are downloading something, but do not see anything happening. It is not a showstopper, but I am curious and have to play with everything like the bounce test. (Wife saw that and said, what are you doing?!?!?) Anyway. I was just wondering. And thank you again for all you do, I very much appreciate it!!
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[QUOTE=TheForsaken;537776]You know, there was one little thing I was wondering. In the world editor. You showed a trick with viewing the chunks, All loot, loot this layer. And looking inside containers. When I click those on the right, the map just goes blank. The counters at the top are downloading something, but do not see anything happening. It is not a showstopper, but I am curious and have to play with everything like the bounce test. (Wife saw that and said, what are you doing?!?!?) Anyway. I was just wondering. And thank you again for all you do, I very much appreciate it!![/QUOTE] That whole area with showing containers needs a re-write and I think it broke when I changed how the main maps works. Nobody really mentioned it so it's been behind all the other stuff but I'll get round to it at some point (especially if TFP make some changes that I think they're going to do as it will tie in nicely). Ha, I'd forgotten about the bounce test. It's been in there for ages and I think you're the first to mention it. Bloody good test though, right? ^^
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;537855]That whole area with showing containers needs a re-write and I think it broke when I changed how the main maps works. Nobody really mentioned it so it's been behind all the other stuff but I'll get round to it at some point (especially if TFP make some changes that I think they're going to do as it will tie in nicely). Ha, I'd forgotten about the bounce test. It's been in there for ages and I think you're the first to mention it. Bloody good test though, right? ^^[/QUOTE] I can imagine how fixing one thing breaks another. I deal with that a lot in my day job in IT. So yeah, I completely understand. And while I could have fun with that aspect, I am very cool with this sitting on the side lines for another day. So everyone go do a bounce test! Too funny!
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;538381]Would it be possible to add an up arrow command to the chat window, so that instead of retyping what I just put in (usually some long convoluted bbb import string), I just hit up arrow and it scrolls through the last few things said?[/QUOTE] that would be great or even a ctrl v and ctrl c option (copy and paste)
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@Hal Made a [URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?54608-A15b105-How-to-Export-a-Base-Prefab&p=538664#post538664"]VIDEO[/URL] tutorial on how to export bases into prefabs. I watched yours and Hotr0d's but yours is waaaay outdated and his has a whole lot more going on than mine.
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[QUOTE=stallionsden;538271]Whats a bounce test lol. And why would you wanna look in a lootcontainer for lol. Been using the editor for ages and knew nothing of this lol[/QUOTE] Glorious. That's what it is. ^^ [QUOTE=Guppycur;538381]Would it be possible to add an up arrow command to the chat window, so that instead of retyping what I just put in (usually some long convoluted bbb import string), I just hit up arrow and it scrolls through the last few things said?[/QUOTE] The chat window isn't my code so I've no real control over it unfortunately. The best I could do is a "bbb rep" to repeat the last command or something like that. [QUOTE=stallionsden;538401]that would be great or even a ctrl v and ctrl c option (copy and paste)[/QUOTE] You can already use those shortcuts in the chat window along with Ctrl+A to select all. [QUOTE=Guppycur;538665]@Hal Made a [URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?54608-A15b105-How-to-Export-a-Base-Prefab&p=538664#post538664"]VIDEO[/URL] tutorial on how to export bases into prefabs. I watched yours and Hotr0d's but yours is waaaay outdated and his has a whole lot more going on than mine.[/QUOTE] Awesome! Thanks Gup - I'll add it to the OP for people.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;538665]@Hal Made a [URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?54608-A15b105-How-to-Export-a-Base-Prefab&p=538664#post538664"]VIDEO[/URL] tutorial on how to export bases into prefabs. I watched yours and Hotr0d's but yours is waaaay outdated and his has a whole lot more going on than mine.[/QUOTE] Great video Gup. Just FYI - you didn't get an error because by the default settings everyone can claim at least one area. If you'd tried to claim more or do a bbb IP you'd have got the admin error because those are restricted actions. The editor was lagging because you're recording. When opening the editor it processes all the block data from the XML so it's quite CPU intensive and recording takes quite a lot too. There is a redraw bug there though sometimes so if the prefab isn't appearing just move the mouse over to the box on the left and it will sort itself out. Never been able to find why that happens If you're the first person on the server (or you're playing SP) rather than using the backup manager to set the admin just run "bbb rp" and it will auto assign you as an admin. To save more time you don't need to worry about the height when removing layers. If you just want to remove everything above a position just put 999 or any large number into the "To layer" box [QUOTE=stallionsden;538721]Really i tried that and didnt work for me. Was in a14 tho.[/QUOTE] Yep, just tested Cntl+A, Cntl+C and Cntl+V and they were working for me
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Awesome tips; I'd love to see a video from you making a prefab from start to finish, so we can get an idea of how YOU were thinking when you created this awesome beast. :) [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Oh, and "bbb rep" to repeat the last chat would be great; but if you can tie it to that, couldn't you tie it into the up arrow?
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Got it ! [QUOTE=HAL9000;537557]Hello cr1spin, Glad you're enjoying the editor. The red boxes should be there by default so no special settings are needed. If you're running against a dedi, are you running the SP DLL when connecting to the world? You need the DLL included with the editor to show the red boxes (and some other features)[/QUOTE] Hello HAL, Oh my .. Now i got it. I remember that i replaced the "Single PLayer DLL", but wasn't able to start the game anymore (Blank Screen, Game crashed). So i changed back to the old DLL ( Thought i did it wrong and the "Dedicated DLL" was all i have to replace on the Server ). After replacing it again i faced the same error after starting the Game [U]from the "Steam Libary"[/U]. [B]But[/B] if i start the "...\steamapps\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie.exe" directly from the explorer it works ! Placed a shortcut on my Desktop for direct access, voilà :] (No compatibility options needed btw. ) Please excuse me if it was already mentioned somewhere. I simply missed this info.. Thanks for help dude !
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[QUOTE=cr1spin;539081]Hello HAL, Oh my .. Now i got it. I remember that i replaced the "Single PLayer DLL", but wasn't able to start the game anymore (Blank Screen, Game crashed). So i changed back to the old DLL ( Thought i did it wrong and the "Dedicated DLL" was all i have to replace on the Server ). After replacing it again i faced the same error after starting the Game [U]from the "Steam Libary"[/U]. [B]But[/B] if i start the "...\steamapps\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie.exe" directly from the explorer it works ! Placed a shortcut on my Desktop for direct access, voilà :] (No compatibility options needed btw. ) Please excuse me if it was already mentioned somewhere. I simply missed this info.. Thanks for help dude ![/QUOTE] Glad you got it sorted cr1spin. I've added a line to the OP mentioning about having to disable EAC so hopefully it's more visible to new users going forward. Enjoy!
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[QUOTE=TSBX;539455]+1 to up arrow. Bonus points if additional presses go one step back![/QUOTE] The chat box isn't my code so I can't hook the events easily. What I do is process the message that gets sent to the server from the text box when you press enter.
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