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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=visageiii;501918]I'm having an issue getting this installed on a pingperfect server, they added this as a mod to be installed, I can't quite be sure that the Csharp file is installing like it should, but in the meantime how would I connect this to the pingperfect server?[/QUOTE] If the DLL is installed correctly then you can use FTP to edit the claims or ask PingPerfect to setup another port and use the world editor. There's a video on how to set up the world editor in the OP
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;502181]If the DLL is installed correctly then you can use FTP to edit the claims or ask PingPerfect to setup another port and use the world editor. There's a video on how to set up the world editor in the OP[/QUOTE]they have some issues with uploading files to their server, am I correct in thinking I just need to be able to install and uninstall the csharp dedicated file? everything else is setup on client side? (minus the port setting...)
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Yeah once the DLL is copied across (if it's a dedicated server they'll need to copy "Assembly-CSharp Dedicated.dll" to the server and rename it to "Assembly-CSharp.dll" to replace the vanilla one. Then start the server and it will create a file called "HalGlobal.txt" in the root of the game install. You change the settings for the editor there and reboot the server to apply.
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Hi, first of all, thank you for your excellent tool. I have a question and a possible bug report: Is there an option to show the damage state of all blocks (Something like the check box "show rotations", which shows the direction of rotation of the blocks)? I think I found a small bug (but could be a problem of A15e and not a bug in your tool). There are some blocks in my prefab that are converted into containers (e.g. I have several "untouched concrete blocks" in my base. They can be opened and used as normal containers). It's prefab created in A14.
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Hi Pille, No there's nothing for viewing damage like that currently but I can add it in for the next version. It will be under the "selection" menu. The prefab editor can't edit the XML files so that sounds like a problem trying to use an A14 prefab in A15. The block IDs may have been swapped about but I'm not sure why you'd get a concrete block as a container without altering the XML or running a mod. Check the block in A14 using the editor and see what it should be and then again in A15 to see what it sees it as in the new build.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;505417] No there's nothing for viewing damage like that currently but I can add it in for the next version. It will be under the "selection" menu. [/QUOTE] Thanks a lot. The bug seems to be related to the map and not to your programm or to my prefab or to any xml mods. My game isn't moded. I found multiple 'container' reinforced concrete blocks (they wasn't containers in A14 just reinforced concrete) and normal 'non-container' reinforced concrete blocks, both types having identical properties (block id, rotation, damage etc.). I had to completely destroy the bugged versions (somehow the downgraded concrete block was still a container^^) and reimport the prefab or spawn it in another map to get rid of this problem. It's an interessting and almost useful bug but I don't trust my new containers. :kiwi-fruit: So thanks for your assistance. I'll be back if my floor transforms into zombie blocks.
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Hal So I was messing with the world editor and also had alloc's fixes up looking at the map, and I noticed that when the world editor is logged in, the server is spawning zombies... this can't help with performance, so I was wondering if there was a way for the W/E to discretely enter the game w/o triggering the spawning. Makes me wonder if time is passing, too; I suspect it is. Hm, maybe not. The map's time isn't updating so... odd.
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W/E Issue So I was following roads, then got this message about 6 or 7 times (but with different chunk and duration values). Exception in Road SSearch. Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Paramater name: index 2 for chunk 940, 192 Duration: 0.2840293 %: 99.22% Then it started spamming this: Server Error: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index So I stopped following the roads, then restarted the search, and my map went from looking like it's supposed to, to looking like this: [img]http://s10.postimg.org/iac5yk4ll/delete.jpg[/img] No clue what any of it means. :)
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Update time! Added: A15.0b88 support Added: You can now "paint" damage using the Damage selection option. [QUOTE=Guppycur;511001]Hal So I was messing with the world editor and also had alloc's fixes up looking at the map, and I noticed that when the world editor is logged in, the server is spawning zombies... this can't help with performance, so I was wondering if there was a way for the W/E to discretely enter the game w/o triggering the spawning. Makes me wonder if time is passing, too; I suspect it is. Hm, maybe not. The map's time isn't updating so... odd.[/QUOTE] You trying to say I'm not discrete Gup?? I haven't leaked any of that sexting you sent me (thanks btw)! The editor only reads what's available, it doesn't add any entities so if there's stuff spawning it's the game that's doing it. If you're doing something like Follow Roads and it's creating new chunks then part of that process may involve spawning entities but that's just part of the game and I don't have much control over it. As long as they're not getting rendered by anyone performance is negligible. I've had tests with hundreds of zombies spawned and it's only when physics and textures get involved that things get laggy. [QUOTE=Guppycur;511003]W/E Issue So I was following roads, then got this message about 6 or 7 times (but with different chunk and duration values). Exception in Road SSearch. Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Paramater name: index 2 for chunk 940, 192 Duration: 0.2840293 %: 99.22% Then it started spamming this: Server Error: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index So I stopped following the roads, then restarted the search, and my map went from looking like it's supposed to, to looking like this: [img]http://s10.postimg.org/iac5yk4ll/delete.jpg[/img] No clue what any of it means. :)[/QUOTE] That... shouldn't be possible. As the map gets drawn in the editor it should end up a static file. What happened when you restarted the editor? Was the map still borked?
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The update came out and I wiped/started anew. :) I'll try again when I wake up (4:30am here) now that you've updated to 88. (and why haven't you replied to my snapchats? I hope you're deleting those pics!) [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Oh, wait, I did disconnect reconnect and it was still borked, if that helps, but no I didn't restart it. Also, if you made that message section copy/pastable, I wouldn't have to have typed the error messages. :)
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This is a weird one; if the dedi dll is installed, I can't move my mouse. wasd works, clicking the mouse works, but moving it around? Nope. Any chance this is the dll? I'm in the middle of GenerateNew and don't wanna stop it to put vanilla back. :) [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Also, when I went into the w/e the old goofy map was there, before I flushed it, and it still looked jacked up. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Lastly; can we zoom out MORE in the main window in the W/E? I think I asked for this before, but can't recall.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;511439]The update came out and I wiped/started anew. :) I'll try again when I wake up (4:30am here) now that you've updated to 88. (and why haven't you replied to my snapchats? I hope you're deleting those pics!) [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Oh, wait, I did disconnect reconnect and it was still borked, if that helps, but no I didn't restart it. Also, if you made that message section copy/pastable, I wouldn't have to have typed the error messages. :)[/QUOTE] I can't even think what would cause the map to re-render like that. Once each bit is painted it shouldn't be touched again. I need more info before I can look into it. I've added a new button next to the text "Copy To Clipboard" for your convenience ^^ I was replying! Wait, if you aren't getting them... who is??? :O [QUOTE=Guppycur;511455]This is a weird one; if the dedi dll is installed, I can't move my mouse. wasd works, clicking the mouse works, but moving it around? Nope. Any chance this is the dll? I'm in the middle of GenerateNew and don't wanna stop it to put vanilla back. :) [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Also, when I went into the w/e the old goofy map was there, before I flushed it, and it still looked jacked up. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Lastly; can we zoom out MORE in the main window in the W/E? I think I asked for this before, but can't recall.[/QUOTE] I've just had that problem when assigning LAlt as one of my keys so it might be a client issue. Alt-Tabbing out and back fixed it for me. Yeah sounds like a catastrophic failure on that map. Actions -> Clear Local Data will wipe it and start again (should be a lot quicker to get back as the chunks are already made) I've tied positioning to the resolution of the form so the lowest I can go is 1 pixel = 1 block. If I go lower (allowing more zoom out) I won't be able to calculate the position of things. What I could probably do is be able to have the minimap open in its own window so that can be zoomed without affecting the editor. I'll have a look
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;511673]Got some sort of heap error on my server that crashed it, not too long after I went to bed. Likely due to the w/e, which was also locked up on the other computer, not long after I went to bed. Have you successfully uncovered a map with the w/e? Like, the entire thing?[/QUOTE] Not in one go, that's a lot of memory to use up ^^ Do you keep your player in the game when running it? That may help clean up the unused chunks as it's running.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;511712]You saying TO keep it in while running?[/QUOTE] Yeah the game runs checks to see which blocks are loaded by the player and removes the ones that are in the cache but don't need to be. Not sure if the player has to be moving or not. Worth trying though
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Hello SevenDaysToDieModEditor, No, I've no plans for a converter for A14->A15. There's only a couple of blocks that have changed and there's no change to the underlying prefab structure so just using the replace function in the editor to update the blocks (there's a global option too to replace the blocks in all prefabs) is the quickest way.
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Can you think of anything that would cause the height offset value to be ignored? No matter what value I put (positive or negative) the bottom layer of the prefab is flush with the ground. EDIT: Derp, ip always puts the prefab at your feet, it spawns correctly in the wild.
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Okay, next issue. I added some prefabs as decorations to the biomes.xml , and all of the biomes are allowed, yet they rarely shows up, even at .1 spawn chance. Is it because vanilla RWG has so many hills and stuff that a ~25 block prefab can't find enough room?
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[QUOTE=TSBX;515149]Can you think of anything that would cause the height offset value to be ignored? No matter what value I put (positive or negative) the bottom layer of the prefab is flush with the ground. EDIT: Derp, ip always puts the prefab at your feet, it spawns correctly in the wild.[/QUOTE] You can set the position by using bbb ip [QUOTE=TSBX;515241]Okay, next issue. I added some prefabs as decorations to the biomes.xml , and all of the biomes are allowed, yet they rarely shows up, even at .1 spawn chance. Is it because vanilla RWG has so many hills and stuff that a ~25 block prefab can't find enough room?[/QUOTE] As far as I know that wouldn't make a difference in the current system. But I don't really play around with the mixer so others will be able to give a better answer.
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So I was thinking about random loot generations... We have a listbox we can add to, where we put what blocks can be part of the list, we can then select air blocks and mark them as "convertible to loot", and we can pick a frequency number to control the percentage of air blocks that would convert. The problem it solves is having to go room by room and slowly assigning loot containers; this is particularly tiresome in hotels, mansions, office buildings, apartments, etc... Thoughts?
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