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How do you guys start new worlds ?


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Hello all, I was just wondering how everyone gets started and the different techniques used ! Personally, I start by using the first hour or 2 (in game time) to gather my basic resources as well as feathers. From there I start to venture onward while beginning the tutorial quest until I find a road. For me, a mining helmet is one of my first main priorities followed closely by the crossbow and/or spiked club schematic. Once I find a town, I like to just map it out while killing all the zombies to level up quickly. By the end of day 1 I can usually have at least 2 forges running and be level 10 and spend the night in either the Brother Theatre or one of the nicer "rich" houses before starting construction of my own base on day 2.

What about everyone else ? How do you guys spend the first day or so getting started ?

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Basically I'm just getting stone, feather, grass, and wood the first day. Make as many arrows as I can. I almost always spawn next to one of Madmole's decrepit houses, and I'll take it over for a starter base. Bonus if it happens to have a forge.


After that, it's gathering and exploring the area nearby. Getting food and supplies. First 7th day horde will be done in a simple wood stand or treehouse. After that, it's working towards building the base.

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It is in towns. Not all towns have them you just have to get a seed that has them in it. Some seeds have none some have at least one and others have several. Just one of those random gen things.


On console I'm most likely playing with friends so most the time I have at least one or two other players in game as well. So getting resources isn't a problem in this case. I like taking over some place and fixing it to the best way we can with what we have available. (This is why I hope paint gets put in on the next update lol) the military base with the two buildings and concrete walls you find as of now on console on the dirt paths is a good place. By the time we find one we have a pretty good supply of things. We then take the next few days and first making it ready to defend then focus on getting resources to combine the two buildings into one but leaving as much as possible of the buildings and what is inside as possible. Someone is usually working on the base while the others are exploring finding food water and other resources. After a few weeks of in game we move to another part of the map and start over on a 2nd base and so on.

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Hello all, I was just wondering how everyone gets started and the different techniques used ! Personally, I start by using the first hour or 2 (in game time) to gather my basic resources as well as feathers. From there I start to venture onward while beginning the tutorial quest until I find a road. For me, a mining helmet is one of my first main priorities followed closely by the crossbow and/or spiked club schematic. Once I find a town, I like to just map it out while killing all the zombies to level up quickly. By the end of day 1 I can usually have at least 2 forges running and be level 10 and spend the night in either the Brother Theatre or one of the nicer "rich" houses before starting construction of my own base on day 2.

What about everyone else ? How do you guys spend the first day or so getting started ?


For me, the first day in survival is about basic survival, so it's spent getting feathers, plant fibre, wood and stone, trying to gather food and water (even if it's just canned stuff) and finding shelter for the night if possible (or building a quick 5x5 hut for the night if there's no other option). By the end of the day, my ideal point is to have made enough arrows that I could hunt animals and keep the zombies away (I have a bad habit of getting infected on day 1), have enough food and water for a few days (even if it means using tin cans) and have some frames made so I can climb up to look around and to either block up holes in a prefab building, or to put me in the trees for the night. I then spend the night making more arrows, organise my inventory, check the map and plan where I'll go the next day.

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Im pretty much with everyone else. Start with gathering basics to get the stone axe going while also looking for a temporary base for the night. (Ive spent nights stuck on top of a big boulder due to finding no housing & not building a small wood one in time)


After that its gathering supplies. Like you said, the mining helmet is absolute gold, along with getting the mini bike book.

Im not much of a free builder so i usually try to get as centrally located on the map as possible, find a good prefab, beef up its defenses, & rock out from there.

I like the scavenger difficulty but put the zombie spawn on high. My very 1st playthrough i did the classic zombies setting. Was fun but the nights just didnt seem as dangerous besides just not being able to see. Now i just play default with 60 min day cycles & 18 hr days, & 72 hr air drops. Drop everything but toolbelt on death.

I once played delete everything on death for extra challenge but that just pisses you off when you accidentally die or just get careless!!

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Run through the first quest line for the skill points, try to find meat, potatoes and corn, dig up some snow if I find it, dig up some fertilizer from the burning forest, search as many low end containers as I can for Scavenging skills before I hit stores, chop up couches and loot lockers for leather(poncho and bellows), build forge, plant garden, and then engage in some alchemy so I can make bottles if I need more.

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I don't anymore.


There hasn't been any reason to play the game for several months at this point. And the only real news we've gotten on future updates is that they are upgrading to Unity 2017, whatever that matters.


At this point, I've just chalked 7DtD up as a $40 mistake.

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Found it in both a town and a hub city - hope you find one, they look great and there's plenty of stuff to break down and use.


Found it! I can't believe I've been playing for so long without ever seeing it. I guess you can never explore enough and you're right: it looks amazing!


As far as starting, I do pretty much the same thing every time. I can get pretty OCD about unfinished tasks on the screen. My first order of business is always to get those starter quests out of the way. While I'm doing that, I'm also looking for a house to get me through the first horde. The ones with the high ceilings and broken pathways one level up are the best. A little light reinforcing and I can just lounge up there while the zombies run around on the first floor.


Days are all scavenging all the time and nights are all about crafting to get quality levels up. I like to have a decent amount of arrows on me to shoot down on anything that attacks me and get the skill boosts.


As soon as day eight hits, I typically have enough resources to start looking for a permanent build location. I like to start with a simple wall, whether or not I intend it to stay there. It will get me through the next two horde nights until I have a real mining system running with enough meat and jars to not have to worry about food so much.

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