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The Madmole Already Answered That Mega Thread


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Hi MM and the Fun Pimps. Thanks for making this great game. I've been playing it for years and it always gets better. Electricity is awesome.


Is there any plans on changing the terrain's topography in random gens in A16? I think it would be great if the plain and desert biomes were a little more flat with less mountains for example or if towns had different shapes instead of a perfect square.


Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions.



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Hey there, I was just wondering if we will ever get an icon to show up on the map (maybe diff color icon for multi) etc for our minibikes. It likes to blend in like a ninja! I always lose mine or forget where I last parked it & have trouble looking for it..

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Hello madmole and TFP! Me and my friends like to play your game where you can constantly see new amazing things and enjoy the gameplay.




Earlier there were questions about the ground vehicles like cars/jeeps. But not water transport(I personally have not seen). Sometimes you have to cross the water where the movement speed drops sharply, and if there are zombies, it often ends with the death of a player(a beginner). But especially this problem is in the RWG, where when you create a map you can make more the water more than land, which complicates the game.



My question: are there any aquatic vehicles such as boats or rafts?

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Hi madmole!


Could you add a way to change the temperature (in options or something) to °C from °F?

I never used Fahrenheit and it's very confusing sometimes.


Thank you for the great game and keep up the good work! :encouragement:

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Keep up the good work :)


Anyways now to my question. Will we ever be able to breed animals, like cow and another cow, to get a baby cow? So we wouldnt need to hunt animals that often. It would be also cool if we had much, much more animals.


Madmole has said most likely not in this game. Perhaps in the next but domesticating and breeding animals is not something planned for this game.


you guys should make wire that only shows when you have the wire cutter out or the wire. so you have multiple types of wire just 2 or 3. just one thats invisible unless you have it out or a wire cutter if added separately


Not really a question. Madmole has said a couple times that they want the wires to be visible unless you as the builder designs your configuration to hide the wires. You can make your suggestions for alternatives to the electricity feature in the developer's diary.


Hi MM and the Fun Pimps. Thanks for making this great game. I've been playing it for years and it always gets better. Electricity is awesome.


Is there any plans on changing the terrain's topography in random gens in A16? I think it would be great if the plain and desert biomes were a little more flat with less mountains for example or if towns had different shapes instead of a perfect square.


Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions.




Yes. The socket system is designed to make cities and buildings to mesh with the terrain better. We will be able to have buildings on slopes and cities will hug the existing terrain and fill in whatever "sockets" are available rather than being a square shape surrounded by unnaturally flattened terrain. The topography is constantly being worked on to be more realistic.


Hey ,


What are you guys planning to do with traps and how they work . Currently i dont feel like they help and its the only thing thats stopping me from playing the game.




Watch all the A16 videos. There are at least three new traps planned that have been talked about and for which concept art has been shown. Madmole has talked about the new traps in a few of his videos.


Hey there, I was just wondering if we will ever get an icon to show up on the map (maybe diff color icon for multi) etc for our minibikes. It likes to blend in like a ninja! I always lose mine or forget where I last parked it & have trouble looking for it..


This was just asked a short time ago and the answer was that it sounded like a good idea when they could get to it.

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Hello madmole and TFP! Me and my friends like to play your game where you can constantly see new amazing things and enjoy the gameplay.




Earlier there were questions about the ground vehicles like cars/jeeps. But not water transport(I personally have not seen). Sometimes you have to cross the water where the movement speed drops sharply, and if there are zombies, it often ends with the death of a player(a beginner). But especially this problem is in the RWG, where when you create a map you can make more the water more than land, which complicates the game.



My question: are there any aquatic vehicles such as boats or rafts?


Madmole has said that boats and/or rafts are a strong possibility once they get water fixed.


Hi madmole!


Could you add a way to change the temperature (in options or something) to °C from °F?

I never used Fahrenheit and it's very confusing sometimes.


Thank you for the great game and keep up the good work! :encouragement:


While in the game press F1 to open the console

Type: settempunit c

Press F1 to close the console


Good to go.

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Can we please have keyboard shortcuts within the inventory menu? i.e. s for scrap, w for wear, d for drop, r for repair etc


Madmole said most likely, yes. When they can get to it.


Your Moleness,


Terrific game, I bought a ps4 just to play 7Days. With the console version currently deleting players' bases and inventory, do you think devoting one day a week to getting the priceier version of the game to work properly is sufficient? Not trying to sound douchey, but a little peek into what the console team is working on would better ease our concerns, maybe every other week, would be better than just "we're working on it".


Sorry but this question isn't going into the Q&A. First of all, the Q&A is for alpha 16 questions and not for console update schedule feedback. Secondly, I'm not sure how you are saying the console version is priceier as I saw a console disk at the used game store recently for $20 and the people who helped make this project happen by funding the original kickstarter campaign paid $40 or more. Console gamers are welcome to ask questions about Alpha 16 with the hope that it will eventually arrive for consoles. Console gamers are welcome to post in the Developer's Diary to give feedback and ideas about Alpha 16 with the hope that it will eventually arrive for consoles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Madmole,


I know this has been worked on and it's horrible to have to revisit a re-worked system, however the MAJOR annoyance for me is the mouse-click behaviour in the menus. I've heard this was to stop errors (don't quite understand how, but okay...). This almost stopped me playing the game when this came in because it was so annoying. I got used it to it, sure, but that is only because I already loved the game and was willing to put in the effort to try. If I didn't know the game, I could imagine playing it and saying 'argh, this behaviour is too annoying to put up with. Not playing this again!'. Hopefully that's just me and not many other customers are so picky.


What are the chances of this being improved? Is there an explanation as to why the delay is necessary, or is this the result of an unrelated issue?

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First, thank you guys for being so close with the fanbase, always keeping us informed about the incoming updates and listening to us.



Are you guys planning to add more vehicles to the game?

Like a boat or maybe a vehicle that can carry more than one person.

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One hit stone


Hi! Great game and the developer diaries get me excited for what's coming in the future!


Now i know things can be modded but is it intentional that we cannot one-hit stone when mining anymore? It's rather annoying that with 100 mining, maxed out miner 69er and 600 quality steel pickaxe there's still tiny bit durability left on a stone block when hit once :p

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I will be short. I'd like to know if you are gonna add binoculars and little boats to catch air drops or just cross the water. And one more thing. Zombies can run in water on the seventh day. I think there's a little disbalance, they must be slowed or smth. Thats all for now. Thanks.

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First, thank you guys for being so close with the fanbase, always keeping us informed about the incoming updates and listening to us.



Are you guys planning to add more vehicles to the game?

Like a boat or maybe a vehicle that can carry more than one person.


Madmole said: Yes, more vehicles are planned at some point. Madmole has said he is pushing for a boat of some kind but not until water in general gets fixed.


Hi! Great game and the developer diaries get me excited for what's coming in the future!


Now i know things can be modded but is it intentional that we cannot one-hit stone when mining anymore? It's rather annoying that with 100 mining, maxed out miner 69er and 600 quality steel pickaxe there's still tiny bit durability left on a stone block when hit once :p


Madmole said: It is intentional. Legendary quality tools are coming that will be able to one-shot stone if you find them.


Hey MadMole Love the game!


Will you ever fix the Mining helmet and flashlight going through walls?


Madmole has asked that questions like this one about fixing bugs and glitches not be asked in the q&a thread. Create a bug report with reproducible steps and better yet a video or screenshots showing the light going through walls and a fix is much more likely to happen rather than doing it in this format.


I will be short. I'd like to know if you are gonna add binoculars and little boats to catch air drops or just cross the water. And one more thing. Zombies can run in water on the seventh day. I think there's a little disbalance, they must be slowed or smth. Thats all for now. Thanks.


Someone asked about binoculars before you in this thread. Madmole has said that boats will most likely be coming but not until water is fixed. The same is true about balancing zombie movement and actions in water. None of that will be addressed until water, itself, is overhauled and in its final form.

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Hi Madmole,


I know this has been worked on and it's horrible to have to revisit a re-worked system, however the MAJOR annoyance for me is the mouse-click behaviour in the menus. I've heard this was to stop errors (don't quite understand how, but okay...). This almost stopped me playing the game when this came in because it was so annoying. I got used it to it, sure, but that is only because I already loved the game and was willing to put in the effort to try. If I didn't know the game, I could imagine playing it and saying 'argh, this behaviour is too annoying to put up with. Not playing this again!'. Hopefully that's just me and not many other customers are so picky.


What are the chances of this being improved? Is there an explanation as to why the delay is necessary, or is this the result of an unrelated issue?


This issue has been addressed by the devs multiple times and as much as many of us don't like the answer it is not changing. The explanation is that the slight delay eliminates a host of duping issues. The devs agree with you that it is horrible to revisit a re-worked system and they have made it clear they are not interested in doing so.


Now, personally, I have no qualm with you reposting your question to the developer's diary and see if you can gain some traction with Madmole but this question is not going to make for a happy Q&A video. He has already answered this question so it isn't going to make the cut in that thread.

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Madmole has said that boats and/or rafts are a strong possibility once they get water fixed.




While in the game press F1 to open the console

Type: settempunit c

Press F1 to close the console


Good to go.



Doing this later. Lol




I never understood Fahrenheit!


This should be added as an actual option in the options menu. Lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

Multiplayer Plans


Hey Madmole, love 7 Days but I always thought it would be a whole lot better if if it had a bigger online multiplayer(DayZ, H1Z1, etc.) What are your guys plans for online multiplayer for the game and do you think we could ever see a major increase in player count(50+)for servers and games like a real apocalypse maybe? I think the game would really benefit from more players/PvP opportunities.

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hello Madmole Thank you for the amazing game i like the new zombies though and the new distance POIs

my question: is there any plans for pvp servers in A16.. because 50% of the people like it and its having a really huge bugs like invisible players all you have to do is just kill your friend more then 5 times and you invisible go kill some people . second the underground bugs people can make the field of view maxed and they can see every thing under the ground and can spot your LCBs

sorry for my long questions thx for the wonderful game <3

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Altitude indicator


Hey madmole, what would the team think of adding an altitude / block height indicator to indicate what level you're at underground? (Or even above ground) It would make planning infrastructure easier. I can waypoint a map location and an altitude for other team members to collaborate on mining, types of resources and depths at which they can be found. Also, it would help more precise digging if for instance, you wanted to dig at an even 45 degrees. Anyway, love the game and thank you.

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good day


mit question is.

we can change temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius on person.

the second is that you can not shoot over minibike, we can make it hit just the.


I think it makes good things to play.


this is a mistake as I did many times when I play to dig.

look at the picture for a error / mistake.

it is a little annoying things.


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Well. Since you mentioned and seemed really frustrated about working on the doors again....I'm gonna ask about doors!


One thing that always bothered me was that when a wood door breaks/starts breaking it develops huge gaping holes and I swear, everytime that happens all i want to do, just instictually is shoot through it. Every freaking time, I usually end up breaking the door half the time. It just visually bothers me. Any chance this part could be changed? Honestly I'd rather they not develop the holes when they break if its not possible to shoot through them, just have some other visual indication the door is breaking if shooting through them is not possible. Thanks for the great game. I'll still play even if the doors suck :)~

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