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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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Update (8/13/17)


Updated all mod versions including Trifecta Nutrition System



-Changed supply drop crates will now only give weapon parts from the treasure part loot group instead of full weapons and ammo (The treasure loot groups have an increase in quality chance compared to base quality template)

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I'm not sure if you're aware of the side effect of giving torches durability but I think you should know that if you have stack of them and the durability runs out, they all break. I like to use the torch as an early game weapon so this is important to me :)


Actually, I've edited out the changes made to durability and I also lowered the stamina cost of swings to 4 because the torch is lighter than a wooden club which is set at 5. Also, I increase the chance to set zeds on fire by .1 (10% increase). Just thought you might want to know about the entire stack being broken at once.

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Are you in the mod launcher?


Yup the mod launcher should be all set up for most of my mod idk abou tthe uI versions and probably not the new trifecta nutrition system


- - - Updated - - -


I'm not sure if you're aware of the side effect of giving torches durability but I think you should know that if you have stack of them and the durability runs out, they all break. I like to use the torch as an early game weapon so this is important to me :)


Actually, I've edited out the changes made to durability and I also lowered the stamina cost of swings by 4 (because the torcher is lighter than a wooden club which is 5) and increase the chance to set zeds on fire by .1 (10% increase). Just thought you might want to know about the entire stack being broken at once.


Yes I am completely aware of this but without the torch having durability it is an infinite use weapon and I did not want that at all. I would rather a whole stack break on someone because they did not separate the one torch to use it as a weapon. It is either that or I severely reduce the damage of the torch entirely.

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How about removing torch durability, setting torch physical damage to 1, decreasing ignite chance to .1 but put oil bottles (throwing bombs) into the game that make igniting & burning zeds much easier with the torch. Like the ignite chance goes up to .8 (80%) with the oil debuff applied.


IE Hit zed with oil bottle, hit zed with torch, dance around instant bonfire :)

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How about removing torch durability, setting torch physical damage to 1, decreasing ignite chance to .1 but put oil bottles (throwing bombs) into the game that make igniting & burning zeds much easier with the torch. Like the ignite chance goes up to .8 (80%) with the oil debuff applied.


IE Hit zed with oil bottle, hit zed with torch, dance around instant bonfire :)


Nice idea I will see what I can do, I still dont like the infinite use of it as a weapon though. :)

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Update (8/13/17)


Updated all mod versions and Trifecta nutrition System



-Torches will no longer break upon reaching 0 durability


EDIT: And yes I am aware that you can just place the torch back into a stack of torches to restore its durability but the amount of time it takes to put the torch into the stack and separate it and then click it back into your hot bar is actually more time consuming or just more tedious than repairing a weapon with a hotkey.

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What we really need is somethings you can build in the wilderness to rest. May an old bedroll without setting home. It's hard to get the game in flow. In the moment at lvl 20 day 21/60min I'm just trying to get something to eat, get antibiotics, get rest, get water for cleaning aso. No time for build or something like this.


May if the stack-size of food would be bigger it would help. I'm always carrying a wet towel with me and even if I'm the cleanest survivor ever I have always infections. May something you can do in the first stage where you can't see the infection, painkiller or something you have normally in inventory to avoid a real infection.

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What we really need is somethings you can build in the wilderness to rest. May an old bedroll without setting home. It's hard to get the game in flow. In the moment at lvl 20 day 21/60min I'm just trying to get something to eat, get antibiotics, get rest, get water for cleaning aso. No time for build or something like this.


May if the stack-size of food would be bigger it would help. I'm always carrying a wet towel with me and even if I'm the cleanest survivor ever I have always infections. May something you can do in the first stage where you can't see the infection, painkiller or something you have normally in inventory to avoid a real infection.


I will make an update soon that will address some of this. For now you can pick up a small wood chair and use that to rest on.

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Update (8/14/17)


Updated Both Main Mod Versions



-Changed weather back to vanilla (It should rain again now)

-Added a small chance for blueberries to spawn in the forest and pine forest biome (Preparing for merging the nutrition system into the main mod)

-Changed naturally spawning corn plant into the dead version so I did not have to add a whole new player harvestable version



-Restored the place alt blocks of player crafted dirt blocks and made them use the plant growing class instead of upgrade rated from vanilla, everything will function the same as vanilla now in regards to placing dirt blocks down and having them grow into a grass block, only it uses a less impactful code so it will be easier on performance. (This was the main reason the devs removed gore blocks is because too many blocks used upgrade rated class and it caused performance issues supposedly, either way the plant growing class has never had an impact since we could always grow large crops.)

-Added specific player harvestable plants to replace the upgrade path for growing plants that spawn in the wild (Goldenrod, cotton etc.)

-Removed the downgrade path of all naturally spawning plants so they do not downgrade into sprouts that can not grow due to lack of fertility, they will now just be destroyed


Note: These changes will not affect current saves in any negative way but in order to actually benefit from the changes to the naturally spawning plants that already downgraded into sprouts you will have to start a new world, either way its not entirely a big deal to start a new world but after applying this update any plants you break in the wild from now on will simply be destroyed. Worst case scenario is you will have to replant some of your already grown crops after you harvest them.

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Update (8/14/17)


Updated both mod versions



-Resting on small wood chairs now decreases fatigue at the same rate as beds (The ones you can pick up and the ones you cant)



-Increased stack size of all foods to 50 from 10

-Decreased stack size of beakers to 1 from 10

-Decreased infection chance of being hit by zombies while clean to 1% from 5%

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Update (8/14/17)


Updated Trifecta Nutrition System



-Resting on small wood chairs now decreases fatigue at the same rate as beds (The ones you can pick up and the ones you cant)



-Increased stack size of all foods to 50 from 10

-Decreased stack size of beakers to 1 from 10

-Decreased infection chance of being hit by zombies while clean to 1% from 5%

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I will make an update soon that will address some of this. For now you can pick up a small wood chair and use that to rest on.


To carry something with me is no problem. The problem is, if I seriously carry all I need to survive, than I have maybe 6 places left in the inventory. You seriously should think about an backpack expansion.

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This mod looks awesome! - just curious, how does this compare to say true survival? I'm looking for a more hardcore experience in comparison to vanilla. Slow and painful progression and end game pain


I have not played True Survival so I can not really say which is harder, you will have to let me know. :)


- - - Updated - - -


To carry something with me is no problem. The problem is, if I seriously carry all I need to survive, than I have maybe 6 places left in the inventory. You seriously should think about an backpack expansion.


I have been thinking about this but it is quite a bit of work but I may do that at some point here soon.

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Update (8/14/17)


Updated Trifecta Nutrition System



-Fixed trifecta buffs in the negative 50 range will now properly debuff when one of the three food groups falls below its peak range


- - - Updated - - -


I have not played True Survival so I can not really say which is harder, you will have to let me know. :)



Haha! Would you say this is a step up from vanilla? Have you got recommended settings for someone who likes to get really raged?


I would start with my recommended settings Nomad and mandatory 60 min day cycle due to how my buffs work. and go up from there definitely do not put always run or you will be murderized.

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Update (8/14/17)

X-D thanks

Updated Trifecta Nutrition System



-Fixed trifecta buffs in the negative 50 range will now properly debuff when one of the three food groups falls below its peak range


- - - Updated - - -



I would start with my recommended settings Nomad and mandatory 60 min day cycle due to how my buffs work. and go up from there definitely do not put always run or you will be murderized.

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Update (8/14/17)


Updated all mod versions including the Trifecta Nutrition System and UI Version Pack



-Increased player dropped backpack inventory size by one column



-Increased player backpack inventory to have 4 extra slots by increasing its columns by one


It might not be much but I do want to keep the aspect of struggling for inventory space and since this mod only adds a couple of items that you should travel with I feel this is a nice balance

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I'm missing almost all skill book recipes. I only have gun smith, weap smith, science. Using 16.2 + nutri + old compo


Sorry forgot to remove the medical book recipe. thanks for letting me know!


Update (8/14/17)


Updated all Mod Versions including Trifecta nutrition System



-Removed recipe to craft Medical Bood since that book no longer exists (Sorry about that forgot to remove the recipe after I removed the book)

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