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Options to enable and disable mods


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I was wondering if it would be possible to set the game up to be able to turn on and turn off mods when creating a world. I know that after a world is created changing the mods could cause major problems. I do think it would be nice to be able to create a world without having to restore an old copy of the XML files. This is how I was thinking this could work, I am not a programmer so I have no idea if this is possible or not.


Mods or changes to the XML would be put in a separate folder from the main XML files of the game. If that mod is selected when creating a new world then the world would generate with the files from that mod folder.


I think this would be helpful as well if you mod or change any files for playing on a server. For example, I like to change the stamina use on the shovel. Every update I have to change that file, of course this is one change so it does not take long. However if I had a list of changes I could just keep them in my own Mod folder and select that option when creating a game.


Maybe something like this is already planned, maybe it is not possible to do, just a thought.



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this would be great but could also cause conflicts.


example mod1 adds block 1967 - colbaltwall

mod2 add block 1967 - orangecabinwall


now on run the block is added and then over written. anything in the first mod that uses the colbaltwall is not orangecabinwall.



i think this idea is fantastic when they get around to full mod support.

but how mods are donw would have to be changed




<change id="1" type="add">

<block name="obsidiumwall">

<property name="Material" value="steel" />

<property name="Texture" value="46" />

<property name="DowngradeBlock" value="steelWall" />

<property class="RepairItems">

<property name="forgedobsidium" value="10" />


<drop event="Destroy" name="scrapIron" count="4,12" prob="1" />

<drop event="Fall" name="scrapMetalPile" count="1" prob="1.0" stick_chance="1" />

<property name="Group" value="Building" />



this would add the block ddata with the last block id from bblocks.xml +the change id so inthis case +1



<change id="1" type="edit">

<block id="414" name="steelWall">

<property name="Material" value="steel" />

<property name="Texture" value="355,355,356,356,356,356" />

<property name="DowngradeBlock" value="concreteReinforced" />

<property class="RepairItems">

<property name="forgedSteel" value="10" />


<property class="UpgradeBlock">

<property name="ToBlock" value="obsidiumwall" />

<property name="Item" value="forgedobsidium" />

<property name="ItemCount" value="10" />

<property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="4" />


<drop event="Destroy" name="scrapIron" count="2,4" prob="1" />

<drop event="Fall" name="scrapMetalPile" count="1" prob="1.0" stick_chance="1" />


<property name="Group" value="Building" />




this would replace the specific block with the new data


thats just off the top of head, but some kind of system to allow multipul mods to work and intract together, its a great idea but alot more to it to actually implement i could see an entire alpha being dedicated to just mod support its really that in depth to do right

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I'm thinking that the Mods folder where the custom icons are placed will be where it heads in the future. From what I understand they intend for models and sounds etc to be added to the list alongside icons for being handled this way, so perhaps it will include having the modded xml files there as well and then an in game menu that allows selection of which mod folders to enable. For ID conflicts there are ways it could be handled, such as an automated re-sequencing system that detects conflicts and changes the ID. The selected mods would probably have to be locked in for each save game to avoid NRE's and such. The only real issue I see is block IDs for custom blocks in prefabs. But then if the custom prefabs are also in the Mods folders then there could be a translation system in place to re-sequence the prefabs as well on loading.

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Different MOD folders with the option to run the one you want when starting a game.


Or am I over simplifying something.


this would work for 1 singel mod at a time. maybe a resequencing function would work like StompyNZ says but with the current way of it it would cause conflicts doingit this way if using more than 1 mod, and form my limited experiance most people who use mods over mod :) (use lots of them).


maybe leaveing it to the host/server to work out all that stuff, and justhaveing the mods folder push out all assets and xmls on join would workd, but that wouldnt be a simple proccess as op was asking for, basically that would be the server admin or lan host, figuring out all the changes then when people jjoin it gets pushed.

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  • 3 years later...

Sounds to me like the solution is to be able to select "included" mods at game creation time. The newly created game folder would then includes a copy of every mod used by it.


Also sounds like if mods can "clash" that TFP needs to allow for identifier qualification - an ID then changes format.


So effectively item ID #1234 becomes #TheFunPimps.1234 and item #1234 in MyMod becomes #MyMod.1234


The installed mods are then essentially "available" to select from when a new game is started.

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