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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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I wish the 7D Launcher showed what version of MOD you was using ( unless I am missing something here ), as I am never to sure I am running the latest version of True Survivor..


Most modders don't branch or do releases, so there's no version numbers to show in the Launcher. Some mods do display a version in the UI, but not sure if True Survival does.

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I wish the 7D Launcher showed what version of MOD you was using ( unless I am missing something here ), as I am never to sure I am running the latest version of True Survivor..


If you always run use the launcher to "launch" the game, you will always be on the newest version


- - - Updated - - -


Ohh yea one more thing to REPORT:Farmer Quest is not working,when i try to read it it just said in command console this:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

With RED letters....


I highly recommend that you completely uninstall 7d2d, all versions, install a vanilla copy from steam, even delete your copy of true survival, then run launcher. That way you have a vanilla game to start with.


- - - Updated - - -


Ohh yea one more thing to REPORT:Farmer Quest is not working,when i try to read it it just said in command console this:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

With RED letters....


Another clue you dont have the mod installed correctly

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If you always run use the launch to "launch" the game, you will always be on the newest version


- - - Updated - - -




I highly recommend that you completely uninstall 7d2d, all versions, install a vanilla copy from steam, even delete your copy of true survival, then run launcher. That way you have a vanilla game to start with.


i did uninstall everything yesturday and download fresh vanilla from steam and made 2 extra copys of them,then i installed mod from this link:https://github.com/SpiderJZMOD/True-Survival-SDX and i let it to install from an vanilla copy another copy for mod it self...

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i did uninstall everything yesturday and download fresh vanilla from steam and made 2 extra copys of them,then i installed mod from this link:https://github.com/SpiderJZMOD/True-Survival-SDX and i let it to install from an vanilla copy another copy for mod it self...


Use the launcher.




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A couple more things:


- The "woodjavelin" says it needs "ironspear" to use. Should be "woodspear"

- When using throwing javelins with the spear, the green "draw" indicator bar fills up, and then when it's fully drawn, your crosshair disappears, so it's very difficult to aim.

- Iron Javelins cost 1 LASHING PER (the ammo not the spear). That's pretty costly. Not sure if you'd consider lowering it to, say, 1 SINEW.

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Use the launcher.


yes i use launcehr from this side and i take the first one:https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?48537-The-7D2D-Mod-Launcher-A-Mod-Launcher-for-7-Days-to-Die = 1) Download the 7d2dmodlauncher.exe: This small program will call Microsoft's OneClick installer of the 7D2D mod Launcher, update itself, if need be, and then launch the application. It can be added to Steam as a Non-Steam game, in order to activate the Steam Overlay

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yes i use launcehr from this side and i take the first one:https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?48537-The-7D2D-Mod-Launcher-A-Mod-Launcher-for-7-Days-to-Die = 1) Download the 7d2dmodlauncher.exe: This small program will call Microsoft's OneClick installer of the 7D2D mod Launcher, update itself, if need be, and then launch the application. It can be added to Steam as a Non-Steam game, in order to activate the Steam Overlay


First you told us that you installed it from Github. Now you're telling us that you used the launcher. Which is it? If you're not 100% honest with people we can't fix your problem.


At this point, you've reported two bugs that I know are not present in the latest version of the mod available on GitHub. You're not running the latest version still. Either you're using the launcher incorrectly or you're not actually using it to launch the game.

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First you told us that you installed it from Github. Now you're telling us that you used the launcher. Which is it? If you're not 100% honest with people we can't fix your problem.


At this point, you've reported two bugs that I know are not present in the game. You're not running the latest version still. Either you're using the launcher incorrectly or you're not actually using it to launch the game.


I also think its a bad language communication. I think he has the game in 2 folders, vanilla location, and the launcher version, i bet hes running the vanilla location install

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I installed original game from steam on my C directory in steam folder (a pure vanilla)

Now i use that Launcher that made copy from my steam version for him self that he use for True Survival SDX

that means that my steam 7d2d and Launcher 7d2d have both seperate folders for each one,steam use in steam folder and launcher use in D Disc his own files...

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I installed original game from steam on my C directory in steam folder (a pure vanilla)

Now i use that Launcher that made copy from my steam version for him self that he use for True Survival SDX

that means that my steam 7d2d and Launcher 7d2d have both seperate folders for each one,steam use in steam folder and launcher use in D Disc his own files...


where are you launching the game from?


- - - Updated - - -


Another thing, are Tomato Seeds Farmer profession only? It's not in their "exclusive recipes" in the description but I can't craft it in the nursery (missing recipe)


Wondering that myself

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I installed original game from steam on my C directory in steam folder (a pure vanilla)

Now i use that Launcher that made copy from my steam version for him self that he use for True Survival SDX

that means that my steam 7d2d and Launcher 7d2d have both seperate folders for each one,steam use in steam folder and launcher use in D Disc his own files...


Okay, that I understand fine. What I want to know is: How are you launching the game when playing the mod? Also, can you take a screenshot of your screen right before you click "Launch Game" and show me?

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You are playing with old files, the bugs you are reporting have been fixed for some time now. Please update you mod files



Changed the Attach Lights to Helmets Perk to require Engineering 25



-The max alive is turned up to 10 in the zombie game stages

-Lower your graphics settings



-Refresh your Mod files I have lowered the NPC spawning many times. They have a 1% chance to spawn in the current build

-Spelling errors fixed

-1Wood=5Planks=3Sticks / wood= 15sec planks=3sec stick=1sec

-Would we like a recipe for a Fire Bundle? Sticks, fiber rope and a animal fat, could double the burn time on your sticks. Thoughts?


@Erik Louden-

Yes I noticed this when I got bit yesterday, its fixed. Thanks


Okay, is there a way to increase it to 20-25 max alive without messing up the mod? Because I had a horde night and it's pretty easy considering the regular base game without the hordes in this mod is very challenging. It makes the horde nights, somewhat underwhelming imo.

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What do cigars/cigarettes do ?


Not being a smoker myself, I'm not really inspired to go sticking one in my mouth. Aside from the -0.1 wellness it doesn't seem to offer much other information regarding benefits etc.


They stave off hunger. They slowly regen your health meter, enough that your hunger doesn't really go down while under their effects. So they're a replacement for food that hurts your wellness a bit. Useful to prevent starvation, and not much else.


Okay, is there a way to increase it to 20-25 max alive without messing up the mod? Because I had a horde night and it's pretty easy considering the regular base game without the hordes in this mod is very challenging. It makes the horde nights, somewhat underwhelming imo.


20 is the hardcoded maximum that you can have MaxAlive set to, but trust me, you really don't want to. I don't care what kind of computer you have, you will be watching a slideshow. If you're the kind of guy who has a beast computer that gets smooth 60 fps at max settings, you'll be getting 10 or 20 fps at that point, which likely will piss you off. If you have a more moderate gaming machine and get 20-30 normally (like me), the game will be unplayable.

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What do cigars/cigarettes do ?


Not being a smoker myself, I'm not really inspired to go sticking one in my mouth. Aside from the -0.1 wellness it doesn't seem to offer much other information regarding benefits etc.





<buff id="Smoking" duration="180" name_key="Smoking" type="sickness" actions="increment(@wellness, -0.1, 180, 0, 0);attach(ParticleEffects/p_breath, Origin/CameraNode, 0, firstperson)" tooltip_key="Ahh! Nothing better than a smoke" description_key="You are enjoying a smoke.(Wellness loss 0.1 every 3 min)" icon="cigarette">
	<modify id="0" stat="stamina" amount="-1" rate="5" />
	<modify id="1" stat="[color="#40E0D0"]food[/color]" amount="1" rate="18" />



Seems it gives a little food too?

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Okay, is there a way to increase it to 20-25 max alive without messing up the mod? Because I had a horde night and it's pretty easy considering the regular base game without the hordes in this mod is very challenging. It makes the horde nights, somewhat underwhelming imo.


okey if that is the case,then please send me link soo taht i can update my game,thanks you!

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Uninstall all copies, install vanilla, use launcher...its that simple


okey one more try i alredy started doing it anyway,i deleted all vanilla files from steamapps and all files from launcher,now i'm downloading game from steam then i will use this :Untitled.thumb.jpg.36eb1eb4bb65933d6f0e962215adc870.jpg

and after that i will contact you here.

give me 15 min to finish download and +5 to do with launcher...

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They stave off hunger. They slowly regen your health meter, enough that your hunger doesn't really go down while under their effects. So they're a replacement for food that hurts your wellness a bit. Useful to prevent starvation, and not much else.




20 is the hardcoded maximum that you can have MaxAlive set to, but trust me, you really don't want to. I don't care what kind of computer you have, you will be watching a slideshow. If you're the kind of guy who has a beast computer that gets smooth 60 fps at max settings, you'll be getting 10 or 20 fps at that point, which likely will piss you off. If you have a more moderate gaming machine and get 20-30 normally (like me), the game will be unplayable.


I have 35 on my vanilla and seems to be okay. But having only 10 max alive just makes the horde nights waayyyyyyyyy to easy for how hardcore this mod should be. Would like at least to try 20

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