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How long do mushrooms take to grow?


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I planted my only mushroom spores at the same time as I did my other crops and I've been able to go through two rotations of said crops without it updating its grow cycle even one stage. I'm confused. On another world I thought I was supposed to grow them indoors with no light and it was the same story. I've only successfully grown 'shrooms once and that was in A16. What am I doing wrong?

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They take much longer to grow in sunlight, if you plant them in darkness I believe they still take longer than most normal crops but not by that long. It's been a good minute since the last time I played but I remember them taking somewhere around 1.5x - 2x as long as other crops. Might not be correct on that but that's about what I would expect if I picked the game back up today.


Make sure you use tilled ground with no sunlight, preferably a few blocks underground but at least several blocks away from doors/windows/hatches/etc. If they are receiving sunlight (even incidental nearby sunlight) they could take like 4x - 5x as long as normal crops to grow.


Also, mushrooms cannot be planted adjacent to each other. If you plant them adjacent to each other they might never grow, and also they might straight-up disappear. They can be planted diagonally to each other though.

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Good to know. What about in a grow room? Like if I enclosed a room with no windows? and a ladder/hatch combo leading up?


If the hatch leads straight up to sunlight with no barrier (ie. you can hear and see rain and/or your floor gets covered in snow when it snows) then your room also has sunlight.


If your other crops can grow in the same room then they are receiving sunlight. If your mushrooms are within the same amount of blocks from the sun source then they are also receiving sunlight and will take much longer to grow.

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Mushrooms take 3 days to fully grow. And yes, as the other poster already said, no sunlight and plant them every other row. An underground grow room is perfect for mushrooms. Plant them on tilled dirt. Given their slow growth rate, they are my priority for fertilizer. I'd include a screen shot, but I'm at work at the moment.

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If you've ever seen one of those nearly destroyed buildings with multiple floors and bits of rubble under it, you'll know what the room looks like. I took a screenie to showcase my setup.




From here I can't tell if they are getting any sunlight (need many more screenshots or a video to determine) but it looks good to me from what I can see here. Keep in mind that if there's a door with sunlight immediately available on the other side then these mushrooms are going to be in sunlight. And yeah I would expect about 3 in-game days as long as the chunk stays loaded (though someone was telling me at some point that the chunk didn't need to be loaded since some patch but idk if that's true)

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Sunlight makes absolutely no difference for growing mushrooms.


The chunk has to be active. Mushrooms are the only plant that will not grow when the chunk isn't loaded. If you aren't there, they aren't growing.


Well I can say that in the past (maybe it was A15 or even A14 though) I had planted mushrooms outside with the rest of my crops and they took 5+ crop cycles to grow. I don't know if that was due to a bug or a glitch or if it was sunlight, but I remember them growing much faster (1-2 crop cycles) when I made an underground chamber for them. I'm not going to bother loading up and conducting experiments but those memories are etched in my mind so I've always put them in low-light conditions underground ever since.


Actually now that I think of it, I wonder if mushrooms don't grow if ANY crop is adjacent to them. Like if corn is adjacent to a mushroom, will the mushroom fail to grow? Maybe that's what I was experiencing and I falsely attributed the cause to sunlight.

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Mushrooms take the exact same amount of time to grow above ground as they do below. Tested many times. The only effect sun has is that you CAN (not must) plant them without sun. Adjacent to other crops also has zero effect. As Sylen already explained, they are the only plant that requires the chunk to be active. My guess is that your farm is just across a chunk border from your base and that is resulting in stalled timers. So basically they are only growing when you visit the farm while the rest of the crops were growing 24/7.

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Mushrooms take the exact same amount of time to grow above ground as they do below. Tested many times. The only effect sun has is that you CAN (not must) plant them without sun. Adjacent to other crops also has zero effect. As Sylen already explained, they are the only plant that requires the chunk to be active. My guess is that your farm is just across a chunk border from your base and that is resulting in stalled timers. So basically they are only growing when you visit the farm while the rest of the crops were growing 24/7.


Makes sense, must have been stalled timers that I was experiencing. Thank you for setting the record straight, I was operating on false conclusions whoops

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Mushrooms take the exact same amount of time to grow above ground as they do below. Tested many times. The only effect sun has is that you CAN (not must) plant them without sun. Adjacent to other crops also has zero effect. As Sylen already explained, they are the only plant that requires the chunk to be active. My guess is that your farm is just across a chunk border from your base and that is resulting in stalled timers. So basically they are only growing when you visit the farm while the rest of the crops were growing 24/7.


Also good to know. They seem to be growing fine now even though the only change is that I made that dedicated grow room. Any way for me to check chunk data? I'd like to see if the corner right outside my building where I had them originally planted is right outside the chunk where my base is. I'll attach a couple screen shots and the seed/map in case it's necessary.


Seed: BigMT

Map: https://i.imgur.com/k5hnR10.png


Previous plant location: https://i.imgur.com/msTwe9W.png?2


Grow room from a different angle: https://i.imgur.com/EAk7AkU.png?1

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For the record, mushrooms can be planted adjacent to each other.

I just finished a full crop cycle with 2 beds, one sized 2 x 9 and the other 2 x 12


I do notice when growing mushrooms that they don't all grow at the same time the way other crops do.

There's a random factor built into their growth logic, so they mature sporadically across the farm (which triggers my little OCD brain).

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defo darkness for mushrooms, make/build a hut with no sunlight coming in and then plant there

Again, this is false. You can plant mushrooms in full sunlight, and they will grow just as fast as in total darkness. We grow ours right next to the potatoes and corn.

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For the record, mushrooms can be planted adjacent to each other.

I just finished a full crop cycle with 2 beds, one sized 2 x 9 and the other 2 x 12


I do notice when growing mushrooms that they don't all grow at the same time the way other crops do.

There's a random factor built into their growth logic, so they mature sporadically across the farm (which triggers my little OCD brain).


Unless there was a change somewhere in the A16 patches (I played A15 and then A16exp), it used to be that you could plant mushrooms adjacent to each other but then one or the other wouldn't grow. If you planted them separately (or in a checkerboard pattern) they would all grow simultaneously.


I'll definitely be doing some experimental testing on this in A17 but for now I'll leave my knowledge there.

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I've never planted mushrooms, but they don't need to be in fertilized soil to grow?


Nope, same as all crops I believe, you can plant on dry land but they will yield less (basically just convert a seed into a crop with no extra seeds to expand your farm), plant on tilled land and they will yield the normal amount, and plant on fertilized land for a bonus amount.

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