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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=Slaan;521500]Wow, I'm gonna have to play around a bit more but I think that could be my new favorite thing![/QUOTE] You have to do a bit of file swapping. I just thought of it as an optional extra on an ad-hoc basis but if it's something you think you'd use a lot let me know and I'll streamline the process so you can edit it from the backup folder. Wouldn't take long to do
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;521482]Hi Pille, Thanks for the bug report, yep there's a problem in the code for prefabs with a height of 256. It'll be sorted in the next release. Hey Stallionsden, Layer 0 does count towards height. It's the bottom most layer in an export so it's usually bedrock but the layers are 0-255 (256 in total) Nice catch, I've added a check for new prefabs so they can't be more than 256 in height when being created.[/QUOTE] Argh fair enough. I never counted 0 as a layer lol. 0 - 1 is 1 but good to know and sorry for wrong info pille
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You know, I kind of noticed... I was inserting an entity and it started singing "Daisy" to me. "Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I'm half crazy all for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two." Odd behavior. :)
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;522867]Hey hal, did you know you don't actively support the editor? Surprised me too. [url]https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?52701-Saving-your-baby-(aka-creation)&p=522864&posted=1#post522864[/url][/QUOTE] And here prolly comes my second infraction lol. Thanks guppy for showing me this thread haha :'(
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;524283]Yeh, you railed on him/her pretty good. :) 2nd Infraction? What was your first? Mine was an ascii middle finger. ...there are certain people who's works you don't disrespect. Hal is one of them.[/QUOTE] Yeh i agree Hal is def one whom has proved he deserves respect for what he has done for the game .. :-). First was for telling console to learn to read and ping off to console section in the a15 pc thread lol.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;527417]Hal What's the best way I can run two editors at once? That way I can copy/paste layers from one instance of the editor to another? Best I can figure, that'll be the easiest way to merge prefabs.[/QUOTE] Look for the insert prefab that is in one of the tabs the one where you can remove layers etc tab
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Sorry guys, new job means not much time for modding at the moment. I'll still be pottering about but it'll probably be Christmas before I get back into full swing. [QUOTE=Guppycur;525194]Hal, does the editor work on a nix server? I would think so, but don't really know. *edit* Nevermind, I guess not, since it requires .net framework. :) /silly guppy[/QUOTE] I've had mixed reports. Some get it working and others don't. Even those who do get it working say certain methods crash out. I originally built the editor to be cross platform but it's spread into so many different areas now not all will be compatible. Unity uses Mono (a cross platform version of .NET) but I use features from .NET Framework 4.6 which aren't part of Mono. Best test is to just suck it and see. If you get errors let me know and I'll see if I can add workarounds for linux versions. [QUOTE=Guppycur;527417]Hal What's the best way I can run two editors at once? That way I can copy/paste layers from one instance of the editor to another? Best I can figure, that'll be the easiest way to merge prefabs.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=stallionsden;527553]Look for the insert prefab thatbis in one of the tabs the one where you can remove layers etc tab[/QUOTE] Yep that'd be the way to do it for now. For more advanced copying (say only a section of a prefab) there's no share between editor instances but you can copy an area, open a new one and paste. A ballache but possible to do. I could change it so you could open multiple editor windows from the main menu too but that would need some recoding to get right. Maybe you'll get it as a Christmas present.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;527705]Sorry guys, new job means not much time for modding at the moment. I'll still be pottering about but it'll probably be Christmas before I get back into full swing. I've had mixed reports. Some get it working and others don't. Even those who do get it working say certain methods crash out. I originally built the editor to be cross platform but it's spread into so many different areas now not all will be compatible. Unity uses Mono (a cross platform version of .NET) but I use features from .NET Framework 4.6 which aren't part of Mono. Best test is to just suck it and see. If you get errors let me know and I'll see if I can add workarounds for linux versions. Yep that'd be the way to do it for now. For more advanced copying (say only a section of a prefab) there's no share between editor instances but you can copy an area, open a new one and paste. A ballache but possible to do. I could change it so you could open multiple editor windows from the main menu too but that would need some recoding to get right. Maybe you'll get it as a Christmas present.[/QUOTE] Santa claus's norty list is the biggest its ever been this year lol...... 237 pages with guppycur on each line haha :-P
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*Edit* If someone else could confirm this, so I know it's not just my server, that'd be great. @Hal One last fix ol'e buddy. When I insert prefabs, blocks that I place ON the prefabs don't stick. They'll stack vertically just fine, but not sideways; they fall when walked on. I noticed then when placing my flat 10x10x1 prefabs, nothing I built on top of it will stick sideways.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;528969]*Edit* If someone else could confirm this, so I know it's not just my server, that'd be great. @Hal One last fix ol'e buddy. When I insert prefabs, blocks that I place ON the prefabs don't stick. They'll stack vertically just fine, but not sideways; they fall when walked on. I noticed then when placing my flat 10x10x1 prefabs, nothing I built on top of it will stick sideways.[/QUOTE] Hey Gup, Is this on dedi? Try teleporting away so the chunks unload and then back and see if they stick. I've added code so when prefabs are inserted the stability for all the chunks are recalculated but it may not be pushing those changes to the client
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;529212]Yep, dedi, and I did tp. I'll start a new seed to see if it's something else, now that I'm awake enough to think of ways to test. So, what's the new job and what happened to the old one?[/QUOTE] I've swapped coding for more coding - but it's [I]different[/I] coding. One week in and all going well so far ^^ how's the wound? Weren't you in hospital not long ago? [QUOTE=Guppycur;529223]Bah, it's not doing it this morning on the server; I think the server rebooted and fixed it. Gah, nevermind then. :)[/QUOTE] kk no worries. If you can get reproducible steps I'll see if I can look what's going on in the code but if I had to guess it'd be either a sync issue where the stability isn't getting updated on the client or a bug in the stability calculator in general.
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The knee is finally better; they still don't know what's wrong, but it's not making me cringe anymore and I can walk again, so I'm good. :) ...I ended up having other weird problems with the server (random chunks would reset, always, it seemed, where our chests were!). Assuming chunks are 16x16; at any rate, something was happening causing it, so I started a new seed, so hopefully all of my woes go away. -gups
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