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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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Ok, going to write a food-diary.


Reached iron plating. I'm not sure how I feel about them being crafted with iron ore. Usually, all my ore goes into the forge and is processed from theron. Which makes sense as iron ore itself is pretty useless.





Talking about food. Idea: Make food more expensive, but reduce drain. It's unrealistic and annoying to always carry food around as one cant survive one damn day without food. Normally not a big problem, but as this mod needs you to carry more stuff around to survive, Inventory space is far too limited imho.




The food gauge could be changed too. Let it have effects earlier, and deadlier once empty. So one can survive one day without food (one scavenge day) and eat at home. If one is going to be away longer, he should pack some food or live with the consequencing debuffs,.. or even starving.

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Ok, going to write a food-diary.


Reached iron plating. I'm not sure how I feel about them being crafted with iron ore. Usually, all my ore goes into the forge and is processed from theron. Which makes sense as iron ore itself is pretty useless.





Talking about food. Idea: Make food more expensive, but reduce drain. It's unrealistic and annoying to always carry food around as one cant survive one damn day without food. Normally not a big problem, but as this mod needs you to carry more stuff around to survive, Inventory space is far too limited imho.




The food gauge could be changed too. Let it have effects earlier, and deadlier once empty. So one can survive one day without food (one scavenge day) and eat at home. If one is going to be away longer, he should pack some food or live with the consequencing debuffs,.. or even starving.


Thanks, and do you mean that you dont want the scrap iron plating to be crafted with scrap iron? Cause we already have forged iron and the only reason why I have not used forged iron for upgrading into scrap iron walls is because it does not make sense within the boudns of the game simply because of the fact that the blocks are labeled as scrap iron blocks and even look like scrap iron instead of forged iron.


You dont craft the plating with ore though.


Also I dont want to change how many times you have to eat a day but I am going to make more options for food and it will be a bit more difficult to make food but not really, that is not the focus the focus for my nutrition system is that you maintain certain food buffs depending on what food groups you eat. It is really rather complex and I will go into detail with the release notes once its finished and if I can get it balanced properly.


But thanks for making a food diary that could help a lot, does not have to be too extensive just so I can get a ballpark idea of how much food is being drained per day basically and how much food on average and how often a person eats will help too.

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Update (8/10/17)


Updated Experimental Branch ONLY to A 16.3!


These fixes are strictly from TFP that I have transferred over to the mod!


-Updated for game version A 16.3 EXP!



-Removed unnecessary body physics code

-Fixed chickens will not do the funky chicken anymore


Note: I still need to update the Assembly-CSharp for dedicated servers for A 16.3 EXP

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Update (8/10/17)


Updated A 16.2 Stable Only


These fixes are strictly from TFP that I have transferred over to the mod!



-Removed unnecessary body physics code

-Fixed chickens will not do the funky chicken anymore


Note: There are other fixes in the Physicsbodies XML from TFP in A 16.3 but I am not currently using that file so if you want that update you will have to update to A 16.3, it should be save compatible anyways!

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do you delete receipts for empty can water? just wanted to smelt some snow in it


Must have forgot it thanks for letting me know.


- - - Updated - - -


Update (8/11/17)



-Added Can Murky Water can now be crafted with a snow ball

-Changed all recipes that had bottled river water as an ingredient to now use bottled water (I see the reason for it since your cooking the water anyways but I want it all to be the same so you cook with purified water instead of contaminating the food / antibiotics)

-Removed redundant recipe for glue that used bottled river water

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Recipes: the half block recipes are doubled iirc.


Diary: only 1 day so far:


when I ate/drank, it was usually untill im 90+% stuffed


23-05 Mining

3 bread, 3 tea, 4 coffee


5-11 upping def + killing zeds

2 bread, 3 tea, 1 coffee

died one time as i was stuffed with food/thirst


11-18 after small crafting break, upping def more

3 bread, 2 tea, 5 yucca fruit


18-22 afk


22-03 crafting


3-4 Mining

2 bread, 2 tea, 1 coffee


4-5 crafting, offline afterwards

11 yucca fruit, 1 tea.



Is this schemata ok or do you need more/other detail?

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Recipes: the half block recipes are doubled iirc.


Diary: only 1 day so far:


when I ate/drank, it was usually untill im 90+% stuffed


23-05 Mining

3 bread, 3 tea, 4 coffee


5-11 upping def + killing zeds

2 bread, 3 tea, 1 coffee

died one time as i was stuffed with food/thirst


11-18 after small crafting break, upping def more

3 bread, 2 tea, 5 yucca fruit


18-22 afk


22-03 crafting


3-4 Mining

2 bread, 2 tea, 1 coffee


4-5 crafting, offline afterwards

11 yucca fruit, 1 tea.



Is this schemata ok or do you need more/other detail?


Thank you, that is perfect and should be all I need to make my calculations now! Also fixed the duplicate recipe thanks!


- - - Updated - - -


Update (8/11/17)


-Removed duplicate wood half frame

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How long does it take the average player to get 1 level? Seems to take me long time, with real life, work, at this rate it would take 200+ days to reach level 200


Yup it is a slow progression not meant to be reaching max level for a very long time. Luckily gamestages compensates for how fast each person levels individually.


This is meant to be that way so you always have something to get back into and always have a goal rather than simply making max level 9999 for eg this makes it balanced like an MMO rpg style of leveling.


Luckily its not impossible to get to max level and you can get about 1 to 3 levels per in game day in a particular skill if you focus on that skill for that full day.


once you reach lvl 100 in all skills then you will be lvl 200 in player level, you might get there sooner since killing zombies goes towards player experience as well.

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Hints: always craft something. For example, one could always craft cortage and scrap it into fiber again (let the workbench do the scrapwork). Use your tools a lot and start to brew coffee as early as possible.

Desert is a great starting place. Lots of yucca, easy to dig ground. And getting too warm is easier to handle with than getting too cold.


My friend and me are around lvl 40 now. Our first selfbuild base is complete and awaits furnitures =) Dont be dismotivated. The start is hard but it gets better and better. Now we reached a state where we think we can handle the apocalypse =)




Question: How does the coop work? I fed it its seeds, but cant upgrade it any further with those seeds. It always tells me I'm lacking wood when trying to upgrade further. How many days does one cycle take and what exactly does mean they have to be outside. Does it just need no blocks above them? Glass above is ok? May I dig them 1 block deep in ground, so one can walk over?

It's hard to test those things by myself, as i have literally no feedback from them but want to build a bigger farm of them ;-)

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Hints: always craft something. For example, one could always craft cortage and scrap it into fiber again (let the workbench do the scrapwork). Use your tools a lot and start to brew coffee as early as possible.

Desert is a great starting place. Lots of yucca, easy to dig ground. And getting too warm is easier to handle with than getting too cold.


My friend and me are around lvl 40 now. Our first selfbuild base is complete and awaits furnitures =) Dont be dismotivated. The start is hard but it gets better and better. Now we reached a state where we think we can handle the apocalypse =)




Question: How does the coop work? I fed it its seeds, but cant upgrade it any further with those seeds. It always tells me I'm lacking wood when trying to upgrade further. How many days does one cycle take and what exactly does mean they have to be outside. Does it just need no blocks above them? Glass above is ok? May I dig them 1 block deep in ground, so one can walk over?

It's hard to test those things by myself, as i have literally no feedback from them but want to build a bigger farm of them ;-)


The Chicken Coops grow over time like plants after you upgrade them with chicken feed so they need to be outside, it takes a while for them to become lootable. After each stage they grow into their texture will change into a slightly more upgraded version until it becomes lootable so once oyu recognize the full lootable stage and what it looks like you can easily tell when its ready from a distance.

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Mushroon is tuff to find, unless im unlucky lol, all herbal recipes call for it, that intended?


Caves have them, if you travel the map you will find poi caves pretty easy just go inside and you will find mushrooms, otherwise chicken coops give one random seed per harvest and cupboards will give you seeds too.


Oh and traders will sell them as well. And caves will still generate naturally as well they are not pois so you wont see a flat area showing you its a poi cave just a random hole in the ground harder to spot.


I have also seen mushrooms growing on the floors in some of the houses in the compo pack.


You can also find seeds in junk loot, so all trash and zombies will drop them as well.

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Update (8/12/17)



-Rebalanced all food recipes to now give the exact amount of food based off of their ingredients and how much each of those ingredients gives for food.



-Changed all food items no longer give direct health gains only the full buff is to give passive health gain from food

-Reduced amount of health aloe cream gives to 5 from 10

-Added Wheat can now be eaten directly for 1 food

-Changed some food items food value to balance the recipe ingredients used for other foods


Note: I am close to finishing my Trifecta Nutrition System, provided everything goes well during testing I will be releasing it as an add on since it is a complex system. This will probably be one of the most complex Nutrition systems in any survival game. At least any that I have played.


I will be adding a few new foods and they will make it into the base mod as well.


A brief but descriptive description of what this Nutrition System entails is:


I have broken foods down into 5 food groups, Meat, Grain, Dairy, Veg and Fruit.


Food will no longer give direct wellness, instead it will increment your Nutrition based on what food groups you have in your system. You wellness will slowly go up or down based off of your nutrition level.


Eating only one food group or too much of one food group will cause your nutrition level to fall making you need to balance your diet.


Each food group will have a half peak and a full peak buff that you will benefit from a small amount provided you do not go over the peak nutritional level for that food group. If you are to maintain at least 2 food groups at half peak you will benefit from a bifecta buff that will slowly increase your nutrition over time, at full peak in any two food groups you will receive a better bifecta buff that will increase your nutrition at a slightly faster rate. If you are to go over your peak nutrition level for any given food group you will no longer benefit from this bifecta buff from that specific food group and will be given a buff that will decrease your nutrition level based on that food group. Buffs will indicate which food group is over the limit. Negative nutrtion buffs for each food group work independent of the positive bifecta and trifecta buffs. So you may be going up in nutrition from a bifecta in two food groups and be going down in another.


Food groups will metabolize at the same rate at which your food is metabolized in game, I have also compensated for other buffs that drain your food faster like Infection and Freezing, you will metabolize your food groups at the same rate as your food will be metabolized in game while under the effects of those buffs.


So if you go over your limit on one food group simply do not eat any foods from that food group and move on to another food group until it has metabolized.


Maintaining three food groups without going over the peak in any of those food groups will give you either a half peak Trifecta or a full peak Trifecta buff that will increase your nutrition at an even faster rate than the bifecta buffs.


I still have a fair amount of work to do with the Nutrition system before its release making sure everything is balanced properly. It will be absolutely mandatory to play on 60 minute days if you are to partake in the Trifecta Nutrition System because of the metabolic rates that are used to compensate for real time buffs due to infection and freezing.

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Update (8/12/17)



-Rebalanced all food recipes to now give the exact amount of food based off of their ingredients and how much each of those ingredients gives for food.



-Changed all food items no longer give direct health gains only the full buff is to give passive health gain from food

-Reduced amount of health aloe cream gives to 5 from 10

-Added Wheat can now be eaten directly for 1 food

-Changed some food items food value to balance the recipe ingredients used for other foods


Note: I am close to finishing my Trifecta Nutrition System, provided everything goes well during testing I will be releasing it as an add on since it is a complex system. This will probably be one of the most complex Nutrition systems in any survival game. At least any that I have played.


I will be adding a few new foods and they will make it into the base mod as well.


A brief but descriptive description of what this Nutrition System entails is:


I have broken foods down into 5 food groups, Meat, Grain, Dairy, Veg and Fruit.


Food will no longer give direct wellness, instead it will increment your Nutrition based on what food groups you have in your system. You wellness will slowly go up or down based off of your nutrition level.


Eating only one food group or too much of one food group will cause your nutrition level to fall making you need to balance your diet.


Each food group will have a half peak and a full peak buff that you will benefit from a small amount provided you do not go over the peak nutritional level for that food group. If you are to maintain at least 2 food groups at half peak you will benefit from a bifecta buff that will slowly increase your nutrition over time, at full peak in any two food groups you will receive a better bifecta buff that will increase your nutrition at a slightly faster rate. If you are to go over your peak nutrition level for any given food group you will no longer benefit from this bifecta buff from that specific food group and will be given a buff that will decrease your nutrition level based on that food group. Buffs will indicate which food group is over the limit. Negative nutrtion buffs for each food group work independent of the positive bifecta and trifecta buffs. So you may be going up in nutrition from a bifecta in two food groups and be going down in another.


Food groups will metabolize at the same rate at which your food is metabolized in game, I have also compensated for other buffs that drain your food faster like Infection and Freezing, you will metabolize your food groups at the same rate as your food will be metabolized in game while under the effects of those buffs.


So if you go over your limit on one food group simply do not eat any foods from that food group and move on to another food group until it has metabolized.


Maintaining three food groups without going over the peak in any of those food groups will give you either a half peak Trifecta or a full peak Trifecta buff that will increase your nutrition at an even faster rate than the bifecta buffs.


I still have a fair amount of work to do with the Nutrition system before its release making sure everything is balanced properly. It will be absolutely mandatory to play on 60 minute days if you are to partake in the Trifecta Nutrition System because of the metabolic rates that are used to compensate for real time buffs due to infection and freezing.


Awesome, i love the food system in 7d2d, good to see it being combined and utilized!


A bedroll in the huge prefab skyscraper, i looted and cant scrap it

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Awesome, i love the food system in 7d2d, good to see it being combined and utilized!


A bedroll in the huge prefab skyscraper, i looted and cant scrap it


Fixed, Thanks for letting me know!, And yeah I am just hoping it is not too tedious to pay attention to what food groups you have in your system and stuff and hope its not too easy to keep positive nutrition. There are a ton of factors to consider with this new system and will need as much feedback as possible after its release.


One thing I am concerned about is the dairy products are loot only, like Milk, Cheese, Yogurt. But you can craft them so long as you have the milk to craft them.


I need a way to produce Milk that makes sense since we dont have cows in the game. I am hoping that it can be a supplement food group and will show up in loot and traders often enough to make it viable. Unless you dont mind obtaining milk / cream from animal fat.


I am hoping to have this finished within the next few days. There is still a lot of work to do though.


- - - Updated - - -


Update (8/12/17)



-Added weight to Old Dirty Bedroll so it can be scrapped.

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Fixed, Thanks for letting me know!, And yeah I am just hoping it is not too tedious to pay attention to what food groups you have in your system and stuff and hope its not too easy to keep positive nutrition. There are a ton of factors to consider with this new system and will need as much feedback as possible after its release.


One thing I am concerned about is the dairy products are loot only, like Milk, Cheese, Yogurt. But you can craft them so long as you have the milk to craft them.


I need a way to produce Milk that makes sense since we dont have cows in the game. I am hoping that it can be a supplement food group and will show up in loot and traders often enough to make it viable. Unless you dont mind obtaining milk / cream from animal fat.


I am hoping to have this finished within the next few days. There is still a lot of work to do though.


- - - Updated - - -


Update (8/12/17)



-Added weight to Old Dirty Bedroll so it can be scrapped.


What about non-dairy milk? Like soybean milk, or something?


I am kinda thinking the buff timer on bathing is too often...is it a 24 hour timer? Cause in an apocalypse we shouldnt be bathing daily, maybe every 3-5 days

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