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(IC) What kind of evil person...

Jimmy the Tulip

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RULES: Posts must be in-character (from an in-game point of view) only.

Describe something that has happened in your game that is truly despicably evil and/or made a goal or objective that much harder.


For example, in the game I'm currently playing...


What kind of evil person buries their treasure chest under a road in the hub city! Thanks, Nicholas (or whatever your name was...)! I had to dig for ages to get to that.

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What kind of evil hospital is stocked intirely with vitamins and instructions on how to make a med pack and only 2 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ antibiotics (in the second from last cupboard I checked!!)

Me last night after a run in with an over touchie lumberjack that infectonated me!

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What kind of evil person sees a large fortification obviously designed to defend against zombies and then decides to airdrop supplies a mile away... in the middle of a frikkin' lake.


What kind of evil person will sell you supplies to survive the apocalypse but kicks you out of their base just as the sun goes down and a manic zombie horde starts to attack.


What kind of evil person keeps parts for several different types of weapon in a gun-safe but no fully built guns.


What kind of evil person has a poo in a toilet and doesn't flush.

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What kind of evil person walks around all day with nothing but a sham sandwich in their pocket? What the hell? Are you just trying to stink up the bus on your way home?


At least keep it in your backpack next to a jar of dirty snow!


And yes, Steve from Diersville, I'm talking to you! I killed your zombiefied corpse and a rotten one was literally all you had on you!

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What kind of evil person requires a wrench to make a workbench but I can only make the wrench in a workbench?


What kind of evil person let’s me run my campfires, forges, and chemistry stations without an exhaust...oh, wait, never mind.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The evil person to blame all this on is....... I personally point my finger at Roland, he does not come to the console section much so he might not see this so just blame him it is all Roland's fault he is a evil man I tell you.


Lol, nice bait post. We'll see if "the man" will grace us with his presence. 🤣

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  • 5 weeks later...

what kind of evil person puts a DEEP water filled cave opening on a POI trail in the forest for my minibike to dive off into with a basket full of meat and gas that just happens to be too deep to dive down to without drowning?

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So these may be things said about me... I confirm or deny nothing.


What kind of evil person puts a bunch of poo in the fully stocked community fridge.


What kind of evil person puts landmines around their friends mini bike halfway through a looting trip.


What kind of evil person puts poo in the smelting slot in the forge. (really bugged my ocd buddy, oops... Busted)

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