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The Happiest Moment In The Game....


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Minibike handbook, Sniper Rifle, and the Nailgun.


Those 3, they seem to always be the hardest to find. On one current game with a buddy, took till day 15 to get the handbook, and it wasn't until day 13th that by some sheer luck, air drop gave me 2 complete sniper rifles, just in time for the horde night.


My current random gen actually gave me a mining helmet with the very 1st thing I searched, which was a car. But it's just as easy to make one if need be.

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I'll have to look at the ingredients for the Mining Helmet, I've never made one. I know you need a football helmet and a flashlight. And I agree, that minibike book is next on the list for me.

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It held!


For me, my happiest moment was when my perimiter wall and trench defense system withstood a seventh night for the first time without me having to kill a single zombie. The wall was just two wooden frames high, and the trench was maybe ten blocks deep. I had spent the whole week digging that trench with a stone shovel while eating and drinking nothing but yucca that I had collected. The wooden frames I only barely finished before the night started. The old barbed wire and wooden spikes defense that had kept my cabin in the plains standing for the first few weeks caught the spiders that climbed my humble wall.


Back then I did not know that trenches needed regular maintainance, so I did not spend the entire next day fixing everything in the hole that the zombies tore up like I later learned that I should. That meant that it was all celebration for me the next day. I would never have to waste every seventh night fixing my front door and killing zombies again. Life was good. Of course, the hordes would get much bigger later, and when the exploders joined the party I found that gunning down zombies from the top of a battlement would save me hundreds of bits of forged steel every week that I would otherwise need to spend on repairs to my massively upgraded defenses. Still, being able to survive a seventh night without doing anything was a game-changer and a really great feeling.

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When I played console it was the wrench. So much of the game is gated behind the wrench, including mechanical parts, minibike parts, and picking up workbenches, etc.


Have to agree, forgot about how valuable the wrench is.

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Finding or building an auger. My last game i went almost 70 days before i was able to make one, and as soon as i did the game crashed and my save file was corrupt. So it will once again be the moment i can make an auger. I already found a level 300 blade, so all i need is the auger parts to match :)

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Finding or building an auger. My last game i went almost 70 days before i was able to make one, and as soon as i did the game crashed and my save file was corrupt. So it will once again be the moment i can make an auger. I already found a level 300 blade, so all i need is the auger parts to match :)

Oh, that is brutal. Keep saving up that gasoline, because once you finally get an auger you are going to go through it like a bag of mustard pretzels.


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I already found a level 300 blade, so all i need is the auger parts to match :)

Just so you know, there is a recipe to upgrade the auger blade at the workbench. You can make it into a 500 if you max your tool crafting skills.

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Oh, that is brutal. Keep saving up that gasoline, because once you finally get an auger you are going to go through it like a bag of mustard pretzels.


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Just so you know, there is a recipe to upgrade the auger blade at the workbench. You can make it into a 500 if you max your tool crafting skills.


oh yea, i already have like 20 stacks of gas and a bunch of barrels. how do you upgrade the parts at the bench?

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Perhaps not the happiest moment, but certainly one of the funniest. My girlfriend and I decided to go on a fetch-and-carry mission to our old home, to bring as many of the supplies to our new home as we could. We put food, water and gas in one of our bikes, held first aid bandages in slot 1 (nice little trick. If bleeding out, just press up then L2) and nothing else. No weapons, no clothes, we aimed to carry as much as humanly possible.


All went according to plan until we actually got to our old house. Zombies had spawned inside and we had no weapons. So, we did what we could. We punched them to death together, one at a time. They kept trying to stand up, screaming at us, and we answered with another punch to the head and down they went. It was absolutely comical!

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All went according to plan until we actually got to our old house. Zombies had spawned inside and we had no weapons. So, we did what we could. We punched them to death together, one at a time. They kept trying to stand up, screaming at us, and we answered with another punch to the head and down they went. It was absolutely comical!

I hope that you had beer. The "Drunk and Disorderly" challenge is a blast to finish. Put on some Flogging Molly, and go to town.


I take it that your new home is one of the Points Of Interest where zombies regularly spawn. The fortress that my wife and I built on "The Boobie Trap" used to have the same problem. I don't know if it was the bed or the land claim block that I built on it, but one of them made the zombies stop spawning inside our courtyard.

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That is unless you happen to be based out of the Plains biome in Navezgane. That makes the trip to find shale a bit long. No worries. Zombie fat has a way of showing up in large quantities every week.


I found the auger parts i needed! So i now have a fully functioning auger (Lvl 432) and plenty of gas and repair kits to keep it going for as long as i need. My base of operations is in the plains so it is far, but i made a day trip of going out to the dessert to dig for shale. I didnt know what the conversion to gas was for shale, so i dug up a good 3000 shale, and got 3 stacks of iron in the process. I now have an entire chest FULL of just gas...... so something like 100k gas cans..... i think ill be good on gas for a long while lol. Now that i have the auger i hope things dont become too easy for me and make it boring

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...Now that i have the auger i hope things dont become too easy for me and make it boring


I've never used the auger. I've always just enjoyed slowly picking away with a decent pickaxe. For those who do use the auger, why do you prefer it over a pickaxe? Any other reason besides the obvious fact that it makes drilling much faster and easier?

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I've never used the auger. I've always just enjoyed slowly picking away with a decent pickaxe. For those who do use the auger, why do you prefer it over a pickaxe? Any other reason besides the obvious fact that it makes drilling much faster and easier?

It is great for digging pitfall traps. Digging a perimeter trench with just a pickaxe and a shovel takes forever, but an auger will allow a player to finish a pretty elaborate system in a week's time provided he has the ridiculous load of iron that he will need for the traps. Pitfall traps are less effective since the gravity nerf, but they still work and, combined with walls, guarantee the integrity of your base without the need to so much as fire a shot. Also, two pitfall traps full of spikes in a row are guaranteed to kill any zombie that does not fly. The only drawback to that defense system is how damn much forged steel it devours on a weekly basis.

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