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Best way to edit starting quest


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In my mod I need to utilize and change the starting quest with my own as well as changing the tooltip pop ups. How are you guys doing this? Is there a way to xpath and overwrite the current quest with new changes or are you guys just editing the back up file with the new changes?

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You have two options, I'm thinking:


1) xpath all your changes in, adjusting each thing you want to change with a <set>




2) Use xpath to delete the first quest using a <remove>, and doing a <insertbefore> tag to include a new snippet quest.


Mind showing me how it would look using the set method on the first quest. Like if I wanted to change the pop up information to read something different and change the crafting ingredients?

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Mind showing me how it would look using the set method on the first quest. Like if I wanted to change the pop up information to read something different and change the crafting ingredients?


Fair warning, I didn't try these, so there may be subtle syntax errors, but should be correct


Sample Quest from Winter Project. The example that follows will be manipulating these values.

		<quest id="quest_BasicSurvival1" group_name_key="Oh my...." name_key="Oh, this isnt looking good. o.0 Not one bit." subtitle_key="Lets get started" description_key="Lets get started with your lessons!" icon="ui_game_symbol_book" category_key="quest">
			<action type="ShowTip" value="tutorialTipQuest01" />
			<action type="ShowTip" value="tutorialTipQuest02" />
			<objective type="FetchKeep" id="keystoneBlock" value="1" />
			<reward type="Item" id="pufferCoatGreen" value="200" />
			<reward type="Item" id="flannelShirtRed" value="100" />
			<reward type="Item" id="overalls" value="100" />
			<reward type="Item" id="gunHuntingRifle" value="100" />
			<reward type="Item" id="762mmBullet" value="25" />
			<reward type="Item" id="Cookies" value="2" />
			<reward type="Item" id="snowShovel" value="100" />
			<reward type="Quest" id="quest_BasicSurvival2" />


Here's how to adjust individual values:


<config name="quests">
	<!-- Updates the second action, that has tutorialTipQuest02 as a value, and changes that value to tutorialTipQuest03 -->
	<!-- Read it like:  Under Quests, in a quest that has an ID of 'quest_BasicSurvival1', under the action that has the value -->
	<!-- attribute of 'tutorialTipQuest02', change that value to 'tutorialTipQuest03' -->
	<set xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival1']/action[@value='tutorialTipQuest02']/@value">tutorialTipQuest03</set>

	<!-- Updates the number of cookies -->
	<set xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival1']/reward[@id='Cookies']/@value">5</set>

	<!-- Inserts a new rewrd item called CandyCanes, after the reward item that matches the snowshovel -->
	<insertAfter xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival1']/reward[@value='snowShovel']" >
		<reward type="Item" id="candyCanes" value="100" />


The other method is to completely re-rewrite it:


<config name="quests">
	<!-- Removes the existing quest -->
	<remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival1']" />

	<!-- Re-adds it with your changes -->
	<insertBefore xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival2]" >
		<quest id="quest_BasicSurvival1" group_name_key="Oh my...." name_key="Oh, this isnt looking good. o.0 Not one bit." subtitle_key="Lets get started" description_key="Lets get started with your lessons!" icon="ui_game_symbol_book" category_key="quest">
			<action type="ShowTip" value="tutorialTipQuest01" />
			<action type="ShowTip" value="tutorialTipQuest02" />
			<objective type="FetchKeep" id="keystoneBlock" value="1" />
			<reward type="Item" id="pufferCoatGreen" value="200" />
			<reward type="Item" id="flannelShirtRed" value="100" />
			<reward type="Item" id="overalls" value="100" />
			<reward type="Item" id="gunHuntingRifle" value="100" />
			<reward type="Item" id="762mmBullet" value="25" />
			<reward type="Item" id="Cookies" value="2" />
			<reward type="Item" id="snowShovel" value="100" />
			<reward type="Quest" id="quest_BasicSurvival2" />


- - - Updated - - -


Ok that's probably true I think I'll just do it that way. The localization files are no fun with all that added language stuff in there either.


You could be over-thinking the localization files:


The localization files are merged with the games files

On the first line of the file you define which columns you include, if you do not include a column, all cells for that column will be empty during the merge.

For example, it is acceptable to have the following:

MyKey,My Text

After the merge the injected row is in the format:

MyKey,,,,My Text,,,,

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