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Horror Flicks for Halloween 🎃


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Thanks, saw both with the exception of Necro which I'll check out. Still waiting for a good scare on the level of 2007's ? l'intรฉrieur.




(Skull, I used to think "cluck's" were funny.. now they get the side-eye)



Edit: Found one for the creepy-list!


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  • 11 months later...

Have you played Amnesia: The Dark Decent? I have been saying for years, next October but I never did play it yet. I have seen some horror movies that are too close to being real and have taken too seriously for my own good, I am better off not watching them.


Here is something both freaky and funny:


Remember this one:


And this one:


Yes I have way too much time on my hands guys and that's an understatement, I need to get back to gaming.


Last night I had a dream that there was a ghost like figure over my bed (not the real one, the one in a dream, the real one who is invisible is from the future) and it was whispering something with my name in it and the more I resisted or pushed the more fear went into my heart. I have seen this ghoul in my dreams about 3 times holding me back and filling my heart with fear when I resisted, that is horror enough for me. Probably the Angel of Death, but I could be wrong.

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I like the Jessica beil version of Texas chainsaw, which ironically, I'll be visiting the town the house is in tomorrow.

That movie was good for what it was but it left me feeling something I cannot explain, I suppose a combination of depression (not literal) and a strong reason to never go through Texas even If it is 500 miles out of my way to Florida that is one state I will never go to. This being a testament to the movie for having that much impact.


An American pioneer was the supposed inspiration of the movie: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Gein A true American treasure and a man of faith and principle. Sorry for the odd sense of humor.


Another movie Martyrs (2007) had a impact on me as well and that is to make sure this never happens to anyone if I can help it. Like I said I take these movies seriously and that movie made me think that this happened to family members and If there is a way, in any way, this will not happen at any cost with a razor sharp Katana if necessary. "Watch at your own risk" or "Abandon hope all ye who enter here", it is that foul.


The House That Jack Built (2018) was good, the ending was one of the most interesting I have seen. granted a bit crime, serial killer themed, it still has an interesting narrative of Jacks mental state as he explores his evil side. Do we all have this dark side, deep in our hearts and souls type thing.


I like to see supernatural, occult and demonic horror films, I have never been into slashers and that genre has been bloated for so long, there is hardly room for anything original. Also, human depravity movies like Hostile or Saw kind of make me sick and wish I lived on another planet because they are all too real.


For older movies,


Repulsion (1965)

Suspria (1977)

Deep Red (1975)

Dementia 13 (1963)

The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971) and Dr. Phibes Rises Again (1972)


One movie that is re-watchable Is Stanley Kubrick's, The Shining (1980).

For a laugh you could watch The Evil Dead series (the ones with Bruce Campbell), the Evil Dead (1981), The Evil Dead II (1987) and Army Of Darkness (1992).


Rob Zombie has and interesting take on the Halloween movies that I recommend but watch both 1 and 2 to really get it what he was trying to do with the series. Halloween (2007) and Halloween II (2009)

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I forgot this one Mandy (2018), I seen it on Shudder a while back and it was a good flick. I recommend Shudder as well as they have some good films and some you may not see elsewhere https://www.shudder.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid-search&utm_content=brand&gclid=Cj0KCQjwrrXtBRCKARIsAMbU6bEcNeEXdmAxGtlB2oGN6SRF0T_8Qns8U3o6ex_8cKK0_1bQ4QbLWmIaAlSjEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds For some girl-power fun Revenge (2018) is good.

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