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Creative Kills


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i decided once to go toe to toe and fisticuffs with one of the (the name is escaping me at the moment. forgive my brain fart) crazy difficult ones.


about 8 re-spawns later i was standing over his corpse hands bloodied from an epic amount of combat and i stood alone. victorious over the pathetic super zombie who thought he could best me.


let that be a lesson to ye all. nobody, AND I MEAN NOBODY!!!! beats powered by poi 9 times in a row. NOBODY!

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i decided once to go toe to toe and fisticuffs with one of the (the name is escaping me at the moment. forgive my brain fart) crazy difficult ones.


about 8 re-spawns later i was standing over his corpse hands bloodied from an epic amount of combat and i stood alone. victorious over the pathetic super zombie who thought he could best me.


let that be a lesson to ye all. nobody, AND I MEAN NOBODY!!!! beats powered by poi 9 times in a row. NOBODY!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Once upon a time there was the alpha where minibikes and backbags used to disappear.


My friend was driving around on his minibike when he and his minibike fell down the surface - again. So minibike lost - nothing unusual so far.

Continuing his journey on foot he managed to brake his leg. No Problem - that is where splints are good for. But he had to organise some cloth first ...

So crawling on the ground, looking for cotton, out of the sudden he was attacked by a bear. A quick fight and his leg did not needed to get splinted anymore :D. That death was funny enough - at least for me - but the story is to be coninued:


Respawning at home he had to realise, that the bear was obviously not satisfied with his dead body only, because the backbag has disappeared as well.

The good thing on this server was, that you dont drop your belt on death, where you can carry your most valuable stuff. The bad thing was, that he seemed to have lost his belt as well - I really dont now how.

Raging because of his losses he decided stop playing until the next alpha comes out. To make sure he will not change his mind later he cut down all of his boxes into pieces - and left server.


At the very next day he came back and asked for a total server-reset. :excitement:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

so this happened to me and a buddy on friday night, not super-creative but still funny:


buddy: waaaaaah where did they all come from?

me: what are you talking about dude?

buddy: i came up to this gas station and when i was done looting the two cars out front i turned around to a feral and 6 other zombies! how far out are you?

me: im across town, need me to come over?

buddy: i dont know if ill make it that long, my health is low and im out of bullets, im just kiting them around the cars right now until my arrows run out.

me: wait, you said you were at a gas station right?

buddy: yeah, why?

me: there was barrels there right?

buddy: yes, but i cant kite them all to the corner of the building at once.

me: you dont have to man, scoop one up and place it next to the car, it will increase the explosion radius too.

buddy: hmmm.......

(silence for a minute)

(explosion can be heard from 3 blocks away)

me: well i didnt see that you died yet, did it work?

buddy: duuuuuude there was body parts flying everywhere! im doing this every time! also um..... the explosion was bigger than expected

me: oh?

buddy: yeah i kinda bombed half of jims cars and made a new duck pond in their parking lot


i love the random stories and adventures of this game!

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I tried a new one. I setup a bunch of sand on a little platform, supported by some wood frames only. When they got close, I removed the frame. Death by sand ensued. Pretty funny to watch and very easy/cheap to build even on day 1. I would like to build a field of these for horde night and beat it without doing any personal damage. New project

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  • 4 weeks later...

Have killed a couple zombies with tree collapses and when they got in the mine in the first world I ever played and killed me as we were trying to clear out a horde of ferals that had smashed their way in, the mine roof collapsed a tad. killed the other player that was online and and the ferals, I got a magnum out of it tho :D

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  • 1 month later...

Me and my buddies were on one time and we all had some pretty good Hunting rifles not much else and it was almost horde night and we stood side by side creating a 6 man line where we aimed in the direction at which they were coming and where they spawned and shot Volleys in perfect and Imperfect unison.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't know if this counts. I has two zombies running at my spikes.a red shirt and a bloated.i hit and stunned both as they were running up. Rex shirt hits the spikes first and dies almost instantly with bloated right behind him. From my abgle, it looked like red shirt lost his legs and fell and the bloated one trampled.over him pushing him into the spikes for the kill.

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Death trap


I was playing in creative mode in and converted a woods cabin into a reinforced concrete fort with vault door. The walls were 5 blocks high. I also extended the front into an enclosed courtyard 5 blocks high and 6 blocks out by 10 blocks wide across the front. No spikes, or mines. I then completely covered the top level with iron rail so that I could walk on it and shoot through with a clear line of sight to the front door. I left gaps in three walls of the courtyard so the zombies could easily pass through going to the door.


I thought this would be excellent for 7th day horde night. But then I thought, Why wait - Zombies are attracted to high heat sources, so I set up 25-30 campfires around the front door, fueled them with 1000 wood each and turned them all on at once. What followed can only be described as epic! There were literally hundreds of zombies coming through the surrounding wood attracted by the campfires. I was deluged with shooting zombies for a solid 24 hours of game time (120 min real time) until the campfires went out for lack of fuel or were broken in the melee.


I think I'll do it again!

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had a female zed that WOULD NOT DIE! pre patch 10, I took an arm off, still managed to wack me with the stumpy part - then took off a leg. she's still going at it!


then, took off the other leg, still going for me (this is also after pumping in bullets into her torso and head!). then finally, I took off her other arm, so all limbs gone!


Nope, that didn't stop her. Eventually, I had to mess her face up, but to be honest, it wouldn't have surprised me if she kept going..... :p

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  • 2 months later...

Chalk this one up to a you gotta be kidding me moment. I'm playing on insane difficulty, with everything maxed out except for zombies walk during the day and run at night along with no loot re-spawn. So I'm on day 3 during the night cycle on 1.16 and I'm starting to dig my underground starter base. I put a wood frame in the top of the opening to keep anyone from falling in on me and while I was digging I called in a small horde but I just let them do their thing up above me as they could only sense me. Well just before the morning started they happened to see me and started hunting me so I used my bow to kill the zombie that was on that block. Killed him then went up to remove the wood frame once the day cycle began so I could get out and put a ladder down into the underground base and the gore block fell on me and killed me. A gore block killed me with 110 health :miserable:

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I made a kill last night via Cactus. Sure it didn't technically count as my kill, but I was on foot for my first update 2 horde, and I am in the plains biome. I cleared grass away so I could see crawlers, but left the cacti. Put up some stacks with torches to see, then circled my clearing popping arrows into the zombies.


Some.came into my circle of light already missing legs, and some lost them as I ran about the cacti. I popped an arrow into one that was already missing a leg. It kept moving, but I had to change my focus to a faster moving two legged zed. I pit a cactus between myself and the crawler, focused on his friend, and when I turned back to the crawler, she was collapsed on the ground fully with her head in the cactus.

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