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Corpse merging?


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Ever since corpses were given a single stage rather than one it decays to, loot doesn't drop on the ground when a corpse is destroyed due to spawning above another and falling. Maybe there's a setting that can be modified to bring back the loot dropping, but I had a different idea.


Has anyone managed to create a mod which causes any corpse that would spawn directly above another, to instead have its inventory merged with the one that's already there?


Note: The main purpose of something like this would be a solo player during horde nights, where it's very difficult to loot and break corpses faster than they pile up after killing a bunch in one place.

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Ive noticed also its the only time I get RED errors in console, If the zombie has loot when it changes it errors, If not it doesnt.. It is a shame as more than non they always do this during a horde or wandering horde as they tend to die on top of each other...

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gore_block1_Prefab ? Not sure where it is though & ermm, If its that easy how come its not already in game lol


EvisceratedRemains ?


<block id="701" name="GoreBlock1Prefab">

<property name="Class" value="Gore"/>

<property name="CreativeMode" value="Dev"/>

<property name="Material" value="organic"/>

<property name="MaxDamage" value="350"/>

<property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity"/>

<property name="Model" value="Entities/Gore/gore_block1_Prefab"/>

<property name="ImposterDontBlock" value="true"/>

<property name="Collide" value="melee,bullet,arrow,rocket"/>

<property name="Place" value="TowardsPlacerInverted"/>

<property name="Tag" value="Gore"/>

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true"/>

<property name="FallDamage" value="false"/>

<property name="Stacknumber" value="10"/>


Like this ? (That doesnt work so I must have it wrong, Do I need to add the line to the EvisceratedRemains ?

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I started looking at this issue about a week ago, the idea of merging loot died pretty fast when I found out how static the mechanism is. For the most part, you can't really add new loot tables on the fly at runtime, and everything has to have a single loot table.


I've been working on a mod, now reaching it's final stages, that tries to re-position corpses as they fall, so that they cluster around the area instead of stacking on top of one another.


From what I saw in the decompiled code, it looked like the logic was set up to scan about 3 or so blocks above or below where the zombie died for a valid spawn point, after that it gives up. So even if you did re-enable stacking, I suspect you would only get up to a certain height before the game refused to spawn additional corpses in that area (unless of course, you make further modifications).

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I tried stacking each part, All I got was the same outcome, 1 gore on the floor, one lands on it & destroys the other.. They wouldnt even stack or atleast they dont appear too.. It wouldnt be so bad if the Gore has loot that it stayed for 30s or so... On horde nights when we have around 500 zombies killed a good 40% are destroyed...

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Wow, I didn't think I'd actually get such a response to this topic. But yeah, I didn't suggest making it so they can stack, because then you'd just have weird floating bodies everywhere and that would just be strange. I have noticed the disappear on rocks thing, which is why I always clear all the rocks and stuff around my base.


I've been working on a mod, now reaching it's final stages, that tries to re-position corpses as they fall, so that they cluster around the area instead of stacking on top of one another.


Hey man, if you can get that working, that'd be a wonderful solution. I usually lose bodies because I had to kill so many in one place to keep them from breaking a wall, and then I can't figure out which ones I killed first to loot before they transform and explode. If they'd just spread out like that it'd be no problem at all.

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Hey man, if you can get that working, that'd be a wonderful solution. I usually lose bodies because I had to kill so many in one place to keep them from breaking a wall, and then I can't figure out which ones I killed first to loot before they transform and explode. If they'd just spread out like that it'd be no problem at all.


I finally released the first version of my mod. I was originally planning to spend a lot more time testing it on my own main save, but I'm pretty confident after my sandbox testing, and taking it through a regular horde night, that everything is working as intended.


As mentioned in this thread xml changes weren't enough, so it's an SDX mod. The installation procedure for those is more complex then I would have liked, but some people have made some really impressive SDX mods so it's worth the trouble.


Thread for my mod is here: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?82975-Corpse-Disintigration-Fix

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