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A16 Extra Blocks Mod


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The Extra Blocks Mod (EBM) is a small mod that adds blocks from the creative menu into survival so that you can use other blocks, materials and shapes in your creations. Currently there are no actual new blocks added, but in future versions some custom blocks will be created.




94 Total Block Recipes Added

8 Rounded Corner Blocks

18 Awning Blocks Added

2 Brick Types Added

2 Carpet Blocks Added

Metal Blocks (Blue, Green, Orange, Red, Rusty, White)

Several Shapes added




You can get the code here:


ExtraBlocks Added Recipes


ExtraBlocks Localization




Just copy and paste the added recipes into your recipes file.



Copy and paste localization at the end of your localization.txt file. This will allow you to see all the item names properly.




Will you be adding more blocks?

Sure thing, there are over 400+ blocks that you can use to build with over time I will be adding them all.


Will you be creating custom blocks?

Yes, my goal was to allow builders the ability to build with the blocks that are currently available in the game. I am however in the process of creating csutom blocks.


Do you have plans to add items in?

I do have plans to create additional craftable items such as signs, lights and other decorative items.


Anyone who you’d like to thank?

Yes, all the other modders out there for enlightening us all on just how to go about editing the XML files. Special thanks to Valmar, Magoli and Todd/SKGaming.

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Of those awning blocks added are any of them plate shape?


No, the blocks are the present ones from Creative. You can view my spreadsheet I made that shows the majority of the blocks in the game and it also shows the ones that are currently a recipe and the ones I added as a recipe.


You can view the spreadsheet here:


Extra Blocks Spreadsheet (work in progress)


I didn't plan on creating new blocks, but I very well could if there is a fairly large request to do so.

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If you're interested you could see if there is anything worth salvaging from my A13 medieval block pack. The code was written in A13 so obviously it will need a few adjustments here and there but its still a bunch of blocks, possibly something in there worth saving. Includes icons and a list of everything added.




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If you're interested you could see if there is anything worth salvaging from my A13 medieval block pack. The code was written in A13 so obviously it will need a few adjustments here and there but its still a bunch of blocks, possibly something in there worth saving. Includes icons and a list of everything added.





Awesome I'll look into that. Thanks Val.

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May i add this to the Forum Server?


Oh and if it is not too much is it possible for you to place the additional names at the end of the Localization file? That way we can all just copy and paste your new names into our existing Localization files which may be in use for other mods? Thanks in advance.


Same for the recipe file if possible. Updated patches sometimes change the files and it would be very convenient if we could just re-add your code in at the end of the file instead of trying to update the whole thing manually.

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hi all i did a big blocks mod for a 12 i believe havent played sinds then so maybe you can use some of the code it added 200+ new block shapes to the game if i can find it i wil post a link in here. i have decided to stop on most xml based mods/tweaks sinds i want to focus more on the scripting.



filles they are from alpha 12.4 havent worked on them sinds then. maybe ask sergant if you can use some of his block's, sinds he has a lot in his mod if i remember.



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Appreciate that. I am in the process of expanding the mod some more so this would surely help. I may use these in the mod and I'll make sure to give credit to you.


I am working on adding a few workstations to craft various materials.

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